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Saturn is 886,700,000 miles away from the sun Saturn is 9,539 A.U. from the sun the perihelion distance of Saturn is 837,600,000 miles aphelion distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Saturn is 886,700,000 miles away from the sun Saturn is 9,539 A.U. from the sun the perihelion distance of Saturn is 837,600,000 miles aphelion distance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Saturn is 886,700,000 miles away from the sun Saturn is 9,539 A.U. from the sun the perihelion distance of Saturn is 837,600,000 miles aphelion distance of Saturn is 937,000,000 miles Rotational period of Saturn is 10.23 Orbital period of Saturn is 29 ½ years

3 The diameter of Saturn is 74,600 miles Saturn is a Jovian planet The distance between each layer of Saturn is 30,000 kilometer The average temp of Saturn is -180 The highest temp is -120 The lowest is temp is-285 the compost is made of 96%hydrogen 3% helium 1% other

4 The surface of Saturn is gassy The atmosphere on Saturn is Saturn is 96.3% methane 3.25% other 96.3% melanin 3.25% other Saturn is 9 times bigger than earth The gravity is 0.93 times bigger than earths gravity Saturn's name means the sun of night Saturn's mass is 95% bigger than earths


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