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Mr. Earth How are you? Green Promises Looking after the environment Author : Harry Chan Illustrator : Harry Chan.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Earth How are you? Green Promises Looking after the environment Author : Harry Chan Illustrator : Harry Chan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Earth How are you? Green Promises Looking after the environment Author : Harry Chan Illustrator : Harry Chan

2 I am Mr. Earth. I am sick. I am seriously polluted. Please save me.

3 What is recycling?________________________ Our “Green Promises”______________________ How to re-use old materials_________________ Making a puppet__________________________ Draw the puppet_________________________ References_____________________________ Parent Assessment Form___________________ Self Assessment Form_____________________ Peer Assessment Form_____________________ Teacher Assessment Form__________________ P.4 P.5 P.6 P.7 P.9 P.10 P.11 P.12 P.13 P.14

4 oldNewre-useSave Save our planet

5 NameGreen promises Rachel I promise to use less water. Sam I promise to use the both sides of the paper. Cara I promise to reuse the plastic bottles. Martin I promise not to throw away the paper. Karen I promise to use less paper. Lolo I promise to use less air conditioning. Betty I promise to recycle the things Our “ Green Promises ” Work in a group: Part A) Survey - Discuss how you can help look after the environment. Take turns to ask and find out what your classmates promise to do or not to do. For example: A: What do you promise to do? B: I promise not to throw away plastic bottles. B: What do you promise to do? C: I promise to save water. C: What do you promise to do? A: I promise to use less correction fluid. Part B) After your discussion, report to the class your group ’ s green promises.

6 1 23 envelopeswood chopsticksplastic bottles 4 56 aluminum canssocks clothes 7 89 buttons newspaper plastic bags How to re-use old materials Part A) Draw and write the items you normally throw away:

7 Making a puppet Part B) Choose the materials from the table you can use to make a new puppet. What is it? It’s a _puppy_______. Part C) What is your puppet made of? 1.The head is made of socks. 2. The eyes are made of buttons. 3. The hands are made of chopsticks.

8 Part D) Use the suitable adjectives to describe your puppet. For Example: It is a cute, little, brown toy car. It is a small, cute, white puppy.

9 Draw the puppy

10 References &gs_l=img.12..0j0i24l9.354533.356026.0.356920. 9c8M&q=plastic%20bags#facrc=_&imgrc=aeBHZrHVNbar5M%3A%3B0tCuwzp5Q1cEPM%3Bhttp%253A%252,or.&bvm=bv.47883778,d.aGc&biw=1366& bih=673&wrapid=tlif137112694870310&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=zh- TW&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=pry5UcruPI2XiAehrIHgAg#facrc=_&imgrc=gS8IEBGdCeGQQ ers%252F%3B2048%3B1536

11 Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science and Creativity Primary Five, Second Term, 2012-2013 Enrichment Programme Parent Assessment Form How many smiling faces do you give to your son? 1. My son can write some sentences about the green promises. 2. He can write neatly. 3. He can collect or draw pictures of the puppet. 4. He can collect interesting information of the green promises. 5. He has worked hard. 6. I like the project.

12 Self Assessment Form How many smiling faces do you give to yourself? 1. I can write some sentences about the green promises. 2. I can write neatly. 3. I can collect or draw pictures of the puppet. 4. I can collect interesting information of the green promises. 5. I have worked hard. 6. I like my project.

13 1. My partner can write some sentences about the green promises. 2. My partner can write neatly. 3. My partner can collect or draw pictures of the puppet. 4. I like the pictures in the small book. 5. My partner has worked hard. 6. I like the project. Peer Assessment Form How many smiling faces do you give to your partner? My name is Gloria.

14 1. You can write some sentences about the green promises. 2. You can write neatly. 3. You can collect or draw pictures of the puppet. 4. I like the pictures in the small book. 5. You have worked hard. 6. I like the project. 7. Teacher’s comments: You are good at collecting information about the green promises. Your sentences are neat, clear and accurate. The table of contents and headings are clear. You have explained the topic with interesting and clear pictures. Your small book is neat, colourful and attractive. Others:____________________________________________________ _ Teacher Assessment Form How many smiling faces do you give to your student? It will be better if your picture is beautiful.

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