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The green rangers present’s  Going green with Hardin County merchants.  How green do you think Hardin County is? By: Mollie Williams &* Anthony Wright.

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Presentation on theme: "The green rangers present’s  Going green with Hardin County merchants.  How green do you think Hardin County is? By: Mollie Williams &* Anthony Wright."— Presentation transcript:

1 The green rangers present’s  Going green with Hardin County merchants.  How green do you think Hardin County is? By: Mollie Williams &* Anthony Wright

2  The Hardin county is changing and you’ll Be surprised by what we found.  Our group started our research by dividing businesses into five categories.  The categories were: retail, industrial, restaurants, hotels and grocery stores.  Our group has called 100 businesses that we feel represent a cross section Hardin county.

3  Our group has also rated the businesses by percentages, and asked 4 questions to the businesses we called these are the questions we asked  they use any special light bulbs.  they recycle  the reuse anything  they conserve

4 Retail Retail  We called 20 random retail stores  5 general stores  5 Furniture stores  And 10 clothing stores

5 Furniture store graph Furniture store graph  In the furniture section our team concluded that 40% of them did 2 or more things green 30% at least one thing green and 30% did nothing green

6 Clothing store graph Clothing store graph  In the clothing store section we concluded that the 10 stores we called 80% of them did al least 1 thing green

7 General stores General stores  In the general section 57% did 2 or more things green 40% did did at least 1 thing and 3% did nothing.

8 when we started our hotel division, we found 80% of Hardin counties hotels were part of the green movement. And only 10% did nothing.

9 Industries Industries  The industries division was split into two parts, small industries and big industries for each we called ten stores.

10 industries percentage industries percentage  In the industry section 63% of them did at least one thing green 7% did two or more and 30% did nothing

11 Groceries Groceries  Our next division consisted of contacting Ten grocery stores.

12 Groceries percentages Groceries percentages  In the grocery section 60% did at least one thing green 20% did at least two things green and 20% did nothing green

13 Restaurants Restaurants  We divided the restaurants into two parts, food restaurants. B. sit down restaurants. We called ten restaurants each.

14 Over half the local restaurants are now contributing to the green movement. Only 5% did nothing.

15 Professional practice Professional practice  Doctors  Lawyers  Real-estate  Accountants

16 Close to half of the professional practices in this area already contribute to the green movement. Yet unfortunately,still 20% local professional haven’t gotten the hint

17 the answer to our original question the answer to our original question  So out of 100 stores we called our team has concluded that 56% did at least one thing green 43% did two or more things green but 19% did nothing green.  So in conclusion we are over half way there. We didn’t know that and we think that is pretty darn good.  So with your help we can raise this percentage even higher.  So always try to do your part and thank you.

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