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Planets. The Order of the Planets  1. Mercury  2. Venus  3. Earth  4. Mars  5. Jupiter  6. Saturn  7. Uranus  8. Neptune  9. Pluto  1. Mercury.

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Presentation on theme: "Planets. The Order of the Planets  1. Mercury  2. Venus  3. Earth  4. Mars  5. Jupiter  6. Saturn  7. Uranus  8. Neptune  9. Pluto  1. Mercury."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planets

2 The Order of the Planets  1. Mercury  2. Venus  3. Earth  4. Mars  5. Jupiter  6. Saturn  7. Uranus  8. Neptune  9. Pluto  1. Mercury  2. Venus  3. Earth  4. Mars  5. Jupiter  6. Saturn  7. Uranus  8. Neptune  9. Pluto

3 Inner Planet (Terrestrial) -Mercury -Venus -Earth -Mars -Mercury -Venus -Earth -Mars

4 Outer Planet (Gas Giant)  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune

5 Retrograde Rotation (spins backwards)  Venus  Uranus  Pluto  Venus  Uranus  Pluto

6 Smaller Than Earth  Mercury  Venus  Mars  Pluto  Mercury  Venus  Mars  Pluto

7 No Moons  Mercury  Venus  Mercury  Venus

8 Has a ring system  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune

9 No Solid Surface  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune

10 Too far away to see without a telescope.  Uranus  Neptune  Pluto  Uranus  Neptune  Pluto

11 Mercury:  Closest to the Sun  Shortest Revolution  Closest to the Sun  Shortest Revolution

12 Venus:  Close in size to Earth  “Earth’s Twin”  Hottest Average Temp.  Very thick atmosphere  Close in size to Earth  “Earth’s Twin”  Hottest Average Temp.  Very thick atmosphere

13 Compare the sizes of the Terrestrial Planets:

14 Earth:  1 moon (Luna)  Has liquid water  Has the only known life  1 moon (Luna)  Has liquid water  Has the only known life

15 Mars:  2 Moons  Thin Atmosphere  The “Red Planet”  Tallest volcano in solar system  2 Moons  Thin Atmosphere  The “Red Planet”  Tallest volcano in solar system

16 Jupiter  Largest Planet  Made mostly of H and He  Many moons (about 64)  Has a red spot (1.5 X the diameter of Earth)  Radiates more heat than it gets from the Sun  Largest Planet  Made mostly of H and He  Many moons (about 64)  Has a red spot (1.5 X the diameter of Earth)  Radiates more heat than it gets from the Sun

17 Compare the sizes of the Gas Giants

18 Saturn:  Made mostly of H and He  Many moons (about 32)  Less dense than water  Largest rings  Made mostly of H and He  Many moons (about 32)  Less dense than water  Largest rings

19 Uranus:  Much smaller than Jupiter and Saturn  Axis tilted at a 90 degree angle  Has many moons (27)  Much smaller than Jupiter and Saturn  Axis tilted at a 90 degree angle  Has many moons (27)

20 Neptune:  Much smaller than Jupiter and Saturn  Many moons (13)  “Windy Planet”  Much smaller than Jupiter and Saturn  Many moons (13)  “Windy Planet”

21 Pluto:  Smallest Planet  Farthest out from the sun - coldest planet  1 moon which is more than half the size of Pluto  Orbit is so elliptical that it’s path is inside Neptune’s for 20 years  It just became last again in 2005.  Smallest Planet  Farthest out from the sun - coldest planet  1 moon which is more than half the size of Pluto  Orbit is so elliptical that it’s path is inside Neptune’s for 20 years  It just became last again in 2005.

22 Compare the size of the Sun to all 9 Planets!

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