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DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Organisms and Environment Food Chains and Food Webs > Decomposition.

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Presentation on theme: "DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Organisms and Environment Food Chains and Food Webs > Decomposition."— Presentation transcript:

1 DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Organisms and Environment Food Chains and Food Webs > Decomposition

2 Decomposition – The Big Ideas Decomposers are plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria and other microorganisms that feed on dead plant and animal material. Decomposition is an important part of the food cycle. Decomposition recycles the remains of animals and plants into soil and other useful resources to be used again.

3 Decomposition – Prior Knowledge Students will have knowledge of living things prior to this study. It will be helpful for students to use the Fun- damental, Needs of Living Things. It will also help if they have:Needs of Living Things Seen and can name different types of living things. Explained and can name the basic needs of living things. Learned about food chains, food webs, consumers and producers. Explained the roles of predators and prey.

4 Decomposition – Common Misconceptions In a compost bin, it is best to pile up material in neat layers. Reality: It is actually best to mix up the materials in a compost bin to allow the materials to decompose. In nature, things are not in neat piles. The materials need to be mixed to heat properly.

5 Decomposition – Using DE Science Content When you close this presentation, you can review the following recommended resources for Decomposition. Reading Passage: DecomposersDecomposers eBooks: Organisms That RecycleOrganisms That Recycle Video Segment: DecomposersDecomposers Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources or you can get to them through the browser or search feature.

6 Decomposition – Instructional Ideas Read the passages, Decomposers, Making a Compost Pile, and Organisms that Recycle.DecomposersMaking a Compost PileOrganisms that Recycle –Ask students to be on the lookout for glossary terms. –When a glossary term is seen, stop reading and discuss what that term means. –Upon completion, look through the list of glossary terms and discuss any that were not seen in the passages.

7 Decomposition – Instructional Ideas Complete an example of the Exploration, Decomposition. Decomposition –Ask students to work through the rest with guidance as needed. Watch the video segment, Decomposers.Decomposers – Create a worm compost bin in your classroom. –Allow students to make observations of what happens to the “trash” as it sits in the bin.

8 State standards: If you wish to review your state standards regarding Decomposition, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. You can click on any standard to see what resources are available to teach it. Additional Information: For additional content, check the Extend section within the concept.

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