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Chapter 10, sections 3 and 4 Nuclear Energy and Energy Conservation.

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1 Chapter 10, sections 3 and 4 Nuclear Energy and Energy Conservation

2 Nuclear Energy Nuclear Fission is the splitting of an atom’s nucleus into two smaller nuclei –A neutron is shot at an unstable nucleus, usually uranium-235 –When the neutron hits the U-235 nucleus, the nucleus splits apart into two smaller nuclei and releases a huge amount of energy as heat

3 Nuclear Fission Reaction Image from

4 Nuclear Power Plants In a nuclear power plant, the heat released from the reactions is used to change water into steam. As in other types of power plants, the steam then turns the blades of a turbine to generate electricity. Disadvantages of nuclear energy include the possibility of a meltdown and the disposal of nuclear waste

5 Nuclear Power Plant Image from


7 Energy Conservation Fossil fuels will not last forever…. One approach to the problem is to find new sources of energy. The second way is to make the fuels that are available now last as long as possible while other solutions are being developed. Reducing energy use is called energy conservation

8 Energy Conservation Efficiency is the percentage of energy that is actually used to perform work Insulation increases efficiency of heating and cooling systems Insulation is a layer of material that traps air and helps block the transfer of heat between the air inside and outside a building.

9 Energy Conservation 3 ways to conserve energy in transportation: 1. Using more efficient vehicles 2. Carpooling 3. Using public transportation

10 Energy Conservation Some things you can do to help conserve energy: –Keep your house cooler in winter, warmer in summer –Use natural lighting, work near a window instead of turning on lights –Turn off lights, TV, etc. when leaving a room –RECYCLE- paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, etc. Recycling 1 can uses 5% of energy to make a new one

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