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Invest Sweden August 30, 2015 Presented by: Ann-SofieJonsson Invesment Advisor

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Presentation on theme: "Invest Sweden August 30, 2015 Presented by: Ann-SofieJonsson Invesment Advisor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Invest Sweden August 30, 2015 Presented by: Ann-SofieJonsson Invesment Advisor

2 Sweden in general

3 Invest Sweden at a glance Background  Started activities in 1996  Responsible to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Personnel  70 employees in 5 countries  90 % + have business backgrounds  Sector specialists Results  Has participated in 1,600 investments since inception

4 Industry specialists in numerous business sectors  Automotive  Cleantech  Information and communication technologies  Life sciences  Materials Science  Real estate/Construction  Business processes  Financial services  Travel and hospitality  Retail

5 Invest Swedens international organization Offices -Sweden -India - Japan -China - North America -Brazil Embassies and consulates

6 Partners in 17 regions Business Region Göteborg Värmland County Örebro County Jämtland County Sjuhärad Skaraborg Dalarna County Stockholm Business Region Östergötland County Kalmar County Gävleborg County Jönköping County Kronoberg County Västerbotten County Business Region Skåne Norrbotten County Västernorrland County

7 Invest Sweden – Investment facilitator  General and tailor-made information on business areas, investment opportunities and the Swedish economy.  Practical advice on how to establish a business in Sweden.  Assistance throughout the establishment process.  Support in finding the best location in Sweden.  Help in finding potential business partners (match-making).  Introduction to useful contacts, authorities and utility providers.  Services are confidential and free of charge.

8 Sweden and the global competition  Sweden is one of the world most internationalized economies  Foreign assets is around 60% of GDP  Foreign companies employ more than 600.000 Swedes  Swedish companies has more than 1.000.000 people employed abroad  Sweden is one of the world most competitive economies  Sweden is the most competitive economy within EU according to World Economic Forum  Summing up 8 other global indices* indicate that Sweden has the world best industry climate  Scandinavia as a whole is the best region for all those indices

9 Most competitive countries in the world 2010–2011, Country rank 1.Switzerland 2.Sweden 3.Singapore 4.US 5.Germany 6.Japan 7.Finland 8.Netherlands 9.Denmark 10.Canada Source: Global Competitiveness Index; World Economic Forum, 2010-2011

10 10 The Nordic Countries, the eleventh largest economy in the world  Total population of the Nordic countries is approx. 25,500,000  The Nordic GDP is USD 1,330 Billion, which makes it the eleventh largest economy in the world Source: Norden I tal 2010 and IMD 2010

11 www.investsweden.se11August 30, 2015 Sweden in the Northern European region  100 million consumers  Intra-regional trade  All countries in the region, except Russia and Norway, are members of the EU  Preferred location for Regional HQ  Sweden attracts roughly half of all inward investment in the region 11August 30, 2015

12 12 Given its size one of the largest recipients of International investment Source: Unctad, 2011 Largest recipients of FDI worldwide 2005-2009, US$ million

13 Made in Sweden - Source of international success International companies of Swedish origin

14 An export-dependent Free Trade nation

15 Actually closer than you think 15August 30, 2015 Safety Matches3-point safety beltZipperAdjustable wrenchSkypeBall bearingsThe Coca Cola bottle KDDI Music Downloading

16 16August 30, 2015 Source: National Institute of Economic Research Eurostat; OECD, 2011 GDP growth in selected countries 1997–2011, average annual change, percent Source: National Institute of Economic Research Eurostat; OECD, 2011 Inflation rate 1997–2011, annual average, percent Strong and stable economy

17 17 Efficient and reliable government  Protectionism does not impair the conduct of your business  Product and service legislation does not deter business activity  Bribing and corruption are at low levels  Equal opportunity legislation in your country encourages economic development  Bureaucracy does not hinder business activity Source: IMD world competitiveness yearbook, 2008

18 Economic growth and emissions reductions 18August 30, 2015 Source: Swedish Energy Agency, based on data from Statistics Sweden and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

19 Business sector opportunities  Information & communication technologies (ICT)  Life sciences  Finance  Well-known as a test market  Cleantech  Automation  Automotive  Tourism  Retail

20 Availability of skilled labor 2009 Source: IMD World Competitivness Yearbook 2009 1.Ireland 2.Japan 3.Switzerland 4.Sweden 5.Denmark 6.Finland 7.Phillippines 8.Israel 9.Singapore 10.US

21 Great place to live 1.Iceland 2Norway 3.Australia 4.Canada 5.Ireland 6.Sweden 7.Switzerland 9.Netherlands 10.France 23.Germany Source: Human Development Index, UNDP, 2008

22 Welcome to Sweden August 30,

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