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What ingredient do these food items have in common?

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Presentation on theme: "What ingredient do these food items have in common?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What ingredient do these food items have in common?

2 Video Question What are 2 reasons why corn is in so many products?

3 Corn-derived Ingredients Can you find any of the following ingredients in the foods from your kitchen or supermarket? Alpha tocopherol Ascorbic acid Baking powder Calcium stearate Caramel Cellulose Citric Acid Citrus cloud emulsion Corn flour Corn oil Cornstarch Corn syrup Dextrin Dextrose (glucose) Diglycerides Ethylene Ethyl acetate Ethyl lactate Fibersol Fructose Fumaric acid Gluten Golden syrup High fructose corn syrup Inositol Invert sugar Malt Maltodextrin Margarine Monoglycerides Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Polydextrose Saccharin Semolina Sorbic Acid Sorbitol Starch Sucrose Treacle Vanilla extract White vinegar Xanthan gum Xylitol Zein

4 Discussion Questions 1.How frequently do you read the Nutrition Facts panels on the foods you eat? 2.How much do you want to know about the ingredients in your food? 3. Who should decide what information is provided on food labels? Consumers? The government? The food industry? Why?

5 Brainstorm Questions With your group, discuss some questions that you’d like to ask Paco about the food from the cafeteria.

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