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 Make me a sanctuary. Exodus 25:8.  Visual – Exodus 26:31  Auditory – Exodus 28:31-33  Practical – Tactile/Kinaesthetic – Exodus 30:7-11.

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Presentation on theme: " Make me a sanctuary. Exodus 25:8.  Visual – Exodus 26:31  Auditory – Exodus 28:31-33  Practical – Tactile/Kinaesthetic – Exodus 30:7-11."— Presentation transcript:

1  Make me a sanctuary. Exodus 25:8

2  Visual – Exodus 26:31  Auditory – Exodus 28:31-33  Practical – Tactile/Kinaesthetic – Exodus 30:7-11

3 Find:  Yours  Bible characters

4 Out of 10:  Auditory - 2  Visual - 4  Practical – Tactile/Kinaesthetic - 4

5  Exodus 20:10 – all ages  Family profile BUC Family Ministries Manual, page 105.

6  Singles  Family groups  All ages  Different learning modes

7 Responses to Jesus ages 5-1332% ages 14-184% ages 19-death6% 58% never do respond, or stop attending church Barna Research Group

8  See children as regular members  Children link the church & community: mums & toddlers club, Holiday Bible Schools, weekly clubs  Develop children’s spiritual gifts  Make church a place where they can invite their friends by being child inclusive  Greet them by name  Listen to their needs  Every SERMON is to have a corner for children – Gospel Workers, p 208, EGW

9 By being:  Interactive  Intergenerational BUC Children’s Ministries Manual, Tell a Child, Tell the World, pages 93-130.

10  He lectured. Sermon on the mount; from a fishing boat and while walking.  Led discussions. He never forced decisions but encouraged people to make them.  Asked questions. “In the 125 teaching situations recorded in the Bible from Jesus’ ministry, over two thirds of the time the learner asked the questions in response to what Jesus had either said or done. The Master knew that words had to be linked with actions if learning was going to take place. Jesus asked his learners to become active participants in the learning process.” (The Christian Educators Handbook). “By being drawn out from the listeners rather than by simply being declared by Jesus, the correct answer was more convincingly and permanently impressed upon their mind.” (ibid).

11  Used stories and parables.  Used life situations to illustrate points. Every lesson was hand-tooled and chosen to fit the demands of the situation and the need of the learner.  He was committed to Scripture. He believed in what He was teaching.  He was creative. It is difficult to find Jesus ever doing the same thing in the same way.  He never disengaged from His culture. His language was always adapted to the person’s experience, his occupation, social problem, customs, family life and religious concepts.

12  Everyone has a say  A minority cannot control  Forward planning is the key to success BUC Children’s Ministries Manual, p 81-84.

13  Prelude music – adults, teens, children.  Introit – retiree.  Invocation – preacher.  Welcome – teen boy and girl.  Hymns of praise – beginner children and parents.  Scripture – read or mimed by an all age group.  Collection – deacons and boys.  Children’s story – by a Grandparent

14  Special music – youth group  Sermon – preacher to remember:  Learning modes and ages  Every sermon to include a corner for children (Gospel Workers, page 208)  Closing hymn – elder on platform  Benediction - preacher

15  It is our joy and challenge to help all worship Him.

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