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The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations Sven Matzke Team leader for the European Year 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations Sven Matzke Team leader for the European Year 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations Sven Matzke Team leader for the European Year 2012

2 Rapid growth of older population, shrinking labour force Year-on-year changes in age groups 20-64 and 65+

3 European Year 2012 – key messages  We don’t need to fear population ageing if we: -stay healthy longer -create more opportunities for older workers -allow older people to remain active in society -build an age-friendly environment  Active ageing is key response for tackling population ageing and preserving solidarity between generations

4 4 The Scope of Active Ageing Employment Social Participation Independent Living Promote healthy ageing at work Adapt work places Access to life-long learning Incentives for longer working lives Promote senior volunteering Support for family carers Cultural and social activities Adult learning Healthy ageing Age-friendly goods and services Accessible transport and housing Maximising autonomy in LTC

5 Active Ageing and Europe 2020  Employment target of 75% out of reach without more employment of older workers  Lifting 20 mio people out of poverty might not be achievable if rise of old age poverty  Crucial role of active ageing for adequate and sustainable pension systems (white paper)  Active ageing calls for innovation in many areas (close link to the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy ageing)

6 EY2012 - goals  Move towards a positive perception of ageing and older people  Awareness raising and…  …mobilising policy makers and stakeholders  Commitments for specific initiatives

7 How older people are perceived

8 Age-friendly environment

9 How to improve the local environment?

10 Consultative committees of older people

11 Commitment process  Stakeholders at all levels are invited to commit to activities and objectives  Commission documents commitments and activities on the EY 2012 website  Commitments can relate to many areas and take different forms: - public debate or events to raise awareness -research and analysis -projects, comprehensive strategies, action programmes

12 Examples for commitments National governments  Raise the employment rates of older workers  Combat age discrimination  Promote access of older people to education and ICT Local and regional authorities  Join the Age-friendly City Programme of WHO  Increase opportunities for senior volunteering  Launch intergenerational housing projects Companies and social partners  Offer flexible transitions to retirement  Promote mentoring schemes  Adapt working conditions to the needs of older workers

13 EY 2012 - financial resources  Budget limited to € 5 mio (2011-2012) to be spent at EU-level  No additional financial means for Member States via national budgets (as EY2009)  Number of EU funding programmes support projects related to active ageing

14 Launch events

15 EY2012 – key partners  Member States: national coordinators  Stakeholders: EY2012 coalition (50 members)  Regional and local authorities  European Parliament, CoR, EESC  Getting relevant Commission services and agencies involved (funding programmes, events)  EC Representations, EDICs and EP Information Offices

16 Publications of European Commission  Funding brochure - How to promote active ageing in Europe (Oct 2011, EN/FR/DE)  Eurostat – Statistical Portrait (Jan 2012, EN)  Eurobarometer (Jan 2012)  EU policies for promoting active ageing (May 2012, all languages)

17 Generations@school project  Intergenerational encounters around the European Day of Solidarity between Generations - April 29th  All schools in Europe are invited to open their doors to older people  Main target group are primary schools  What does ageing mean? What does it mean to be young? What can we do together?  Toolkit available online  EDICs receive 200 leaflets plus 50 pens

18 Possible involvement of cities/regions  Spread the news (video clip, leaflet, EU website, newsletter)  Launch new initiatives or organise events with relevant stakeholders  Make your initiatives visibible on EY2012 website  Promote generations@school action

19 Calendar  Jan/MarchNational launch conferences  19/20 MarMedia conference  7 AprilWorld Health Day on Health and Ageing  29 April European Day of Solidarity between Generations  4 June Good governance for promoting active ageing  19/20 SeptUNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing in Vienna  24/27 SeptAmbient Assisted Living Forum, Eindhoven (INFSO)  1 OctoberInternational Day of Older People  13 NovAward ceremony in Brussels  19/20 Novconference on adult learning (EAC)  DecemberClosing conference in Cyprus

20 List with links for resources  European Year 2012 leaflet in 23 languages  European Year 2012 official video clip in 23 languages  Promotional material  Toolkit for Generations@school project  Brochure on funding opportunities in EN/R/DE pbKE3211749/ pbKE3211749/  Eurostat brochure in EN generations-pbKSEP11001/ generations-pbKSEP11001/  Eurobarometer on Active Ageing

21 Poster


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