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Global Connections for Canadian Innovators Liaisons internationales pours les innovateurs canadiens Progress in Building Canada-China S&T Partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Connections for Canadian Innovators Liaisons internationales pours les innovateurs canadiens Progress in Building Canada-China S&T Partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Connections for Canadian Innovators Liaisons internationales pours les innovateurs canadiens Progress in Building Canada-China S&T Partnerships Stacy Chew Country Manager November 13, 2009 Université de Montréal

2 International S&T Partnership Program  $20 Million Program of Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to foster international S&T partnerships  Target Countries: India, China, Brazil and Israel  Israel component delivered by existing Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (CIIRDF) since 1994  ISTPCanada, established in January 2007, was selected through open proposal process, with funding available April, 2007, to deliver India, China and Brazil components

3 ISTPCanada Overview  Mandate – to promote and facilitate international R&D partnerships involving Canadian companies and research organizations  Primary Activity - Implementing the funded program components of bilateral S&T agreements  Working with counterpart implementing organizations in partner countries – MOST in China and GITA in India  Principles – scientific and technological excellence, shared benefits, economic returns to both countries, symmetry, protection of IP, respect of local laws

4 Internal Partnerships  Provincial Governments  Federal Science-based Departments and Agencies Industrial Research Assistance Program Western Economic Diversification  Other Agencies Ontario Centres of Excellence And discussion in progress with many more potential partners

5 The Approach  ISTPCanada and Partner Country will prepare a synchronized application process;  Common calls for proposals will be issued and harmony in the timing of the approval process will be sought; and  Final authority for funding rests with the individual organizations but a Yes/Yes decision is required before proceeding.  Supported activities: Collaborative R&D projects Partnership Development Activities

6 Collaborative R&D Projects - Criteria  At least a company in Canadian team  Scientific merits and degree of innovation inherent in the product/service developed  Business opportunity and capacity for commercial success  Capacity of participants to manage and conduct the project, including commercialization thus leading to clear benefits to both countries

7 Collaborative R&D Projects  Max. funding: $600,000 per project, or up to 50%, of Canadian R&D cost  Non-government funding minimum of 25%  R&D teams in partner countries to be funded by their governments  Up to 3-year project duration

8 Partnership Development Activities  Build for the future  Funding bilateral and/or multilateral activities  Explore forms of international partnerships and areas of focus  Arrive at visionary R&D projects  Promote Canadian comparative advantages  Establish Canada as a world hub for international partnership in related areas

9 Partnership Development Activities  Proactive and reactive approaches  Up to $25,000, or 50%, of Canadian activity cost  Overseas teams in partner countries to be funded by their governments: - China: State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

10 Progress in Joint Activities R&D Partnership Development Activities 12 completed or approved (3 in Agriculture), 14 under evaluation (2009) Pro-active technology match-making ICT mission to Jinan and Chongqing Agriculture tri-lateral initiative EOIsFPsFunded 2007135478 2008170386 200918383tbd

11 Tri-lateral Initiative on Agri-Tech Canada-China-Israel

12 12 Comparisons 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 Totals: 135, 178, 183

13 Key Observations  An amazing, promising start (26 projects and PDAs), 500 responses involving over 2500 researchers in both Canada and China;  S&T cooperation will become a cornerstone to Canada’s bi-lateral relations;  Support across Canada;  Engagement of the immigrant communities;  Canada and partner countries: each other’s strategic partners

14 1 st Annual Report – Feb 12, 2009

15 ISTPCanada Contacts Stacy Chew Country Manager for China Office: (613) 729-3069 x 223 Cell: (613) 863-3069 ISTPCanada 371A Richmond Road Ottawa, Ontario K2A 0E7

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