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Communications Committee November 3 rd 2012. Communications Committee Printing Promotional Literature: About run out.

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Presentation on theme: "Communications Committee November 3 rd 2012. Communications Committee Printing Promotional Literature: About run out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communications Committee November 3 rd 2012

2 Communications Committee Printing Promotional Literature: About run out.

3 Communications Committee Booth Issues Booth: The three sets of banners are good for now and we have been also distributing the CSI banners and leaflets. Pens and other promotional giveaways: Should I buy a new supply of pens just for the booth (perhaps 1,000) or have some for conferences as well? Some good sales are about to end with pens about 40% off and thus costing 60 cents to $1.50 approx. Distribution: The IEEE warehouse and the French warehouse have worked well. We have made 12 shipments again this year.

4 Pen Examples….

5 What to Write, Prepare and Print Promotional Literature: Some items have been fully used up and others are low. We will be re-printing in the New Year and while none of the present leaflets were suggested to be dropped, perhaps some could morph into region-specific internationalization leaflets. For additional topics, the possibilities are: Benefits of being a member (IEEE and NPSS) Benefits of organizing your conference as an IEEE/NPSS conference Benefits of publishing in IEEE/NPSS journals Promotion of different technical areas of NPSS (We have Nuclear Power and the PAC guys) Student Issues leaflet

6 Communications Committee Distribution of Promotional Materials Pictures: Remember also pictures this year in preparation for next year. I need ones that show: People at work Experiments People interacting to make the conferences look exciting and essential to attend! – In meetings, listening attentively to a speaker – In poster sessions, a group around a poster – In the exhibit area – Just spontaneous conversations

7 Communications Committee Internet… Web Site: Please remember to keep your area of the site current if not expanded. More after committee meeting

8 Communications Committee Membership Effectiveness of the effort: We spend a considerable amount of money and volunteer resources on this effort of communications and membership recruitment and retention. We do need input on the effectiveness of this effort.

9 Other Points from Yesterday Rest of Committee Report: Many other detail points were brought up and these will be documented shortly. However, two are worthy of mention here: NPSS Conference Membership Promotion: Conference Chairs have no discretion on whether they have the membership effort and the booth or not. Neither should a registration fee have to be paid by people at the meeting to promote membership – for booth duty. Technically Co-Sponsored Conferences: This same point as above should be written into the MOU.

10 Communications Committee Membership Membership: The updated charts are attached. We see the normal annual progression although the base membership is picking up a little.. The meeting yesterday brought up possible new benefits of membership. Of course nothing is implemented without enthusiasm and work and that is understood. Points were; “You Tube” videos on short topics “Facebook/LinkedIn” style networking Web-based Journal clubs

11 Membership Statistics

12 Membership % Changes

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