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Our Solar System by Katie Moreno  Our Solar System has 12 planets.  We only live on one.  All the planets are made of gas and rock.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System by Katie Moreno  Our Solar System has 12 planets.  We only live on one.  All the planets are made of gas and rock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System by Katie Moreno  Our Solar System has 12 planets.  We only live on one.  All the planets are made of gas and rock.

2 Our Sun  The sun is really a star.  The sun is made up of fire and gas.  The sun is the closest star to Earth.

3 Mercury  Mercury is brightest in the morning.  Mercury doesn’t have any moons.  Mercury looks like our moon.

4 Venus  Venus has many volcanos.  Venus also has no moons.  It is very hot on Venus.

5 Earth  Earth is the planet we live on.  Earth is the only planet with living things like plants and animals.  The blue is the water, green is the land, and white is the clouds.

6 Mars  Mars is called “The Red Planet”.  Mars is red because of a chemical called Iron Oxide.  It’s the fourth planet from the sun.

7 The Asteroid Belt  Scientists have only found 26 asteroids.  If you took all of them, you would get one small planet.  Asteroids are just like really small planets.

8 Jupiter  Jupiter is the largest planet besides the sun.  It has a red spot which is made of a storm.  It is one of the gas giants.

9 Saturn  Saturn has a ring.  The ring is also made of a storm.  The rings are ice cold.

10 Uranus  Uranus has 27 moons.  It has a moon called Arial.  It’s the only planet that’s sideways.

11 Neptune  Neptune is the smallest gas giant.  Neptune has 13 moons.  Neptune is very cold.

12 The Dwarf Planet Pluto  Pluto is called a dwarf planet because it is so small.  Some people think Pluto is not a planet.  Pluto was once considered the smallest planet in the solar system until was made a dwarf planet.

13 Constellations  Constellations are shapes in the sky made of stars.  There are many shapes.  One example is the Big Dipper.

14 Our Galaxy  Our galaxy is the Milky Way Galaxy.  Galaxies have solar systems inside.  The galaxy has a lot of things inside.

15 Reference Page  http://www.planets http://www.planets  http://www.kidsastr ystem.htm http://www.kidsastr ystem.htm  http://www.scienc efacts/planets/mer cury.html http://www.scienc efacts/planets/mer cury.html  http://kids.nineplan http://kids.nineplan  http://science.nati m/science/space/s olar- system/earth/http:/ /space- http://science.nati m/science/space/s olar- system/earth/http:/ /space-

16 Thanks for watching.

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