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Arleta High Earth Day 2015 Eco-League room B121 Mondays 3:30pm-4:30pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Arleta High Earth Day 2015 Eco-League room B121 Mondays 3:30pm-4:30pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arleta High Earth Day 2015 Eco-League room B121 Mondays 3:30pm-4:30pm


3 Contents “6R’s –Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Return, Refuse, Rethink” Pledge to make a difference Promote Awareness and Advocate- California Drought Community Partners References

4 History of Earth Day

5 6-R’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Return, Refuse, Rethink Reduce means use less, Reuse means to use again Recycle means to use the material again and make something new Return means to return your electronics when you are finished using them Refuse to use single use plastics such as straws, spoons, etc. Plastic is a leading pollutant Rethink means to make eco-friendly choices, such as walking instead of driving short distances Watch this documentary on Utube!



8 Promote Awareness and Advocate What are your concerns about the environment? Do you see any problems? What can you do to find solutions? How can you contribute to improve the situation? The following slides will help stimulate conversation and discussion. Debate the pros and cons. Students can conduct further research and participate in community action.

9 California Drought Governor Brown has implemented drought restrictions but only 20% is considered urban use (household, business [schools] and govt.) and 80% is used by agriculture production. Agri-business is exempt from drought restrictions. Where is California’s water going? Author: Mark Reisner California history included Baja California and Alta California California has always relied on a diverted water source to produce more than ½ of the agriculture production

10 Hydraulic fracturing involves the use of water pressure to create fractures in rock that allow the oil and natural gas it contains to escape and flow out of a well. 70million gallons are used for “fracking” and then waste water is dumped into CA aquifers. 400 million gallons of California water are used by NESTLE to sell bottle water. This is where 80 % of California’s water goes….

11 100 billion gallons of CA water is used to grow Alfalfa, then shipped to China to feed it’s cattle. 343,000 gallons are used to produce one steak. Discuss and debate the pros and cons 1.1 trillion gallons are used by almond farms in California.

12 AHS Community Partner Arleta High School students can conduct a service learning project such as collecting e- waste, recycling and much more. You and your family can also bring e waste materials the above S.A.F.E. permanent collection centers.

13 AHS Community Partner Arleta High recycles ink cartridges!

14 AHS Community Partner Alliance for Climate Education D.O.T- Do One Thing

15 AHS Community Partner Together with Pacoima Beautiful Arleta High’s Mrs. Reyes sponsor’s ECO-League Club. A current project involves creating green spaces in our community.

16 AHS students and alumni have attended every Wednesday 4:30-6:30pm at Pacoima City Hall. Express yourself and participate! Join a youth organization where you can participate and go on field trips to learn about the environment. Some activities you’ll do are tree plantings, mountain hikes, community service and more.

17 Arleta High School Home of the Mustangs Earth Day 2015 Stop.Start.Continue. I ______________________, for Earth Day 2015 pledge the following commitment: I recognize that small actions and changes in my life, home and community will add up to make a big difference for the health and well-being of the environment. I understand that the environment includes people, wildlife and nature. I share our planet with all living things and understand that I have a responsibility to do what I can. I pledge to stop, start and continue the following. Signed by________________DATE_________


19 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. files%2FEarthDay_4kids.ppt files%2FEarthDay_4kids.ppt 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

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