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LESSON 1 : Getting Started + Listen and Read BÀI GIẢNG TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8.

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2 LESSON 1 : Getting Started + Listen and Read BÀI GIẢNG TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8


4 What can you see in these pictures? “Garbage” What happened to our environment? “ Polluted” What should we do with the garbage? “reduce, reuse, recycle”


6 1.Tree leaves to wrap things 2. Used papers to make toys 4.Garbage to make fertilizer A: We should use… B: Yes, that’s right. A: We should use… B: Yes, that’s right. ab cd 3. Vegetables matter to make animal food

7 Cloth bag

8 Natural resource(s)

9 Recycle

10 Reduce

11 Reuse

12 1.(to) recycle: 2.(to) reduce: 3.(to) reuse: 4.resource(n) 5.cloth bag (n): a.tài nguyên b.tái chế c.túi vải d.tái sử dụng e.giảm

13 Listen and read: Miss Blake

14 True or False? 1.Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other. 2.Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle. 3.We cannot reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags. 4.Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags. F T F T

15 a. W WW What does Miss Blake mean by r rr reduce? b. W WW What things can we r rr reuse? c. W WW What does r rr recycle m mm mean? d. W WW Where can we look for information on recycling things? Answer the questions

16 Lucky Numbers! 3 4 5 6 1 2


18 - Learn by heart new vocabulary and form. - Write 3 sentences using the new form.

19 a.What does Miss Blake mean byreduce? a. What does Miss Blake mean by reduce? Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged. back



22 d.Where can we look for information d. Where can we look for information on recycling things? We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library or asking our family and friends. back

23 b.What things can wereuse? b. What things can we reuse? We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags. plastic bottles and old plastic bags. back

24 c.What doesrecyclemean? c. What does recycle mean? Recycle means not just throwing things away. Recycle means not just throwing things away. Try and find another use for them. Try and find another use for them. back


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