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Havelock Community Missionary Baptist Church The Covenants of Scripture Pastor: Dwayne Shy Sr.

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1 Havelock Community Missionary Baptist Church The Covenants of Scripture Pastor: Dwayne Shy Sr.

2 Covenant Defined: Covenants come in several forms….for specific reasons A covenant can be identified as a: Treaty Contract Pact Promise A binding agreement

3 Covenant Defined: Covenants pertain to relationship. A connection exists here. Different forms or types of covenants are: Marriage Business Membership Financial Divine

4 Covenant Defined: Fact about relationships: A relationship is a connection. It is a significant connection or the state of being related to someone or something else. Marriage is an exclusive relationship between husband and wife. Church and membership is a willingness to partner with each other and set principles.

5 Covenant Defined: A Covenant is a mutual agreement between 2 or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts. Sometimes this is the undertaking of one or more parties. In the Bible, God is regarded as the witness of this pact (Gen. 31:50, 1 Sam. 20:8). In the Old Testament, there are three different types of covenant. 1. A two-sided covenant between human parties, both of whom voluntarily accept the terms of the agreement (1 Sam. 18:3,4; Mal. 2:14; Obad. 7). 2. A one-sided disposition imposed by a superior party (Ezek. 17:13, 14). In this, God “commands” a covenant which man, the servant, is to obey (Josh. 23:16). 3. god’s self-imposed obligation, for the reconciliation of sinners to Himself (Deut. 7:6-8; Ps. 89:3, 4). God made several such proposals in the Bible:

6 Covenants of the Scripture There are eight (8) “divine” covenants: Eternal Covenant Adamic Covenant Noahic Covenant Abrahamic Covenant Mosaic Covenant Palestinian Covenant Davidic Covenant New Covenant Each covenant had something significant about it. They all dealt with a relationship between God and man.

7 Covenants of the Scripture The Eternal Covenant: The agreement that expresses the redemptive covenant before time or anything else began. Christ is responsible for establishing the everlasting covenant between God and man. (Heb 13:20). God had you in mind. He knew you so He made plans for you, so He made a place for you before He put you here. Jer. 1:5; Is. 44:2

8 Covenants of the Scripture Christ has provided the way for man to approach God. This was done through the blood of Christ when He took our sins upon Himself. It was Christ who bore the guilt and judgment of our sins. Christ was able to take our sins to the cross because He was the Ideal and Perfect Man to do it.

9 Covenants of the Scripture Every thing that Christ did…..was accepted by God. His sacrificial life provides purification from sin. Christ death paved the way for man to approach God, therefore, it is the will of God for all mankind to approach Him through the blood of Christ…….through the Everlasting Covenant.

10 Covenants of the Scripture What Christ did on Calvary superseded what Moses “wrote”. What Moses wrote only allowed certain people to come but so close to God. What Christ “did” allowed all people to come unto the very presence of God (Heb 9:1-14, Heb 10:19-22). Keep in mind that Christ came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Matt. 5:17

11 Covenants of the Scripture The Adamic Covenant: The agreement conditioning fallen man’s life on the earth. God made a pact against man because of the fall of Adam and Eve. When the intimate relationship with God and man was broken, it affected the entire earth.

12 Covenants of the Scripture The Serpent: What we are affected by in this very life today was birthed in the Garden of Eden, through satan. Satan used a serpent as a tool to deceive Eve, who in turn manipulated Adam. (chain reaction of sin) Gen. 3:1 The first thing God did…..was he dealt with the serpent and Satan. Gen. 3:14

13 Covenants of the Scripture The woman: God did not forbid her from having children, He multiplied the pain and sorrow she would have in bearing a child. She will travail (go through) while pregnant and in giving birth. Gen. 3:16 This promise is still in effect today and will not be removed until the coming of the new earth (Rev 21:1-4).

14 Covenants of the Scripture The Ground: Today we find ourselves doing hard labor (and studying hard) because of the sin of man. Hard labor would serve to break man down physically. What man did in the beginning caused God to inflict all of creation (mankind) with times of being fruitless in our (working) efforts. We now make extra effort to gain what was ours….without effort nor limits.

15 Covenants of the Scripture Man: Mankind will have sorrows (troubles) in life because of the sin of Adam. Because of Adam we were born into sin, and made subject unto death. Our sorrows started during the time God imposed the Adamic Covenant. Ps. 51:5; Rom. 5:12

16 Covenants of the Scripture Ground: Thorns symbolize a state of being alone, grief, and misery. Gen. 3:18 Thorns were used to build fences, tools, and even the thorn embedded crown placed upon Christ’ head. Thorns also represents evil, which is responsible for choking the Word of God as it enters man’s heart (Matt 13:7).

17 Covenants of the Scripture Ground: Thistles symbolizes poisonous plants…..which were a part of the cursed ground. The covenant also meant for man to be a vegetarian for a period of time.

18 Covenants of the Scripture Noahic Covenant: The agreement preserving human life and the agreement of human government. (Gen 8:16-21, specifically 9:1-17) This what is considered a “favorable beginning.” God has re-established his covenant with man with the blessing of Noah’s family.

19 Covenants of the Scripture Noahic Covenant: This agreement consisted of four main elements: God, Noah, Noah’s seed, and all living creatures. This agreement demonstrates two important facts. 1.The life standing decree between the eternal parties of the eternal covenant. 2.The eternal time frame (perpetual generations) of the promise (vs 12). We are all descendents of Noah!

20 Covenants of the Scripture Abrahamic Covenant: This is the covenant of promise regarding blessing, seed, and promise. Gen 12:1-3, 13:14-17, 15:1-7, 17:1-8 This was made with Abraham after the confusion of tongues when God saw that it was impossible to deal with people as a whole. The covenant opened the door for the dispensation of promise and is divided into three major areas.

21 Covenants of the Scripture Abrahamic Covenant: The first area of the Abrahamic Covenant is of favor. Genesis 12:1-3, 7 God promised that Abraham would be blessed: He would show him the land. Make him a great nation. Bless him. Make his name great. Cause him to be a blessing. Bless those who blessed him. God would curse those who cursed Abraham. In Abraham all nations would be blessed. Gave his seed land.

22 Covenants of the Scripture Abrahamic Covenant: The second area of the Abrahamic Covenant concerns his seed. First we note the confirmation of the covenant relating to the seed of Abraham in Genesis 13:14-17. Abraham was a man of faith, and God honored that faith.

23 Covenants of the Scripture Abrahamic Covenant: The second area of the Abrahamic Covenant concerns his seed. Genesis 15:1-18 God ensured that nothing will be left undone relating to the seed of Abraham…..even when he broke ranks with God.

24 Covenants of the Scripture Abrahamic Covenant: The third area of the Abrahamic Covenant concerns God’s personal promise. Gen 17:1-14 Abraham was given a new revelation, his name was changed, his territory was enlarged, a sign of the covenant was established (circumcision), and the son God promised him was revealed.

25 Covenants of the Scripture Mosaic Covenant: The legal covenant given specifically unto Israel. Within are laws that govern every aspect of life. The very first and notable law expressed is what is commonly known as “Decalogue” or “Ten Words” of the law. They were originally written on two stone tablets by Moses. Exodus 20:1- thru 31:18

26 Covenants of the Scripture Mosaic Covenant: Some faiths strongly consider Ex 20:2 as the first commandment. Our Catholic brethren also group verse 3-6 jointly, but regard them as the very first commandment.

27 Covenants of the Scripture Mosaic Covenant: Most Protestant faiths believe that vs 3 is the first of the ten. Nevertheless, God has set law in the land to teach order and obedience. Most civil laws today are based on the Mosaic Covenant. Times has permitted a more civil and reasonable expression of laws from the initial establishment of God’s law.

28 Covenants of the Scripture Mosaic Covenant: The law of God is a universal obligation: They exceed all ceremonial commands or order first given to the Jewish nation. The laws have their foundation in the nature of God and man and can only be repealed by God.

29 Covenants of the Scripture Mosaic Covenant: The laws are universal in “view”. The laws cover the whole range of every kind of wrong doing. The laws reach to the inner and outer part of life. If the laws were honored and cherished from the heart… would reflect the outward expression of man. Rom. 2:15

30 Covenants of the Scripture Mosaic Covenant: The laws are the most basic in nature: They are the most elementary that can be conceived, yet, man will still break them.

31 Covenants of the Scripture Palestinian Covenant: The covenant agreement that regulates possession of Canaan by all of Israel (Duet 30:1-10). Everything that God promised Israel would be fully returned unto them……if only they would obey Him.

32 Covenants of the Scripture Palestinian Covenant: The re-joining of God’s people will happen during the second coming of Christ and comes with: Being restored back unto the land of Palestine. The work of God’s grace in their heart. Judgment of their enemies. Prosperity.

33 Covenants of the Scripture Davidic Covenant: This agreement sets in place the kingdom covenant giving temporary and eternal rule of David’s succeeding generations. 2 Sam 7:4-17, 1 Chron 17:4-15 The covenant included: David’s son as successor to establish the kingdom. Solomon would build the temple, not David. The throne of Solomon would be established forever.

34 Covenants of the Scripture Davidic Covenant: The mercy of God would remain with David. David’s kingdom would remain for ever. The rule of David’s kingdom is evident today. Instead of David building God a temple; God instead built for David a “Royal Dynasty”. Luke 1:31-33

35 Covenants of the Scripture New Covenant: The promise of millennial favor for Israel and was based on Christ’s death on Calvary. Jer 31:31-33; Matt 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20, Heb 8:-12 applies. The entire nation of Israel will witness this covenant. Unlike the Mosaic Covenant, the New Covenant will be unconditional.

36 Covenants of the Scripture New Covenant: The New Covenant is the new arrangement, a new set- up, or a newer plan for man, and it was based solely on the sacrificial life of Christ. The blood of Christ established (a New Testament) a New Covenant between God and man. The blood of Christ is our sign and symbolic message of the New Covenant.

37 Covenants of the Scripture New Covenant: Faith in His sacrifice and blood is now the way for man to come before God. Before Christ’, man would establish a right relationship with God through the blood sacrifice of an animal. Under the New Covenant our relationship is through the sacrifice of Christ. Anything else is what we consider another Gospel. Gal. 1:6-12 Proof: Matt 26:28, Eph 1:7, 1 John 2:1-2

38 Covenants of the Scripture New Covenant: The New Covenant came with a sacrifice from God. Christ was the last living sacrifice for man, and His sacrificial life abolished the Mosaic Covenant. It is symbolic in the “breaking of bread” during the Lord’s Supper. The first blood covenant was demonstrated in Ex. 24:1-8. Christ gave explanation in Matt. 26:26-28 of the New Covenant and the shadow of why He came.

39 Covenants of the Scripture New Covenant: The provisions of the New Covenant will include: A change of (man’s) heart. Fellowship with God (suffering and power) Knowledge of God (Wisdom to walk with God) Forgiveness of sins. Proof: Romans 11:26-27

40 Covenants of the Scripture WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE?

41 Havelock Community Missionary Baptist Church The Four Spiritual Laws Pastor: Dwayne M. Shy Sr.

42 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number One (1): God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. What is God’s Love? “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16)

43 Four Spiritual Laws What is God’s Plan? “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly” [that life for man would ….So why is it that most (saved) people are not experiencing the abundant life?

44 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Two (2): Man is sinful. Because man is sinful, he cannot know and experience the “fullness” of God’s love and plan for his life. We were created by God to fellowship with Him. However, due to our hard headed-self will, we will choose to do our own thing causing the designed fellowship with God to be broken.

45 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Two (2): Man is sinful. In our own will, demonstrated with an attitude of obvious rebellion and often times of differences are proof of what the word of God considers to be sin. Anything contrary to the will of God… sin!

46 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Two (2): Man is sinful. We are separated from God in sin: The wages of sin is death” (spiritual separation from God)…….which could also lead to physical death (Romans 3:23)

47 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Two (2): Man is sinful. Holy God Sinful Man What we see is a Holy God and a Sinful man. A great gulf separates the two. The arrows demonstrate man trying to reach God and the abundant life on his own effort.

48 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Three (3): Christ is the only provision for man’ sin. Through Him and Him alone can one know and experience God’s love and plan for your life (John 14:6) Christ died in our place: His life…..for my sin’s (Rom 5:8)

49 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Three (3): He rose from the dead: Christ died for our sins…..He was buried…..and He was raised from the dead on the third day. The Word of God said that He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. Afterwards, He appeared to more than five hundred (500)……1 Cor 15:3-6

50 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Three (3): Christ is the only bridge: Holy God Man The life of Christ bridged the gap between sinful man and God

51 Four Spiritual Laws Law Number Four (4): We must receive Christ: The only way to experience God’s love and plan for our life is to know Christ as Savior (John 1:12). We must receive Him through faith (Eph 2:8-9) When we receive Christ, we experience a New Birth (John 3:1-8) We receive Christ through personal invitation (Rev 3:20)

52 Four Spiritual Laws THE FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS: Law Number One God Loves you and He has plans for you. Law Number Two Man is sinful. Law Number Three Christ is the only provision for man’s sin. Law Number Four We must receive Christ.

53 Four Spiritual laws WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE?

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