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 Do-Now  Come in quietly  Do not touch any supplies  One group member take directions packet off chair. Keep it safe only copy.  Wait quietly for.

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Presentation on theme: " Do-Now  Come in quietly  Do not touch any supplies  One group member take directions packet off chair. Keep it safe only copy.  Wait quietly for."— Presentation transcript:

1  Do-Now  Come in quietly  Do not touch any supplies  One group member take directions packet off chair. Keep it safe only copy.  Wait quietly for directions.  Project Due : January 27 th 2014. Will be completed in class. You are allowed this weekend to complete at home. MAKE SURE THIS GOES IN YOUR AGENDA.


3  Each group will :  Research a planet-NOT EARTH  Design and name an alien  Write a short report describing planet  The Report must also include reasons why your alien can survive on the planet through adaptations  AN ADAPATATION is anything you were born with to survive. Example: fur, camouflage, odors like a skunk.

4  Yes, this will count as the last TEST GRADE of MP 2

5  You will be graded on four different criteria.  Report  Presentation  Model/Poster of alien  Team Grading  All these points will be added up to give your final grade.  You are given the rubrics ahead of time. Grade yourself so you know what is expected. There is no excuse since the rubric tells you everything needed to do well!

6  Your report must include the following  One juicy, spicy, paragraph of at least seven sentences  Opening- Introduces topic  Body- Accurately describes planet in own words not copied from book! Describe adaptations of alien and how it helps him/her survive  Closing- Shows extension and concludes idea  Full Sentences  Correct grammar,punctuation,and spelling has few errors  Neat, easy to understand, scientific evidence is correct.  NO wrinkles, cross outs, smudges, tears, boogers,etc, etc.

7  Your group will create alien posters/models with construction paper, crayons, markers, and pipe cleaners  Your model must include  Name of group members and period  Picture of planet  Model of alien  Name of alien  Five adaptations of alien labeled with at least one full sentence explaining why this features helps your alien to survive.  For example: Fleebo lives on Venus. His is light and moist to keep away heat.

8  Your are to pick and model/create/design/ illustrate FIVE OF THE SEVEN and explain why on your poster in at least one full sentence.  Day and night  Temperature  Eating  Gravity  Weather  Atmosphere  Surface (Rock or gas)

9 Your presentation must include Visual aides neat - i.e your model was neat and explained adaptations accurately. Everyone must speak equally- plan this out before hand Speak clearly, made eye contact, addressed planet and alien adaptations.

10  Working in a group is not an excuse to let your team members do all the work. So if you choose to do nothing your grade in this section will be nothing!  I have eyes and knows who contributes and who does not. If you look at parent portal your moon phase flip books reflect that!  On Friday each person will grade their partners it will be anonymous only you and I will know!

11  TODAY IS PLANNING NOT CRAFTING.  Read packet on directions together and discuss  Pick your planet  Name your alien  Choose adaptations  Make notes about planets, aliens and adaptations.  Tomorrow notebook check to see you have planned or minus five on project!

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