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Toxics Use Reduction Institute Five Chemical Alternatives Assessment Study Liz Harriman Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute.

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1 Toxics Use Reduction Institute Five Chemical Alternatives Assessment Study Liz Harriman Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute

2 Overview TURI Mission 5 Chemicals Alternatives Assessment Study – Overview Study Process Chemical Uses Alternatives for Selected Uses

3 Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute MA Toxics Use Reduction Act 1989 Use Reporting TUR Planning Manufacturers and service industries –10 employee and 10,000/25,000 lb threshold, except PBTs TURA agencies: TURI, Office of Technical Assistance, and DEP

4 Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute Mission: –Research, test and promote alternatives to toxic chemicals used in Massachusetts industries and communities –Provide resources and tools for a safer place to live and work –Promote economic competitiveness Via research, training, technical support, networks, lab testing and information

5 TURI 5 Chemicals Alternatives Assessment Study The Commonwealth of Mass. has requested that TURI assess the feasibility of adopting alternatives to 5 chemicals: –Lead –Formaldehyde –Perchloroethylene –Hexavalent chromium –di-(2 ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Final report due to legislature June 30, 2006

6 Legislative Request For each substance: –Describe the significant uses in MA Manufacturing Products –Identify possible alternatives, proven and emergent, for selected uses For each alternative chemical or technology, assess their potential to serve as substitutes for specific applications: –Technical feasibility –Economic feasibility –Environmental and occupational health & safety evaluation

7 Legislative Request Economic Analysis –Study economic opportunities and impact on employment level and economic competitiveness of the Commonwealth as a result of adopting substitutes The information available to us for specific alternatives is limited and often varies significantly by facility and application Undertake survey of experts to discuss major factors influencing economic opportunities and impacts

8 TURI goals Conduct an objective and scientific alternatives assessment Be transparent and open Get input from major stakeholders in Massachusetts Produce results that will help companies and consumers make better decisions

9 TURI goals Results will not –Advocate or state preference for any particular alternatives –Recommend bans or phase-outs of any chemicals or any uses of chemicals

10 How does the study relate to TURA? Options Assessment –TUR Planners and the TURA Program have 15 years of experience researching, investigating and developing alternatives to the use of toxic chemicals Methods for Assessment –TURI and UMass Lowell have researched and developed alternatives assessment methodologies –still striving to outline a practical, efficient, and sufficiently accurate tool for TUR Planners to assist in decision making

11 How does the study relate to TURA? TUR in 2006 increasingly focuses on materials substitution –Economic competitiveness tied to: International materials restrictions Customer requirements –Elimination goals for PBTs –Much of the “low hanging fruit” has been picked –Consumer focus on toxics in products, body burden studies

12 Setting Priorities Schedule and Budget require assessing a subset of chemical uses and alternatives Focus on uses and alternatives where assessment results will be of most value Stakeholder input used to select high priority uses and alternatives

13 5 Chemical Alternatives Assessment Study Process Overview Phase I Chemical Uses Phase II Alternatives ID Phase III Alternatives Assessment Phase IV Prepare Report Phase V Wrap-up/Outreach Select Priorities and Carry out Assessments FY2007

14 Identify Chemical Uses Perchloroethylene Formaldehyde DEHP Lead Hexavalent Chromium

15 Perc Use 2003 MA TURA Data

16 Dry cleaning Automotive aerosols –Brake, engine, tire Metal cleaning/degreasing Chemical maskant formulations Chemical intermediate (refrigerant mfr) Minor/historical uses: –Paint strippers, adhesives, inks, de-inking fluids, upholstery & carpet cleaners, sealants, metal polish, lube oils Perchloroethylene Use

17 Formaldehyde Use 2003 MA TURA Data

18 Formaldehyde Uses – Adhesives/Resins Urea- Formaldehyde –particleboard, medium-density fiberboard, hardwood plywood and waferboard- Interior, non-structural applications Phenol- Formaldehyde –plywood, softwood, oriented strand board, hardboard, molded wood, particleboard, most commonly used for exterior waterproof applications Melamine-Formaldehyde –decorative surface laminants, moisture resistant panels, cabinetry, dishware Decorative laminants (plastics, computer monitors) Insulation Glass fiber roofing mats Paper products (wallpaper, wet strength additives) Paint

19 Formaldehyde Uses (cont.) Permanent press textile coatings Flame retardant textile coatings (cross-linking agent) Electroless copper Disinfectant/Sterilant Preservative for –Tissue Preservation –Embalming –Cosmetics/Personal Care (nail finish, hardener) –Cleaning Products

20 DEHP Use 2003 MA TURA Data

21 Major DEHP Uses Plasticizer in PVC –Medical Devices Sheet Uses (e.g., Blood Bags) Tubing (e.g., IV tubing) –Resilient Flooring –Vinyl Wall Coverings –Toys, footwear, vinyl shower curtains –Food Packaging Films –Upholstery, textile coatings –Wire and Cable coatings

22 DEHP Uses Al Foil Coating/Laminate Paper Coating Extrudable Molds and Profiles Printing Inks Paints/Lacquers Adhesives/Coatings Minor uses –Vacuum pump oil, Roofing, Cosmetics, Pesticides, Ceramics

23 Chromium and Compounds Use* 2003 MA TURA Data *Chromium and compounds reporting category includes Cr +6

24 Major Hexavalent Chromium Uses Alloys (Welding, Grinding, etc.) –Steel Alloys (tool steel and stainless steel) –Non-ferrous alloys (Cr-Ni, Co-Cr, Cr-Mo) –Superalloys –Cast iron alloys Electroplating –Hard chrome electroplating –Decorative chrome electroplating –Black chromium electroplating

25 Major Hexavalent Chromium Uses Coatings –Chromate conversion anti-corrosion coatings –Metal films –Adhesion coatings Colorants/Pigments - for paints, inks, plastics (yellow, orange, red, green) Dyes -Textile dyes and mordant/fixative Wood preservative, chromated copper arsenate Other: leather tanning, refractories, byproduct of combustion

26 Lead Use 2003 MA TURA Data Major Use CategoryTURA Total Use (2003)PoundsNumber of Filers PVC/Rubber 42.4%3,955,93839 Waste Combustors 28.3%2,642,9874 Waste Management 14.9%1,395,2194 Pigments 2.3%211,5964 Metal Finishing 2.2%201,13014 Casting/Extrusion 2.0%190,22317 Electronics 2.0%186,43459 Glass 1.7%162,13710 Sheet Lead 1.7%157,1973 Power Generation 1.3%122,8617 Ceramics 0.6%58,2123 Miscellaneous 0.3%28,49040 Ammunition 0.1%13,7821 Concrete/Stone 0.1%10,56419 Batteries 0.0%00 Totals:100.0%9,336,770224

27 Major Lead Uses Sheet lead (building construction, medical radiation shielding, etc.) Ammunition Heat Stabilizer in PVC and Rubber Electronics (solder, surface and lead finish, etc.) Casting/Extrusion (e.g., weights, jewelry) Metal finishing

28 Major Lead Uses Pigments Glass Batteries Concrete (present in fly ash and minerals) Ceramics Power generation and waste combustors (present in solid waste and fossil fuels)

29 Prioritize Chemical Uses Importance to Massachusetts –Manufacturing –Consumer Products Availability of Alternatives Exposure potential Stakeholder Issues Other

30 High Priority Chemical Uses Perchloroethylene  Garment cleaning  Automotive aerosols (brake, engine, tire cleaners)  Vapor degreasing Formaldehyde  Adhesives/resins for manufactured wood panels  Barber/beauty sanitizers  Preserved school laboratory specimen fixatives

31 High Priority Chemical Uses DEHP  Medical devices used in neonatal and infant care  Resilient flooring  Vinyl wall coverings Lead  PVC heat stabilizers for wire and cable coatings  Weighting: wheel weights and fishing tackle  Ammunition for shooting ranges

32 High Priority Chemical Uses Hexavalent Chromium  Hard chrome plating  Decorative chrome plating  Chromate conversion coatings

33 Phase II – Chemical Alternatives & Screening Identify Alternatives Screen Alternatives Consider Stakeholder Input Prioritize Alternatives

34 Identify Alternatives Existing and Emerging Alternatives –Drop-in Chemical Substitutes –Material Substitutes –Changes in Manufacturing Operations –Changes to Component/Product Design –Other Technological Solutions

35 Screen Alternatives TURA Science Advisory Board More Hazardous Chemicals Persistence, Bioaccumulativity, Toxicity Carcinogenicity

36 Prioritize Alternatives Performance Availability Manufacturing Location Environmental, Health and Safety Cost Global Market Effect Representative of a class of alternatives

37 Alternatives Selected for Study Chemical, materials and technological alternatives selected Some specific alternatives chosen as representative of a class of alternatives

38 Lead – Uses and Alternatives Heat Stabilizers – PVC Wire and Cable Mixed metal: Ca-, Ba-, Mg-Zn Magnesium aluminum hydroxide carbonate hydrate Magnesium zinc aluminum hydroxide carbonate Handgun Ammunition Bismuth (bismuth with copper, polyethylene or zinc jacket) Copper (sintered copper powder with tin, copper with polymer) Iron (iron powder with copper) Tungsten (tungsten and copper powder in nylon matrix, and tungsten with tin) Zinc (zinc powder and zinc wire with jacket) Wheel Weights Copper Polypropylene (PP with chalk filler, and PP cartridge with steel media) Steel Tin Zinc and zinc/copper/aluminum alloy (ZAMA) Fishing Sinkers Bismuth Steel Tin Tungsten Ceramic

39 Perc – Uses and Alternatives Garment Cleaning Hydrocarbon (Exxon Mobil DF-2000) Aliphatic glycol ethers (Rynex) Siloxane (Green Earth) Wet cleaning w/ detergent (DWX 44 – Icy Water and Green Jet) Liquid CO2 Vapor Degreasing N-propyl bromide (Ensolv) Volatile methyl siloxane (Dow OS 10) HFCs (Micro Care Flux Remover C) HFCs (Dupont Vertrel MCA - azeotrope of Vertrel® XF hydrofluorocarbon (2,3- dihydrodecafluoropentane) with trans-1,2-dichloroethylene. Water based cleaning Automotive Aerosols (Tire, brake and engine cleaners - external and internal) Water and detergent Silicone Glycol ethers Hydrocarbon (hydrotreated light petroleum distillates; medium aliphatic petroleum solvent) Toluene-based Heptane-based Citrus based terpene (d-limonene)

40 Formaldehyde – Uses and Alternatives Architectural Panel Wood plywood panels (Purebond) and by Columbia Forest Products (soy adhesive binder) Recycled paper-based panels made by Homasote (paraffin wax binder) Wood fiber-Portland Cement panels made by Viroc Plastic-wood composite panels by JER Envirotech Salon and Barber drawer sanitizers Process change to eliminate use of paraformaldehyde “Steri-dri” sterilants UV sterilization chamber Education Specimen Fixatives and Preservatives Specimens in Formalternate (Propylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol Phenyl Ether, and Phenol) Specimens in WARD’S Formaldehyde-Free Preserved Specimens (may contain gluteraldehyde, phenol, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol pheyl either, dietheylene glycol phenyl ether, or acetone) Specimens in STF Preservative by Nebraska Scientific (diazolidinyl urea, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,2- diol, zinc sulfate, sodium citrate) Virtual/Video dissection

41 DEHP – Uses and Alternatives Resilient Flooring DOTP, di 2-ethylhexyl terephthalate DGD, dipropylene glycol dibenzoate DINP, di (isononyl) phthalate Natural linoleum Cork Polyolefin Medical Devices Bag/Sheet Applications TOTM, tri-2-ethylhexyl trimellitate DEHA, di (ethylhexyl) adipate BTHC, butyryl trihexyl citrate DINCH, di (isononyl) cyclohexane- 1,2-dicarboxylate EVA Polyethylene Glass Medical Devices: Tubing Applications TOTM DEHA BTHC DINCH Silicone Polyurethane Vinyl Wall Coverings DINP DEHA Glass woven textiles (Textra) Wood fiber/Polyester (Allegory by Innovations) Polyester/cellulose blends (Duraprene, Enspire and Moment)

42 Hex Cr – Uses and Alternatives Zinc galvanized steel passivation Molybdates / Moly-white Trivalent chromium compounds Mineral tie-coat Decorative Chrome Electroplating Trivalent chromium plating baths Low temperature arc vapor deposition of Trivalent chromium Hard Chrome Electroplating Trivalent chromium plating baths Thermal sprays: high velocity oxy- fuel and plasma sprays Weld facing methods and micro-arc welding Heat treatments and plasma nitriding Laser modification, alloying and coating Electrodeposited nanocrystalline coatings Vapor deposition methods

43 Stay Tuned Go to our website ( and click on “5 Chemicals Alternatives Assessment Study” under “New at TURI” The final report will be posted on our website this summer Liz Harriman –

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