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Published byMyles Paul Modified over 9 years ago
Héctor Sámano Highlights of the Mexican Research & Innovation System
Mexico’s Science, Technology and Innovation System General Council for Scientific Research Technological Development and Innovation CONACYT's Board of Governors Scientific and Technological Advisory Forum National Conference on Science and Technology Departments and agencies of federal, state and municipal Government Foreign Governments / International Organizations Science Advisory Council S&T experts, universities, research centers and enterprises
CONACYT’s attributions 1.Formulate and execute the national policy on science, technology and innovation; 2.Support scientific research and technological development and assist in the consolidation of research and innovation groups; 3.Promote innovation and technological development and strength technological capabilities of entrepreneurs and companies; 4. Advice federal government, state governments and local municipalities; 5.Promote international collaboration on scientific and technological cooperation. Special Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2008-2012
Regional innovation approach to strengthen national competitiveness Systematic evaluation (ex ante – ex post) Internationalization in all phases Knowledge value chain: CONACYT’s interventions in the national RD&I system Public financing / scholarships, grants and investments (-) appropriability (+)
CONACYT’s operational frame Not exhaustive
New and previously granted scholarships 2001-2010 (Domestic and Foreign programs) Conacyt´s Scholarships program Growth of new scholarships:2001-2004:42.8%2007-2010:83.5% Total Scholarships granted by CONACYT
Scholarships for graduate studies by degree and destination, 2010 Conacyt´s Scholarships program Degree / destinationDomesticAbroadTotal Doctoral11,794200513,799 Master21,42874422,172 Speciality703 Exchange scholarships573087 Total33,9822,77936,761 Scholarships granted by CONACYT
By destination Conacyt´s Scholarships ( Mexican Students attending Foreign programs) Where do they go? CountryScholarships% Great Britain73126% USA67324% Spain32812% Germany2258% Canada1806% France1475% Australia994% Netherlands753% Japan401.4% Sweden190.7% Scholarships granted by CONACYT
The National System of Researchers (SNI) The Mexican System of Researchers represents an opportunity for R&D collaboration Contributes to the formation and consolidation of researchers with the highest scientific and technological level. In 2010. Members in the SNI, 2001-2010 Number and amounts
Fostering research in strategic areas Thematic Research Networks Increasing national and international research mobility on specific research areas. 2,708 Researchers collaborating in Mexico through this mechanism 20 Thematic networks 1Water11Mathematical and Computer Models 2Bar Code of Life12Ecosystems 3Complexity, Science and Society13Poverty and Urban Development 4Physics of High Energies14Mexican Network on Soft Condensed Matter 5Energy Sources15Ageing, Health and Social Development 6Environment and Sustainability16Robotics and Mechatronics 7Nanosciences and Nanotechnology17Climatic and Hydro meteorological Disasters 8New Tendencies in Medicine18Ethno ecology and Bio cultural Heritage 9Foods, Agriculture & Biotechnology19Scientific Research and Space Technology 10Information Technologies20Civil Society and Quality of Democracy
CONACYT’s Public Research Centers System Play a key role in Mexico´s Science and Technology System, contributing to: Formation of highly specialized human capital Design of public policies Attention to social problems Linkage with the productive sector 10 Exact & Natural Sciences 8 Social & Human Sciences 8 Engineering & Technology 26 Public Research Centers
Mexico has a long tradition on international cooperation in science, technology and innovation, in various fields of knowledge. Collaboration on R&D, has been carried out by universities, research centers, as well as by the mobility of researchers and students. CONACYT, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and many other Mexican agencies, promote agreements and fund programs that allow the participation of researchers and entrepreneurs in international cooperation activities in R & D and innovation. Actually, CONACYT maintains 98 cooperation agreements in force from 40 different institutions in 25 countries, the European Union and two multilateral organizations CONACYT´S International Cooperation… some facts
40 specific agreements for Postgraduate Scholarships with top Universities, all over the World. 5 specific agreements for mobility of researchers, academics and postgraduate students. 10 specific agreements for joint research projects, and 43 framework agreements, include workshops, seminars, symposia, research projects, postdoctoral stays, as well as academics and researchers' mobility and scholarships, support. CONACYT´S International Cooperation… some facts
(Foreign students in domestic programs) Foreign students awarded with Conacyt´s Scholarships Where do they come from? COUNTRY / YEAR20072008200920102011*Total COLOMBIA88221212242148911 ECUADOR747306230176 CUBA923302227111 ARGENTINA121922321499 PERU112519271092 CHILE15231824888 BOLIVIA3122431878 GERMANY4201621667 VENEZUELA11415191362 UNITED STATES781723459 SPAIN7101322658 NICARAGUA61013171056 GUATEMALA2129181354 BRAZIL6131013547 COSTA RICA381015642 Total of foreign students awarded ( 2007-2011 ): 2,450 CONACYT´S International Cooperation… some facts
Mexican Articles (ISI) in collaboration with selected Countries 2005-2009 2005-2009 PapersCountry 8,692USA 3,040Spain 2,099France 1,595Germany 1,587England 1,543Canada 1,050Brazil 1,028Italy 771Argentina 753Russia 683Netherlands 639P.R. China 590Colombia CONACYT´S International Cooperation… some facts
Bilateral Cooperation Researchers mobility, and joint Projects Germany Belgium Spain France Hungary Italy Czech Republic Europe Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Cuba USA Canada - Quebec America Korea China Japan India Asia More than 800 mobility projects supported from 2007 to 2010, with 24 countries, involving the participation of more the 3,000 Mexican and foreign researchers CONACYT´S International Cooperation… some facts
Iberoamerican Experts Information Bank on R&D The Bank provides access to over 50,000 accredited experts in specific areas of knowledge Cooperation agreements with CONICET-Argentina; ANII-Uruguay; ANEP- Spain; and COLCIENCIAS-Colombia. CONACYT´S International Cooperation… some facts
Mexico’s research & innovation system … some statistics
Mexico - European Union Cooperation in science, technology and innovation
Mexico – European Union cooperation in science, technology and innovation Management and promotion of ST&I cooperation with EU and Member States MEX-UE COOPERATION SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGY-INNOVATION GLOBAL AGREEEMENT MEX-UE AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL COOPERATION MEX-UE BILATERAL AGRREMENTS WITH EU MEMBERS STATES (MoUS) ST&I JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE Energies-NMP-Health-FABF-Transport-ICT-SSH Environment-Space-Innovation (SMEs)… National Contact Point Network PARLAMENTARIAN MIXED COMIMISSION Higher education institutions, Research Centres, Enterprises and Persons
Support the EU-MX S&T Agreement’s objectives Provide information about programs and funding designed to promote cooperation between Mexico and EU Formation of partnerships between scientific and technological communities Visibility and dissemination activities Analysis and proposal of improved financing mechanisms Support Mex–EU cooperation, through thematic working groups and technical missions in priority areas RECIPROCITY ASPECTS OF THE MX ST&I SYSTEM TO EUROPEAN PARTICIPATION CONACYT – European Commission, bilateral support for R&I Since 2006 the EC + CONACYT jointly support their bilateral cooperation... RENITTEC
Mexico in the 7° Framework Programme (estimated, 2007-2011) Thematic areaProjectsParticipants EC contribution to the project EC contribution to Mexican entities International cooperation668,267,513648,096 Research infrastructures343,970,326186,054 Science and society221,913,751108,758 Energy254,356,242822,231 Environment (including climate change)91533,313,3422,558,058 Food, agriculture, biotechnology and fisheries91014,377,056922,403 Health5610,689,040872,811 Information and communication technologies8817,796,327428,473 Nanoscience, nanotechnologies and NMP72615,439,120440,036 Social sciences and humanities457,650,807498,860 Space244,999,558 245,010 Transport (including aeronautics)11333,07420,700 Marie-Curie Actions2130- - - 79122 123,106,1567,751,490 Mexico – European Union cooperation in science, technology and innovation
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