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HEMISPHERE If you divide the world into halves. Each one is a hemisphere. “Hemi” means half.. NORTERN HEMISPHERE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE.

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Presentation on theme: "HEMISPHERE If you divide the world into halves. Each one is a hemisphere. “Hemi” means half.. NORTERN HEMISPHERE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEMISPHERE If you divide the world into halves. Each one is a hemisphere. “Hemi” means half.. NORTERN HEMISPHERE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE

2 LATITUDE Equator Latitude lines Lines of latitude run from west to east like this little guy. But they MEASURE north of the equator and south of the equator. 30° north 60° north 30° south 60° south

3 LONGITUDE Runs from north to south. Remember “long hair”. But it MEA- SURES how far east or west of the Prime Meridian a place is. Longitude lines PRIME MERIDIAN east west

4 ISTHMUS A narrow strip of land that connects two larger land masses. It looks like a land bridge.

5 land with water on three sides p e n i n s u l a

6 ARTIFACT A human made object- often found or dug up by scientists. It leads to ideas about the people who made it.

7 a person who moves from place to place searching for food nomad

8 AGRICULTURE Planting seeds to grow crops and helping the plants grow.

9 Having more than what is needed surplus

10 the watering of crops irrigation

11 people having similar customs, income, and background social class

12 Those who lead and make laws to keep order in a community. GOVERNMENT


14 belief in many gods polytheism

15 a belief in one God monotheism

16 scent Locate the Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia, the Tigris River and the Euphrates River Fertile Crescent THE CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION

17 Code of law A set of written rules for everyone to obey Hammurabi’s Code of Law Hebrews:Ten Commandments- given to Moses 12 Tables of Roman Law

18 EMPIRE: a group of lands and different peoples under one ruler

19 EMPEROR A ruler of many lands and many different cultures ALEXANDER THE GREAT

20 a payment made by a less powerful state or nation to a more powerful one tribute

21 TAX A payment expected to be paid by citizens to help pay for government services

22 the title of king in ancient Egypt p h a r a o h

23 a body that has been dried to prevent decay mummy

24 DECAY Decomposition or rotting away of matter

25 JUDAISM Religion of the Jews who were once called Israelites or Hebrews

26 a public market and meeting place in ancient Greece agora

27 a high city part of Athens acropolis

28 government in which citizens make political decisions democracy

29 CITIZEN A person who is loyal to a government and in return he or she is protected by that government. Some governments allow citizens to take part in ruling by voting.

30 What do Mount Olympus in Greece and the Olympics games have in common? This guy! Zeus was the leader of the Greek gods who were supposed to have lived on Mt Olympus. The Olympics began as a festival to honor Zeus.

31 MYTHS Stories told about beliefs about the world. The characters include gods and goddesses

32 a long poem, such as the Iliad that tells a story epic

33 Who a)Took over Greece b)Conquered lands from Greece to India? ALEXANDER THE GREAT

34 ROMULUS AND REMUS Legendary twins who fought over the first settlement of Rome. Romulus killed Remus and became the first ruler.

35 a government in which the people elect their leaders republic

36 to murder for political reasons assassinate

37 Julius: War hero who tried to be dictator for life in Rome. He was assassinated by some Roman senators Augustus: Nephew of Julius. First true emperor of Rome. Famous for the Pax Romana ( Roman Peace) THE MOST FAMOUS CAESARS

38 Christianity: founded by Jesus Christ who was crucified-put to death and was resurrected Crucifixion: a form of execution Resurrection: come back to life

39 ROMAN ARCHITECTURE Architecture is the art of building Aquaduct: carried water to towns Colosseum: like a stadium where Romans went to be entertained. Gladiators, mock ship battles, Christians martyred

40 MOSAIC : (Roman) piece of art made of little tiles or stone

41 FALL OF ROME When the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was removed by invaders (476 BC)

42 Fall of Rome Middle Ages: the time between Rome and the Renaissance Renaissance

43 The Frankish king Charlemagne was a devout Catholic and maintained a close relationship with the pope throughout his life. CHARLEMAGNE: CHARLES THE GREAT Frankish emperor with the biggest empire since the Roman Empire

44 a system of power in Europe in the Middle Ages feudalism

45 a large estate, often including a village and farmlands, ruled by a lord manor

46 FIEF A plot of land given to a vassal by a lord (landowner) in return for service in the lords court or army fief

47 SERF A peasant that was “bound to the soil” or couldn’t leave the manor land. He or she could be sold right with the land like they were a piece of property!

48 the noble character that knights were supposed to have chivalry

49 MONASTERY Where Christian monks lived a quiet prayerful life. Also where reading and writing survived the Middle Ages. Monks copied the Bible by hand.

50 GUILD: A group of people in the same occupation (job) who watch out for their members and work to make sure the members get employment and fair treatment Symbol for the Glazer’s Guild (glassmaker)

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