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Leaf Arrangement 1. Sugar Maple * Acer saccharum *Hardwood (furniture). *Maple syrup (also black maple). *Moderate lobes (mostly 5), moderate notches.

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2 Leaf Arrangement


4 1. Sugar Maple * Acer saccharum *Hardwood (furniture). *Maple syrup (also black maple). *Moderate lobes (mostly 5), moderate notches *Simple opposite leaves (all maples), green beneath. *Dark brown trunk, rough vertical grooves.

5 2. Dandelion * Taraxacum officinale *Jagged lobed leaves. *Hollow milky stem. *Used as antacid, natural stimulant, dandelion root is good for stomach aches.

6 3. American Sycamore *Plantanus occidentalis *Single fruits *Molted exfoliating bark. *98ft. To 130 ft. *Alternate leaves. *Planted as a shade tree.

7 4. Staghorn Sumac *Rhus typhina *Round twigs. *Alternate compound leaves. *Velvety. *Toothed leaves. *Leaf stalk is not woody. *Leaves and leaflets.

8 5. White Pine *Pinus strobus *Needles occur 5 to a bundle. Only pine with 5. *Soft wood. *Commercial use as a Christmas tree.

9 6. Goldenrod * Solidago sp. *Perennials with large clusters of small yellow flowers. *Used by practitioners of herbal medicine. *Counter inflammation and irritation of the kidneys.

10 7. Northern White Cedar * Thuja occidentalis *Leaves scale like. *Soft wood. *Used to be called “Arbor Vitae” or tree of life because it cured men of scurvy of Canadian expedition team led by Jacques Cartier.

11 8. Red Maple *Acer rubrum *Hardwood. *Toothed leaves, silvery white beneath. *3-5 lobes. *Canadian symbol. *Bark used as dye to give olive or gray color.

12 9. Norway Maple * Acer plantanoids * 5-lobed leaves. *Most popular ornamental street tree in U.S. in the 60’s and 70’s. *Wine colored leaves *Imported from Europe.

13 10. Pin-Oak * Quercus palustris *Bristle tip leaves. *Native to eastern North America. *Monoecious. *An individual that has both male and female reproductive units (flowers, conifer cones). *The bark was used by some Native American tribes to make a drink for treatment of intestinal pain. *One of the most popular ornamental trees in the United States.

14 11. Common Plantain * Plantago major *The Common Broad- leaved Plantain is a very familiar perennial 'weed,' and may be found anywhere by roadsides and in meadow-land. *Used in inflammation of the skin, malignant ulcers, intermittent fever. *Broad, irregularly rounded to oval leaves.

15 12. Scotch Pine *Pinus sylvestris *Needles in 2. *Imported from Europe for forest and Christmas tree plantings.

16 13. White Aster  Aster vimineus  Small White Aster  Small white daisy-like flowers crowded closely together.  Found in fields and meadows.

17 14. Chicory  Cichorium intybus  Blue, lavender, or occasionally white flowers.  Appetizer, digestive and diuretic tonic.

18 15. Canadian Thistle  Cirsium arvense  Has lavender blossoms that are similar in appearance to dandelion blossoms.  The seeds are an important food for Goldfinch.  The species is widely considered a weed.  Has the typical prickly leaves characteristic of the thistles.

19 16. Queen Anne’s Lace  Daucus carota  Common weed  Bright white and rounded when in full flower.  Flowering from June to August.  Includes wild carrot.  A teaspoon of crushed seeds has long been used as a form of birth control.  Disrupts the implantation process.

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