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Teijin Aramid Safety Campaign submission for Cefic Responsible Care Award.

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Presentation on theme: "Teijin Aramid Safety Campaign submission for Cefic Responsible Care Award."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teijin Aramid Safety Campaign submission for Cefic Responsible Care Award

2 Supplies more than 1,000 customers Provides employment to more than 1,400 people Operates three production facilities: Delfzijl, Emmen and Arnhem Holds the ISO 9001/14001/OHSAS 18001 certificates Owns many patents (o.a. microfiber, waterblocking) Has own research facilities, 120 FTEs and applications labs Has worldwide sales network Annual sales of more than EUR 500 million Highly knowledge and capital intensive Sold all production since 1999 despite continuous expansion of capacity Teijin Aramid: facts

3 Teijin Aramid Organization Management Team Human ResourcesProduction Polymer Production (Delfzijl) Yarn, Pulp Production (Emmen) Pulp Production (Arnhem) Research & Development Research Institute (Arnhem) Sales & Marketing Sales Departments (Arnhem, Wuppertal) Sales Offices (USA, France, Italy, Brazil, China) Sales agents (worldwide) Staff Information Management Corporate Communications Controlling & Finance Controlling Supply Chain Management Production Planning Purchasing

4 Market is segmented Friction, sealing and paper Heat and cut-protection Optical Fiber cables Reinforced thermoplastic pipes Ropes and cables Hard and soft ballistics Tires Rubber applications Composites Road and hydraulic engineering

5 Teijin Aramid Production Locations Delfzijl: production of monomers and polymers Emmen: production of Twaron yarns, pulp and fiber Arnhem: production of pulp and recycling

6 Permits BRZO requirements Design philosophy and requirements (fire brigade; insurance, construction and design standards, industry standards) Training, exercises, test emergency alarm 1x per month ISO/OHSAS systems, audits Training, preventive maintenance, continuous improvements Factory with risks Professional management Disasters Design Detection Emergency response plan BRZO/ISO OHSAS TNO advice Training Exercise In-house emergency response 112 Risk management

7 Organization Everyone knows what is expected of him/her Work is well organized Work sites are in good order Employee I put my safety and that of my colleagues first I am responsible for my actions, including for safety I report unsafe situations and give pro-active help to resolve them Leader I give a good example I feel responsible for my employees’ safety I am always approachable about my own (safety) behavior

8 Safety campaigns Require attention for work environment and organization and a great deal of attention to behavior. Behavior often plays a major role in accidents. Experience with materials (including films such as the “Woodside video”) from outside parties, however, “not about us”. First Teijin Aramid campaign developed in 2007 with a film in which employees from 2 locations describe accidents they experienced and their impact on them, both at work and outside work. Purpose of this was to make employees aware of the consequences of accidents (see posters in next slide). This campaign made a deep impression and removed the taboo from emotional subjects. The victims were “heroes”. After evaluating first campaign, started in 2008 on the development of a new campaign. Teijin Aramid’s aims were clarified in this campaign. In this film employees from the various locations took a look behind the scenes to see how safety is viewed by Teijin Aramid. They ended by making a report to management. The organization took an open and non-protective position throughout the process.

9 Posters for first campaign

10 Goals for second campaign One step beyond awareness: focus on observation, naming, and discussing safety-related situations.

11 Starting points for second campaign Series of short meetings (3) for employees Medium for meetings: film (confrontational, supporting, break down structures, visualization, humor and emotion) Make use of employees’ own experiences Translate Teijin Aramid-wide safety goals into a campaign Campaign for all production locations Exchanges among locations Immediate supervisor organizes meetings for employees. They are given advance instruction and a toolkit.

12 Film design The concept: 6 employees (2 per location), go visit one of the other locations in pairs and work there 2 days at various worksites. Experiences and comments recorded on film. Produced by the Beukelaar Groep. Assignment: observe your colleagues working and safety processes: - A look behind the scenes at the location - Collaboration and collegiality - Conditions under which work performed - Safety systems - What stood out in terms of safety - Account for unsafe behavior - Keep a logbook - Afterwards make a joint report to management

13 Our stars …


15 Process Each supervisor received a toolkit for holding meetings with employees. This included: Plastic box with campaign logo Instruction folder (background information, tips) DVD with 3 film segments One leaflet per employee for each meeting. This contained discussion points / dilemmas / questions / assignments about the film Instructional meetings were held for the supervisors, in which they looked at the film and materials together and had a chance to ask questions. The toolkit was also handed out here Also: Poster series throughout the plants (6 different posters) Personal invitation for employees

16 The materials

17 1 of the leaflets

18 posters film

19 Campaign Results Safety received attention from different angles. Our safety campaigns are focused on behavior. It is difficult to substantiate the results in figures. We put everything on targeting effort. We see positive changes here (see next slide). Results in a few quotes by supervisors from the evaluation: “ There is now more room to talk about collaboration and the choices we make” “We are learning to continue to take a fresh look at our work” “An accident occupies a small space and we quickly become blind to it” “ Employees appreciate these looks behind the scenes” “The film got good discussion going”

20 Accident trends at Teijin Aramid Total Recordable Rate (TRR) and LTI Freq. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20052006200720082009 year numbers/million working hours FSQ TRR QRI TRR FDQ TRR FZQ TRR total TRR LTI freq.


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