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 Ms. Byram – Art  Ms. Riha – Music  Ms. Thune-P.E.

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4  Ms. Byram – Art  Ms. Riha – Music  Ms. Thune-P.E.

5  Chinese Language Arts curriculum  Singapore Math  Science  Whole School and Classroom Expectations  How to get involved at school  Important Events

6  Chinese Language Arts  Math  Social Studies  Science  Play

7  Reading Readiness: The student will develop book and print awareness  Phonemic Awareness: The student will develop phonemic awareness and basic knowledge of the Chinese characters  Decoding and Word recognition: Recognize some words  Comprehension: The students will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed

8 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Morning Meeting 8:45-9:12 Homeroom Period 1 9:15-10:05CLA 9:15-9:45 Library 9:55-10:40 CLACLA 9:15-9:45 Art Byram Period 2 10:08-10:50CLA 9:50-10:40 CLA Period 3 Lunch 10:50-11:20 Lunch 10:45-11:10 Lunch Playground 11:15-11:35 Recess Period 4 Activity Period 12:00 – 12:57 Story/ Rest Time 11:40- 11:50/11:50-12:20 Story/ Rest Time 11:40- 12:00/12:00-12:30 Period 5 1:00-1:45 ScienceSS 12:25-12:55 Music/Riha Science SS12:30-1:00 1:00-2:10 Math Period 6 1:48-2:33 1:25-1:55 PE/Thune Math 1:25-1:55 PE/Thune Math 1:00-1:30 Science 1:30-1:50 Snack 1:25-1:55 PE /Thune Math 2:10-2:25 snack 2:25-2:45 Outside Period 7 2:36-3:21Math 1:50-3:00 Math 3:00-3:20 Outside MathCLA PM Homeroom Homework Lab 3:24-3:45 Homeroom Kindergarten Schedule for 2014-2015 K1 Ruan Laoshi Yinghua Academy

9 MonthChinese Language ArtsMathSocial StudiesScience Sept. All about Me  Greetings  Language and vocabulary about “me” and “my family”  Listening skills  Learn names of some animals My Family Introduce family members Express love for family Understand family and friendship Numbers 1-10 Count and recognize up to 10 Write 1-10 Match/Sort Match and sort objects according to their attributes Shapes Identify circles, rectangles and distinguish these shapes Personal Safety Walk in the hallways Keep hands to oneself Playground Safety Class routine & class safety Core Value Five Expectations School Supplies Identify classroom supplies Natural Science: Season (Fall) Understand facts of fall Fall colors activities Introduce Calendar Introduce Weather Oct. Color of Fall  Fall activities and colors Celebrate Literature Listen to stories from around the world Introduce terms of “author” and “illustrator” School supplies Identify classroom supplies Fruit  Describe different fruits Number order Count from 1 - 10 and from 10 – 1 Numbers Comparison Patterns  Identify repetition of colors and shapes I Love My Family Family Members Family Tree Friendship & Manners Be Respectful to others Wait for your turn Science Inquiry: Observation Earth & Space Science: Weather Identify weather (rainy, sunny, cloudy, and snowy) Calendar Science of fruit Nov. Celebrate Literature (Cont.) Skills to respond stories and identify the main characters in a story Holiday Seasons  Holidays  Shopping School is Fun  Learn names of school activities  Five Great Expectations Comparison  Compare length, weight and size of objects Compare sets of equal sizes and different sizes Measurement (length, Weight, Size) Measure length, weight and size Native Americans, Early Exploration & Settlement  Story of the First Thanksgiving  The May Flower Science Inquiry: Observation Life Science: Living Things (Human Body) Identify human body parts and their functions Five senses Dec. Holiday Seasons (Cont.)  food/fruits  Express preference Color of Winter Winter activities and colors Celebration of winter Grocery shopping  Name words of food Clothing  Identify different kinds of clothing. Weight Comparison Use words to compare objects according to length, size, weight and position. Neighboring Numbers Find a number that is 1 more or 1 less than a given number. Self Awareness & Empathy How to be a good listener Respect other’s Feelings Friendship skills Meaning of Chinese Names Natural Science: Season (Winter) Understand the facts of winter Change of seasons Winter colors and activities Personal Hygiene  Hand washing technique (water- soap-20 second scrub-rinse Jan. Shapes and color  Identify different colors and shapes Zoo animals  Name zoo animals and describe their habitats. My home  Identify the rooms in their house and describe the function of different rooms. Numbers to 20 Count up and down by one Compare and tell the difference between two numbers Count up to 20 by identifying groups of ten Represent and write the numbers up to 20 in tens and ones Count by 2s, 5s and 10s Understand counting by 2s, 5s and 10s count by 2s, 5s and 10s by Number Bonds  Build number bonds within 1-10 Asia: Chinese Culture  Chinese New Year customs  Chinese New Year stories Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech (excerpt) Stories about the Civil Rights Movement Healthy Habits  Identify healthy and unhealthy foods Taking Care of Yourself  Appropriate clothing for different weathers/seasons  Exercise The followings are general topic areas and intended timelines for instruction. The topics and resources listed are only samples, not a complete listing. Topics listed may occur earlier or later than indicated.

10 MonthChinese Language ArtsMathSocial StudiesScience Feb. Chinese New Year (CNY) Understand CNY customs through folk stories Summary of the importance of CNY in Chinese culture Numbers to 30 Count up to 30 by tens and ones Represent and write numbers up to 30 in tens and ones Place Value Know ones and tens Understand the concept of hundreds Justice and Courage Story of Abraham Lincoln Story of George Washington and the Cherry Tree Stories of American Presidents  George Washington: the Father of our country  Thomas Jefferson  Abraham Lincoln  Theodore Roosevelt Natural Science: Season (Spring) Understand the facts of spring Notice the change of seasons Spring activities The Nature: Animals and Plants Sorting living things by habitat (sea or land) Taking care of Pets Structure of plants What plants need to grow March Countries Around the World  Learn names of six countries  Associate items to its countries  World Fair Sports/Exercise  Classroom exercise and games  Learn names of different sports Date and Time Addition and Subtraction Understand addition and subtraction Solve addition and subtraction problems Bullying Prevention Physical and emotional well- being Conflict resolution Getting along with others Countries Around the World  Identify country flags  Experience different country cultures World Fair Life Science: Living Things (Plants) Observe plant growth (Mung bean) life cycle of plants Comparison of Animals and Plants Common characteristics of animals Comparison of animals and plants April Relationship between Earth and Me Our impact on the Earth The importance of recycling for our environment and Earth Recycle signs and phrases Transportation / Movement  Identify transportation by sea, by air and by land  Understand the importance of safety  Action verbs  Location words and phrases Location Location words Money Identify names and values of coins Learn the value of different coin combinations Shop with coins Numbers to 100  Count to 100 and by 2s, 5s and 10s Sequence  Recognize that a number can be used to represent how many objects are in a set or to represent the position of an object in a sequence. Symbols & Figures American Flag Bald Eagle Statue of Liberty Mount Rushmore White house Taking Care of the Earth The importance of recycling Sorting and recycling May/ June Occupations and Community Helpers Names of different occupations Express personal choice of occupation for the future Scientists  Wright Brothers  Jane Goodall Time Learn to tell time Dates and months Capacity Compare the capacity of different containers Review Direction: Mapping Skills  Directions (front, back, left, and right)  Follow simple directions Community Helpers Public servants Civic leaders Nature Science: Season (Summer) Understand the facts of summer Notice the change of seasons Summer activities Introduction: Magnetism The use of magnets Insect Name different insects

11  Literary Response and Analysis: Identify types of everyday print materials  Vocabulary: Basic academic and functional Chinese vocabulary  Listening and Speaking: Students will listen and respond to oral communication  Writing: Handwriting skills and hold pencil correctly

12  My First Chinese Words 36 Book set from Better Chinese  I Love Chinese: The 14 book set from Better Chinese  青 (q ī ng) 田 (tián) story books  Singapore reading materials  Reading materials from China

13  Language acquisition vs. Language Learning  Chinese immersion environment  Connect sound to print and connect print to meaning (Same as MN English Language Arts standards)

14  Use daily routine phrases  Visual aids  Body language  Facial expressions  Sing Chinese songs  Recite Chinese poems  Nursery rhymes  Story reading

15  Be familiar with the 18 basic strokes  Follow the writing rules  Use the proper stroke order when writing characters  Practice is the key

16  Multiple types of characters (e.g. pictographs, ideographs, compound pictographs, compound ideographs, semi- phonetic compounds, etc..)  Starting with simple characters, such as pictographic characters



19 Your child will be able to --  understand the classroom directions from teachers in Chinese  express their needs and wants with Chinese speakers  understand the basic strokes and formation of characters  write at least 80+ Chinese characters  recognize at least 150-200 Chinese characters

20  Read to your child  Language-rich environment  Monthly language rich activities calendar

21  Singapore Math Method - follows a spiral progression - Principles: Three step learning model, moving from the concrete, to the pictorial, to the abstract -consistent and strong emphasis on problem solving and model drawing

22 Suitable for immersion program -Builds upon preceding levels -Explanations of math concepts are exceptionally clear and simple

23  Follows the MN Science Standard  Follows the Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence  Integrates with Chinese Language Arts in the immersion classroom,e.g. observe plants growth  Fosters a science attitude: "The success of science has more to do with an attitude common to scientists than with a particular method. This attitude is one of inquiry, experimentation, and humility before the facts." - Paul G. Hewitt, Conceptual Physics, Second Edition, p. 3  Hands on activities, experiment experiences

24 Elementary school children are in a concrete operational stage of their development. (Piaget, 1958) --Invisible things must be represented in concrete form to enable these children to grasp the concepts.

25  In kindergarten, children often study aspects of the world around them: the family, the school, the community.  We want to help students think about their relationship with the world and foster their curiosity.

26 Play is the Work of the Child (Piaget)

27  Play, along with the basic needs of nutrition, health, shelter and education, is vital to develop the potential of all children.  Play is communication and expression, combing thought and action; it gives satisfaction and a feeling of achievement.  Play is instinctive, voluntary, and spontaneous.

28  Play helps children develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.  Play is a means of learning to live, not a mere passing of time.  Play is the child’s way of learning.


30  Kindergarten Curriculum Map  School Wide Calendar  Class Schedule  Kindergarten Classroom Rules-have you child color and bring back for a golden ticket.

31  Read to your child everyday  Good rest and eat well  Check sent home folder every night  Check our Classroom Page weekly (password: 2014newyinghua)  Arrive at school and pick up on time  Individual snack in the backpack  Turn in homework on time  Learn with your child  Be involved

32  Three field trips- Apple Orchard in October, and TWB.  Monthly Activity Calendar- at least complete two activities a week (Golden ticket)  Grandparents’ Day- October 2 th,2014 (Invitations sent home)  Chinese New Year Performance-2/28/2014 at Bethel University  Academic Performance-the end of May

33 1. Plan a week that will work for you 2. Sign up with your child’s teacher  Prepare the information and one activity with your child- posters, books, crafts, science project…

34 1. 2. Notes in the take home folder 3. Class Coordinators 4. “Report an Absence”- Go to the Yinghua home page and scroll to the bottom, there is a link in the black bar at bottom. Click on that link and fill in the form, the school will receive an email with the information.



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