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Hosted By Mrs. Shook 100 200 400 300 400 EnvironmentAnimals Interact Types of Organisms Ecology & Ecosystems 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted By Mrs. Shook 100 200 400 300 400 EnvironmentAnimals Interact Types of Organisms Ecology & Ecosystems 300 200 400 200 100 500 100."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hosted By Mrs. Shook

3 100 200 400 300 400 EnvironmentAnimals Interact Types of Organisms Ecology & Ecosystems 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 This type of organism recycles dead organisms. What is a decomposer?

5 1,2 Sun – Grass – Grasshopper – Snake – Eagle - Bacteria. What is a food chain?

6 1,3 The beginning of all food chains Plants may include grass, trees, Or algae. What are producers?

7 1,4 All of the living and nonliving Things in an area. What is an ecosystem?

8 2,1 We are affecting organisms This way by building malls, Homes, roads, & businesses. What is habitat loss?

9 2,2 An animal hunts another Animal for food. What is a predator?

10 2,3 Organisms that can not make Their own food & they get Energy by eating other organisms. What is a consumer?

11 2,4 In an ecosystem there could be Rocks, dirt, water, air or sand. What are abiotic factors?

12 3,1 We are affecting organisms This way by burning fuels, using Too much fertilizers, and Dumping garbage. What is pollution?

13 3,2 One kind of organism lives on Another and may harm that Organism – like a flea on a dog. What is parasitism?

14 3,3 Consumers that eat only producers. What is a herbivore?

15 3,4 In an ecosystem there could Be snails, fish, algae, crickets Grass, and snakes. What are biotic factors?

16 4,1 Humans can help the Environment by applying The 3 R’s. What is reuse, recycle, reduce?

17 4,2 A relationship in which one Organism benefits from another Organism without harming or Helping – orchids attach to trees. What is commensalism?

18 4,3 An organism that eats Both berries and fish – a bear. What is an omnivore?

19 4,4 The role or job of an organism In the community. What is a niche?

20 5,1 At one time a fisherman could Catch as many fish as he wanted. Now these have been put in place To prevent over fishing. What are limits?

21 5,2 A relationship between two Kinds of organisms that benefits Both of them – cleaner fish & shark. What is mutualism?

22 5,3 Organisms that eat only other animals. (Type the question for 5,3 here.)?

23 5,4 All the populations or groups Of species living in the same area. What is a community?

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