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CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Funding Opportunities & Strategy for the CARMA Network Mike Gill & Michael Svoboda CARMA-6 December 6 th, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Funding Opportunities & Strategy for the CARMA Network Mike Gill & Michael Svoboda CARMA-6 December 6 th, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Funding Opportunities & Strategy for the CARMA Network Mike Gill & Michael Svoboda CARMA-6 December 6 th, 2009 US Fish and Wildlife Service

2 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Program Funding: CBMP Strategy Have SC members with access & influence with national funding agencies Start small, stay focused and have clear work-plan and apply for specific project funding Ruthlessly Piggyback and leverage existing funds Invite funding reps/managers to CBMP meetings and workshops

3 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Program Funding: CBMP Strategy Position program internationally and engage policy discussions (UNESCO, GEO, CBD, Environment Ministers meeting, AC meetings, etc.) Focus on early targeted products and outreach/communication Explore non-traditional funding sources (e.g. Foreign Affairs, Foundations)

4 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CBMP Funding Strategy: The Results Current funding = 375% increase since 2007 Multiple project funding sources: Canada, U.S. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, EC, UNEP, Netherlands and Finland New funding offers from: 6 European nations Jim Reist © Carsten Egevang ©

5 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA – Future Needs Need money for: – Annual Workshops – Facilitation of the implementation of scaled research and monitoring (reference and secondary herds) – Ongoing Data Management and reporting – Communications and Outreach products and activities

6 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Potential CARMA Funding Sources Foundations: Oak, Gordon, Nansen, etc. Industry: Oil/Gas, Mining, IPY companies National: Foreign Affairs Departments, Environment Departments, National funding agencies (e.g. NSF, NSERC) International: Nordic Council of Ministers, EU Life+, EU Framework 7

7 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA Funding Strategy? 1.Keep it SIMPLE: Annual meetings, coordinator role, strategic research and monitoring approach as part of the Synthesis Volume… 2.Be RELEVANT: Develop tools and products that are useful and facilitate reporting and decision-making 3.Have a PLAN: As result of Synthesis, develop a 5 year strategic implementation plan incl. outreach, DM and funding

8 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA Funding Strategy? 4.POSITION CARMA clearly in larger processes (CBMP, SAON, GEO, CBD Post 2010 Indicators) and show how CARMA outputs feed reporting and decision-making 5.MARKET: Show and advertise CARMA products and contributions; develop communications- outreach plan (videos, brochures, etc.), market products to decision-makers. Spin-off products from Synthesis.

9 CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA Funding Strategy? 6.Stay FOCUSED and leverage existing funds 7.ENGAGE influential people: Steering Committee, program ambassadors, funders to attend meetings, present at AC meetings (CAFF and possibly SAO), maintain local support


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