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Levergaing Social Media to Manage Reputation and Keep Customers Happy Getting Social in Times of Crisis.

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Presentation on theme: "Levergaing Social Media to Manage Reputation and Keep Customers Happy Getting Social in Times of Crisis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Levergaing Social Media to Manage Reputation and Keep Customers Happy Getting Social in Times of Crisis

2 22 Source: Quotes as attributed. Artwork courtesy of

3 3 Case Study: AIG

4 4 Situation Big target Angry mob Misperception of the truth But no plan on how to handle the online fall out Take-aways Understand the power of the social media space The best defense is a strong offense Have a crisis management plan that includes social media

5 5 A Rapidly Changing Communication Landscape 5 Economic, social, and technological trends are collectively forming the basis for the next generation of the internet - a more mature, distinctive medium characterized by User Participation, Openness, and Network Effects. Institutional ControlConsumer Control Push/PublishListen/Collaborate

6 6 A Rapidly Changing Communication Landscape 6 Economic, social, and technological trends are collectively forming the basis for the next generation of the internet - a more mature, distinctive medium characterized by User Participation, Openness, and Network Effects.

7 7 An Evolution Not A Revolution 7 Channels Blogs Discussion Boards Wikipedia Web Services AJAX Widgets/Gadgets RSS Open – Source Social Networks Virtual Worlds Contextual Media Search Mash-Ups Pod Casting (A/V) Viral Instant messaging Personalization Alerts Streaming Media Directories Reviews Polls Web as Platform User Controls Data Rich User Experience Google, Gmail, AJAX, Maps Participation Not Just Publishing Blogs, Podcasts Web As Components (small pieces loosely joined) The Right To Remix Trust Your Users Software That Improves the more people use it The Perpetual Beta Attitude Not Technology Radical Trust Wikipedia Tagging Not Taxonomy Flicker, DEL.ICIO.U S

8 8 Taking Part in the Conversation 8 Dialogue, not Monologue Social media must facilitate two- way discussion, discourse, and debate with little moderation. It must be OPEN to everyone. Honesty and Transparency Social media is often a painfully candid forum. Attempting to control, manipulate, or spam a conversation can backfire. Pull, not Push eMerging Media lets people pull the content that they want, instead of having it forced upon them by an external entity. Distribution, not centralization eMerging media (content and applications) is highly distributed and made up of many voices making it far more textured and rich than “old” media.

9 9 Who Is Using Social Media?

10 10 Who Is Using Social Media? RankOnline Segment Global 1 Active Reach Dec 08 Global 1 Active Reach Dec 07 % Point Increase in Active Reach 1Search85.9%84.0%1.9% 2 General Interest Portals & Communities 85.2%83.4%1.9% 3Software Manufacturers73.4%72.0%1.4% 4Member Communities66.8%61.4%5.4% 5E-mail65.1%62.5%2.7% Source: Nielsen Online, Global Index, December 2007 – December 2008. E.g. In Dec 08 the Search sector reached 1.9% (points) more of the world’s online population than it did in Dec 071 ‘Global’ refers to AU, BR, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK & USA only Social network and blogging sites (Member Communities) are now the fourth most popular activity on the Internet

11 11 Who Is Using Social Media? Social Networking Site Users in Select Countries in Latin America Source: comScore World Metrix as cited in a press release on November 19, 2008

12 12 Who Is Using Social Media? Source: Altimeter/Wetpaint ENGAGEMENTdb study of the social media engagement of the top 100 brands, July 2009

13 13 Social Media Engagement Correlates to Financial Performance Source: Altimeter/Wetpaint ENGAGEMENTdb study of the social media engagement of the top 100 brands, July 2009

14 14 Guide to a Well-thought-out Social Media Strategy Be proactive Don't start during a crisis – it's already too late Nothing is wose for your reputation than desperation Know your audience Who are they, where are they, what are they saying, what do they care about, who influences them? Listen for a whiile with Conversation Monitoring Know Yourself What will you use Social Media for and why? Public Relations, Customer Service, Loyalty-building, Collaboration, Networking, Thought Leadership, Customer Acquisition? What are the business goals and objectives? How will you measure success?

15 15 Guide to a Well-thought-out Social Media Strategy Be Transparent Honestly is the best policy and the truth shall set you free Provide Value No matter what the strategy, people won't engage unless they get something out of it What can you give customers in exchange for what you want Measure, Collect, Analzye, Adjust Create a specific plan for measuring success It's not always new accounts, but it sure can be Collect data and review and then reinvest the learing Almost everything is trackable, recordable, measureable

16 16 Case Study: Eastern Bank

17 17 Case Study: Arizona Central Credit Union

18 18 Case Study: Wells Fargo

19 19 Case Study: Bank of America

20 20 Case Study: HSBC

21 21 Start with the Basic Tactics 1.Conversation Audit 2.Twitter 1.Facebook, Bebo, Hi5, LinkedIn 2.Blog Engage Measure Listen

22 Thank You.

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