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Waste week 2014. What Eco prevents. Animals stuck in litter. Litter in the street.

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Presentation on theme: "Waste week 2014. What Eco prevents. Animals stuck in litter. Litter in the street."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste week 2014

2 What Eco prevents. Animals stuck in litter. Litter in the street

3 Some wacky ideas you can make out of plastic bottles! Plastic bottle crocodile Maybe make some flowers or snow flakes Have you got any other ideas?

4 Recycling Things you can recycle  Paper  Batteries  Cardboard  Plastic  Glass  Foil  Tin cans  Clothes

5 Our carbon footprint carbon footprint is the amount of CO2 that comes into our planet from gasses and pollution.

6 You can recycle glasses This is a woman in Africa receiving recycled glasses, look how happy she is!

7 Quiz time!!  Name 5 things you can recycle.  What is carbon foot print?  What recyclables are sent to Africa and other poor parts of that country?  What things can you make out of plastic bottles?  What can not littering prevent?

8 Thanks!!!  Now time for our independent worksheets

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