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Unit 3.  like a treaty or an alliance  has conditions  is sealed with a ceremony  is celebrated with both parties present.

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1 Unit 3

2  like a treaty or an alliance  has conditions  is sealed with a ceremony  is celebrated with both parties present

3  In the ancient world, leaders with weak military support often sought the support of more powerful leaders.  The less powerful leaders would serve the stronger ones, in doing so they created alliances (covenants.)

4  This was a peace treaty signed at the end of WWI between Germany and the Allied Powers (US, Britain, France etc.) which ended the state of war between the nations.

5  adopted this system of alliances to express their relationship with God  were weak and powerless, and were liberated and protected by God (strong and powerful)

6  Most ancient alliances had conditions  Ex: if a stronger ruler provided protection, the protected people offered to serve him.

7  On Mount Sinai, the Israelites (through Moses) received the code/conditions of their covenant with God.

8  This code is made up of the Ten Commandments (the ten words) also known as the Torah or the Law.  It is important to remember these are not arbitrary rules, they were meant to serve as a guide for how people should live and serve God.

9  This ceremony usually involves a reading of the conditions of the alliance.  Exodus 24:7 describes the moment when Moses read the Ten Commandments to the Israelites and they agreed to follow.

10 The Holy Bible (KJV) Exodus 24 2:31 minutes

11  The covenant agreed upon at Mount Sinai was sealed with a ceremonial meal.  Exodus 24:9-11 describes Moses Aaron and the 70 elders eating and drinking at God’s feet.  This was the covenant meal.

12  For Christians, celebrating the Eucharist is similar to a covenant meal.


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