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Chapter 6 Religion.

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1 Chapter 6 Religion

2 Key Issue 1 Where are Religions Distributed?
Two types of religions Universalizing Religion: attempt to be global, appeal to all people, no matter where they live, 62% of world Ethnic Religion: appeals primarily to one group living in one place, 24% of world

3 Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism
Three main universalizing religions Each is divided into branches Branches can be divided into denominations Sects are small groups broken away from a denomination

4 Christianity More than 2 billion adherents, more than any other world religion Most widespread distribution Predominant religion in North America, South America, Europe and Australia Also, some countries in Africa & Asia are predominately Christian

5 Branches of Christianity
Three Major Branches Roman Catholic: 52% of world’s Christians Protestant: 21% Eastern Orthodox: 10% 22% do not fall under the 3 major branches 5% unaffiliated with any church, but are Christian

6 Christianity in Europe

7 Christianity in Europe
Roman Catholicism Dominant Christian Branch in Southwest and East Protestantism Northwest Eastern Orthodox East and southeast

8 Europe Regions of Roman Catholic and Protestant majorities
Sharp boundaries, either by country or a dividing line within the country Eastern Orthodox Collection of 14 self-governing churches in Eastern Europe & Middle East Christianity came to Russia in 10th Century Russian Orthodox Church: 16th Century Romanian Orthodox Church: 20% of all Eastern Orthodox Christians

9 Christianity in Western Hemisphere
90% of people in Western Hemisphere are Christian 5%: other religion 6%: no religion Roman Catholics: 93% of Christians in Latin America 29% in North America: Clustered in Southwestern & Northeastern United States & Quebec in Canada

10 Christianity in Western Hemisphere
United States Protestants: 28% of US population Baptists: southeast (most popular of Prot) Lutherans: upper Midwest Mormon: Methodists

11 Clusters in US

12 Smaller Branches of Christanity
Some developed independently from three main branches Isolation during development of Christianity 1) Coptic Church: Egypt 2) Ethiopian Church (split from Egyptian Coptic Church, 1948) Both trace roots to 4th century Two shipwrecked Christians, taken as slaves, converted Ethiopian king to Christianity

13 Smaller branches of Christianity
Armenian Church (Syria) Diffused Christianity to South and East Asia, 7th- 13th Centuries Smaller following, but plays a significant role in regional conflicts Armenian Christians vs Shiite Muslim in Azerbaijan NY Times Article

14 Smaller Branches of Christianity
United States Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), 3% of US Consider their church to be separate from other branches Large clustering in Utah and surrounding areas

15 Facts about Mormons
Active full-time volunteer missionaries Belief in modern prophets, beginning with Joseph Smith, Jr., and continuing today with Gordon B. Hinckley Acceptance of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price as works of scripture A dietary code called the Word of Wisdom, currently requiring abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, and illegal drugs; caffeinated soft drinks are left to individual discretion. Belief in God the Father, the Son (Christ), and the Holy Ghost existing as three separate individual beings or personages Belief in a form of theosis called exaltation or eternal progression Formerly practicing polygamy (plural marriage) Wearing ceremonial temple garments under their daily clothes Performing baptisms for the dead, and other ordinances by proxy, in temples and doing attendant genealogical research.

16 Islam Predominant religion of the Middle East from North Africa to Central Asia Half of world’s Muslims lives outside Middle East: Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India Islam in Arabic means “submission to the will of God” Muslims are “ones who surrender to God” in Arabic

17 Islam 5 Pillars 1. There is no god worth of worship except the one God, the source of all creation, and Muhammad is the messenger of God 2. Five times daily, a Muslim prays, facing the citty of Mecca, as a direct link to God 3. A Muslim gives generously to charity, as an act of purification and growth 4. A Muslim fasts during the month of Ramadan, as an act of self-purification If physically and financially able, a Muslim makes a pilgrimage to Makkah

18 Branches of Islam Two important branches: Sunni & Shiite
Sunnis: 83% of Muslims, largest branch in most Muslim countries in the Middle East Shiites: 16% of Muslims, clustered. 30% of all Shiites live in Iran, 15% in Pakistan, 10% in Iraq. 90% of population in Azerbaijan, Iraq, Oman, Bahrain

19 Islam in North America and Europe
Increasing rapidly in recent years Europe: 5% Muslims France has largest Muslim population, 4 million, migration from North Africa Germany: 3 million, migration from Turkey Southeast Europe (Albania, Bosnia, Serbia) 2 million Muslims

20 United States & Canada Today: Home to 5 million Muslims
1990: only a few hundred thousand Nation of Islam: Black Muslims, founded in Detroit 1930 Elijah Muhammad “messenger of Allah” Tension between Malcolm X & Muhammad led to divided sects, 1960s

21 Buddhism Third of world’s major universalizing religions
400 million adherents Mostly in China & Southeast Asia Represented by the Four Noble Truths Someone can be Buddhist AND a believer in other Eastern religions

22 Four Noble Truths 1. All living beings must endure suffering
2. Suffering, which is caused by a desire to live, leads to reincarnation 3. The goal of all existences is to escpae from suffering and the endless cycle of reincarnation into Nirvana, which is achieved through mental and moral self- purification 4. Nirvana is attained though an Eightfold Path, which includes rightness of belief, resolve, speech, action, livelihood, effort, thought and meditation

23 Buddhism Split into more than one branch
Followers disagreed on interpretation Main branches: Mahayana 56% of Buddhists, China Japan Korea Theravada 38% of Buddhists Cambodia Laos Myanmar Sri Lanka and Thailand Tantrayana 6% Tibet and Mongolia

24 Other Universalizing Religions
Sikhism, 25 million, Punjab region of India Bahai’s, 8 million, dispersed mostly in Africa & Asia

25 Sikhism First Guru (religious teacher / enlightener): Nanak ( ) in Punjab region (Pakistan) Believe in a formless God with many names Meditation Pray many times a day Prohibited from worshipping idols or icons Believe in Karma, Reincarnation but reject Caste System Everyone is equal in God’s eyes Men wear turbans and never cut beards or hair

26 Baha’i Religion Arose from Islam in 1800s, Iran
Promote gender and race equality Freedom of expression & assembly World peace & world government Every person has an immortal soul which can’t die, but is free to travel through the sprit world after death

27 Ethnic Religions Hinduism, 3rd largest world religion
97% of Hindus are in India Most of the remaining 3% are in Nepal Individuals chose best way to worship God Individual pursuits to reach God

28 Hinduism Average Hindu has allegiance to a particular God
Vishnu and Siva are most common Purpose of life is to rejoin with God Samsara: Cycles of Birth, Life, and Death Karma: progress toward enlightenment Caste System

29 Other Ethnic Religions
East Asia: China & Japan Many Chinese consider themselves Buddhists and either Confucian, Daoism or some other Chinese ethnic religion

30 Confucianism Confucius, philosopher & teacher
Taught “correct behavior” Ethnic religion because is traditional values are especially important in Chinese culture Prescribed a series of ethical principles: Fulfilling obligations Treating others with sympathy and respect Following traditions

31 Daoism (Taoism) Founded by Lao-Tse, a contemporary of Confucius
Daoists seek the “path” or “way” Find balance of life, Yin and Yang Myths and legends develop to explain not “knowable” events

32 Shintoism Ethnic religion of Japan
Forces of nature are divine: sun, moon, mountains, rivers, etc Became official state religion under Emperor Meiji ( ) After WWII, Allies ordered Japan to renounce empire as being divine Still exists in Japan, but no longer the official state religion

33 Judaism 6 million Jews live in US 5 million in Israel
2 million in Europe and 1 million in Asia Heavily concentrated in large US cities New York ¼ of Jewish population Majority in Israel, First state with Jewish majority since biblical era

34 Judaism Christianity and Islam find roots in Judaism
Jesus was born a Jew Muhammad traced his ancestry to Abraham Ethnic religion, based in lands bordering eastern end of Mediterranean Sea First religion to support monotheism: One God Believe the Messiah will return , Jews will gather in Israel, resurrection of the dead, 1st Temple will be rebuilt

35 Ethnic African Religions
100 million Africans follow traditional ethnic religions: animism Believe inanimate ojsects are “animated” have spirtis and conscious life Few holy books have been written Rituals are passed down by generation Monotheistic concepts, but hierarchy of divinities Numbers are declining bc Islam & Christianity Majority exists in Botswana Half of population in Angola, Congo, Madagascar, and more

36 A large and fundamental division within a religion is a
A) branch B) denomination C) sect D) dialect E) family

37 A large and fundamental division within a religion is a
A) branch B) denomination C) sect D) dialect E) family

38 A relatively small group that has broken away from an established church is a
A) branch B) denomination C) sect D) dialect E) family

39 A relatively small group that has broken away from an established church is a
A) branch B) denomination C) sect D) dialect E) family

40 A universalizing religion
A) is based on the physical characteristics of a particular location on Earth B) appeals to people living in a wide variety of locations C) is rarely transmitted through missionaries D) has celebrations based on seasonal changes E) is less likely to be used as a reason for violence than ethnic religions

41 A universalizing religion
A) is based on the physical characteristics of a particular location on Earth B) appeals to people living in a wide variety of locations C) is rarely transmitted through missionaries D) has celebrations based on seasonal changes E) is less likely to be used as a reason for violence than ethnic religions

42 The world’s largest universalizing religion is
A) Buddhism B) Christianity C) Hinduism D) Islam E) Shintoism

43 The world’s largest universalizing religion is
A) Buddhism B) Christianity C) Hinduism D) Islam E) Shintoism

44 The world’s largest ethnic religion is
A) Confucianism B) Daoism C) Hinduism D) Shintoism E) Islam

45 The world’s largest ethnic religion is
A) Confucianism B) Daoism C) Hinduism D) Shintoism E) Islam

46 Which is a branch of Christianity
A) Druze B) Eastern Orthodox C) Shiite D) Theravadist E) Judaism

47 Which is a branch of Christianity
A) Druze B) Eastern Orthodox C) Shiite D) Theravadist E) Judaism

48 Which of the following is NOT a universalizing religion?
A) Buddhism B) Sikhism C) Islam D) Judaism E) Christianity

49 Which of the following is NOT a universalizing religion?
A) Buddhism B) Sikhism C) Islam D) Judaism E) Christianity

50 Roman Catholics are clustered in the US southwest primarily because of migration of
A) Roman Catholics from Latin America B) Roman Catholics from the northeast United States C) Roman Catholics from Ireland D) Protestants to the north E) Protestants to the east

51 Roman Catholics are clustered in the US southwest primarily because of migration of
A) Roman Catholics from Latin America B) Roman Catholics from the northeast United States C) Roman Catholics from Ireland D) Protestants to the north E) Protestants to the east

52 Muslims are clustered in
A) Sub-Saharan Africa B) South America C) Eastern Europe D) East Asia E) the Middle East

53 Muslims are clustered in
A) Sub-Saharan Africa B) South America C) Eastern Europe D) East Asia E) the Middle East

54 Lutheranism is an example of a Christian
A) branch B) denomination C) religion D) sect E) family

55 Lutheranism is an example of a Christian
A) branch B) denomination C) religion D) sect E) family

56 Eastern Orthodoxy is an example of a Christian
A) branch B) denomination C) religion D) sect E) family

57 Eastern Orthodoxy is an example of a Christian
A) branch B) denomination C) religion D) sect E) family

58 The dominant branch of Islam is
A) Druze B) Eastern Orthodoxy C) Sikh D) Sunni E) Shiite

59 The dominant branch of Islam is
A) Druze B) Eastern Orthodoxy C) Sikh D) Sunni E) Shiite

60 The belief in the existence of only one god is
A) animism B) cosmogony C) monotheism D) polytheism E) pagan

61 The belief in the existence of only one god is
A) animism B) cosmogony C) monotheism D) polytheism E) pagan

62 Animists believe that A) people should complete God’s creation of the Earth B) inanimate objects and natural events have spirits C)people should make complete use of the Earth’s resources D) natural disasters are preventable E) enlightenment can be achieved by all people

63 Animists believe that A) people should complete God’s creation of the Earth B) inanimate objects and natural events have spirits C)people should make complete use of the Earth’s resources D) natural disasters are preventable E) enlightenment can be achieved by all people

64 Adherents of which religion are also likely to believe in other religions simultaneously?
A) Judaism B) Christianity C) Hinduism D) Islam E) Buddhism

65 Adherents of which religion are also likely to believe in other religions simultaneously?
A) Judaism B) Christianity C) Hinduism D) Islam E) Buddhism


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