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Financial Aid & Scholarships New Student Orientation A copy of this presentation is located in the parent information packet.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Aid & Scholarships New Student Orientation A copy of this presentation is located in the parent information packet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Aid & Scholarships New Student Orientation A copy of this presentation is located in the parent information packet

2 How to contact us: Phone: 702-895-3424 Fax: 702-895-1353 OR…. Visit today with a financial aid counselor at the Student Union information booths from 2:30 to 4:30 PM.




6 2010-2011 ESTIMA TE

7 MyUNLV Web Portal Your online information link to Financial Aid, Cashiering, Registration, holds, etc.


9 2010-2011 Elvis the King

10 2010-2011 Elvis the King 2011 Spring 2010 Fall

11 2010-2011 Elvis the King 2010 Fall 08/13/2010

12 Elvis’

13 How will your financial aid apply to your bill?  If you have completed the necessary steps as described in your “To Do” lists, your financial aid will show up as “Anticipated Aid” to be credited towards your Cashiering billing statement.  Ten days prior to the beginning of the semester, your “Anticipated Aid” will turn into “Actual Aid” and reduce your Cashiering billing statement.

14 (1) Direct Deposit ( fastest ) Can sign up via MyUNLV under “Self Service” OR (2) Paper Check How to receive a financial aid refund? * Example: Tuition & Fees = $2,800 Less Student Loan $2,500 Less Scholarship $1,000 $700 financial aid refund to student

15  2.0 cumulative GPA  Must successfully complete 70% of your classes attempted  Graduate within 186 credit hours How to maintain your overall financial aid eligibility?

16 If you add or drop classes, your financial aid…..  Could be adjusted on or before the “Census Date”.  Could be in jeopardy if you drop classes after the Census Date. Make sure you understand the financial aid satisfactory academic progress policy.

17 Most delays were preventable:  Student did not complete the Master Promissory Note  Student did not complete Entrance Loan Counseling  Student or parent did not respond to outstanding paperwork requests  Student did not maintain an accurate home address or e- mail address  Student did not check online account information “To Do” lists in a timely manner  Student submitted paperwork to UNLV without sufficient time for processing before the deadline  Parent did not complete the PLUS loan worksheet

18 When are your tuition and fees due? August 20, 2010 is the last day to pay without incurring a late fee with the Cashiering Office Installment Payment Plan is available called “Tuition Management Systems”  $45 enrollment fee allows you to break your fall semester account charges into 5 payments  Go to:

19 Q u e s t i o n s ? “Your mother and I had no idea you felt this way. Of course you may stay and get your doctorate.”

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