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. Your activity should be relevant and appropriate to your issue and your locality. It must be chosen from one of the nine range and content areas of.

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Presentation on theme: ". Your activity should be relevant and appropriate to your issue and your locality. It must be chosen from one of the nine range and content areas of."— Presentation transcript:


2 . Your activity should be relevant and appropriate to your issue and your locality. It must be chosen from one of the nine range and content areas of the specification and could include an activity such as: presenting a case to others about a concern conducting a consultation organising a meeting, event or forum to raise awareness and debate issues representing the views of others at a meeting or event creating, reviewing or revising some sort of policy contributing to school or local community policies.

3 . These are people who are in positions that can affect your issue. This might cover a wide range of people, depending on the activity chosen but might include: local councillors, school governors, community leaders, teachers, the police or business people.

4 . For your enquiry, you need to produce evidence of your issue. This could be in the form of leaflets, newspaper articles, websites, recordings of people who are involved. When you communicate with people in positions of power and influence you need to ensure that you have evidence of the communication. You may invite speakers and ask them questions but you need to be sure that you have evidence of your own contribution. For your action, you need to produce evidence of your action, and also evidence of your involvement in it. The evidence could be some form of recording, a witness statement from someone involved, a recorded observation from your teacher or evidence of the outcome of your action. It is important that all evidence is firmly attached to the response forms and clearly labelled with the candidates name, number and centre number.

5 1 Enquiry into the citizenship issue (10 marks) (a)Choose an issue and say why the issue is important locally and nationally. Attach issues based evidence. (b) Describe how the issue links to citizenship themes from Unit 1.

6 1(b) Describe how the issue links to citizenship themes from Unit 1 Theme 1: Rights and Responsibilities People who recycle show responsibility and acting as good citizens. The same sort of responsibilities apply to businesses in the area and to our school. We cannot have rights without responsibilities and young people are often being reminded about this Theme 2: Power, Politics and the Media Politically, our MPs and councillors are always telling us the importance of saving the environment and our responsibilities towards future generations. Parts of the media report regularly on environmental matters and a lot of people are interested in recycling. People read these reports and are made more aware of why recycling is important. Theme 3: The Global Community The environment and the effects of climate change are a world problem affecting everyone but especially the major industrial countries. In the 2008 Olympic Games we saw some of the effects of pollution in China. Recycling is part of the global environmental problem. Many resources are becoming increasingly scarce and it makes sense to re-use things like glass, paper and cans as much as we can.

7 2Application of skills of advocacy and representation (15 marks) (a) Communicate with two people in positions of power or influence about the issue to find out what they think. Attach evidence of your communication. (b) Why do you think people hold different views on this issue?

8 3Participation in action to address the citizenship issue (15 marks) (a)Describe how you can affect your issue through action. (b)Participate in action, showing how you address this issue. In your action you need to show how you have negotiated, decided on and taken action. Attach evidence of your action and how you made a contribution.

9 4 Assessment of the impact of own action (10 marks) (a)Assess how your action contributed to your issue, both locally and nationally. (b) Now that you have finished, assess how the action has affected your view.

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