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Tuesday January 6 th, 2015 Agenda: Welcome Back!! Biogeochemical Cycles  Review: Policies and Seating Chart  Activity: What is the Carbon Cycle Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday January 6 th, 2015 Agenda: Welcome Back!! Biogeochemical Cycles  Review: Policies and Seating Chart  Activity: What is the Carbon Cycle Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday January 6 th, 2015 Agenda: Welcome Back!! Biogeochemical Cycles  Review: Policies and Seating Chart  Activity: What is the Carbon Cycle Reading Packet Homework/Classwork What is the carbon cycle reading due Wednesday/Thursday 1/7-1/8/2015 for 30 Points

2 Necessary Materials for the Science Folders All I.S. students will be REQUIRED maintain & Folders (1 per quarter) ONLY for I.S.!! They will be graded periodically Students may use them as a resource while studying for the exams Materials Needed: 1 folder per quarter (4 total for the year) with prongs in the center Loose leaf paper Pens/Pencils

3 SEATING CHART!!! As you hear your name called, please take a seat in your new assigned seat!

4 Wednesday/Thursday 1/7- 1/8/2015 Agenda: Welcome Back!! Biogeochemical Cycles  Notes: Introduction to the Carbon Cycle  Activity: Carbon Cycle Reading Assignment Homework/Classwork Carbon Cycle Reading Assignment due Today for 20 Points

5 Bio geo chemical Cycles Energy does NOT get recycled through an ecosystem, but chemicals (nutrients) do! Water and minerals, such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P), are recycled and reused by plants, animals and humans. Nutrients are recycled through living and dead animals (and humans), the atmosphere, the oceans, and rocks. ANSWER: Biogeochemical Cycles “Bio” – Life “Geo” – Earth “Chemical” – Chemical Cycle – a periodically repeated sequence of events QUESTION: How does our planet, as a whole, work to recycle its resources and provide life?

6 The 4 Main Bio geo chemical Cycles Carbon Cycle - Photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Water Cycle - Evaporation, Transpiration, Condensation, Precipitation and Collection Nitrogen Cycle - death and waste; nitrogen-fixing bacteria; reintroduced to soil for plants; plants feed animals

7 The Carbon Cycle  When or where have we heard about CARBON so far this year?  CARBON is an element on the Periodic Table of Elements  CARBON dioxide gas – atmosphere (greenhouse gas, global warming, etc)  Solid CARBON dioxide – dry ice  CARBON dioxide gas – CARBON ation of soda  Humans/animals breathe out CARBON dioxide gas  Trees/plants take in CARBON dioxide gas in photosynthesis

8 The Carbon Cycle  Carbon (C) is cycled between atmosphere, land, water and organisms  Carbon : essential element that makes up proteins, fats, carbohydrates and YOU!  Where does Carbon come from and get stored? “Sinks” or “Reservoirs”

9 The Carbon Cycle Where does Carbon come from and get stored? In the ATMOSPHERE: CO 2 in air, cellular respiration, burning wood and fossil fuels (global warming?) On the LAND: Trees/plants take in CO 2 from the air during photosynthesis Animals and human eat trees/plants & get carbohydrates Animals/humans break down carbs thru cellular respiration & CO 2 is released to atmosphere Limestone (carbon rock) Dead organisms (fossil fuels, oil, coal)

10 The Carbon Cycle Where does Carbon come from and get stored? In the WATER (oceans): Dead organisms and dissolved CO 2 from air In ORGANISMS: Body cells are made of carbon, carbonates (shells, bones) and fats, oils, other molecules


12 The Carbon Cycle Processes  Photosynthesis - takes carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water (H 2 O) and produces carbohydrates and oxygen.  CO 2 + H 2 O + energy (sun) C 6 H 12 O6 & O 2  Respiration - takes carbohydrates and oxygen and combines them to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy.  C 6 H 12 O 6 & O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O + energy  The OUTPUTS of respiration are the INPUTS of photosynthesis, and the OUTPUTS of photosynthesis are the INPUTS of respiration.

13 Friday January 9 th, 2015 Agenda: Welcome Back!! Biogeochemical Cycles  Activity: Carbon Cycle Cut Outs Homework/Classwork Carbon Cycle Coloring and Cut Outs due Today 1/9/2015 for 20 Points

14 The Carbon Cycle Continued In the carbon cycle, there are various sinks or reservoirs that store carbon. The amount of carbon being exchanged in each process determines whether the specific sink/reservoir is growing (more space to hold C) or shrinking (less space to hold C). The MAIN sinks/reservoirs for carbon dioxide are in the oceans and in rock. Currently, the ocean sink/reservoir is growing

15 The Carbon Cycle Continued Carbon in the OCEANS : Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) dissolves easily in water (just like in your soda). Once CO 2 is dissolved in ocean water, it may precipitate (fall out of solution) as a solid rock known as calcium carbon ate (limestone). This is how ocean reefs are made. Dissolved carbon dioxide is also used by marine plants for photosynthesis. Limestone (made from calcium carbonate)

16 The Carbon Cycle Continued Carbon and human activities: Two additional processes in the carbon cycle are fossil fuel burning and changing land use. Fossil fuel burning – when coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline are consumed by industry, power plants, and automobiles. ALL living organisms are made of carbon “Fossil” – remains of something that was once living Fossil fuels come from deeply buried and compacted plant and animal remains containing carbon Changing land use = deforestation, urbanization Deforestation: The loss of forests due to over- cutting or burning of trees. Urbanization: The p rocess of cities growing larger (more buildings, malls, parking lots, homes, etc and less green spaces)

17 Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Diagram

18 The Carbon Cycle Put this note packet behind the Biogeo- chemical Note Page in Section 2: Notes.

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