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Education and Youth Enterprise Centre A presentation to Billingshurst Parish Council – 05/10/2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Education and Youth Enterprise Centre A presentation to Billingshurst Parish Council – 05/10/2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and Youth Enterprise Centre A presentation to Billingshurst Parish Council – 05/10/2011 1

2 Objective of this Presentation The EYE Project Team under the auspices of the Billingshurst Community Partnership, and with the backing of the Friends of the Gardens Group, wishes to present a proposal whereby the parish council will agree to lease a plot of community land for the building of a dedicated youth facility, on the site of the old football pitch in Station Road. 2

3 BPC Initiative Minutes from 29/04/08 The Russell protocols Minute from 11/03/11 Unanimous vote in favour of the project 3

4 Our Mission To provide young people with: somewhere to go something to do and someone to talk to 4

5 Appeal by Local Young People Why we need a dedicated youth facility What it will be used for Why the proposed site is the best location for a dedicated youth facility 5

6 Day Time Use Self esteem & anger management groups Behaviour intervention & workshops Training student leaders (sustainability) Venue for CAFs, TACs and case conferences Half-way house for school phobics Training vocational & life skills Intervention work Possible venue for Job Centre Plus / Connexions 6

7 Community Use Seniors’ luncheon club Overspill from Children & Family Centre Public toilets accessible from Gardens BBQ and decking area Drop-in café Uniformed and church groups Community events 7

8 Site Suitability Criteria Near-to-school but not within school campus Central to the village Adequate parking Full services availability Away from main residential areas Secure environment for young people Transport links – station / buses / taxis Accessible for old /disabled using gardens Opportunity for intergenerational engagement and learning via gardens 8

9 Site Footprint 9

10 What the EYE Centre could look like from the Gardens view 10

11 Legal Entity Enterprise to be registered as a Charitable Company with limited liability. Articles of Association to follow the Charity Commission guidance document. Agree with BPC a 25-year lease for this community land to enable the facility to be built. (BPC would remain custodians of the title of the land). A managing committee, comprising representatives of the Trustees, the youth themselves, and others drawn from the ranks of stakeholders with specific interest in the project, would manage the day-to-day running of the facility. The next stage is for the detailed Articles of Association to be worked up and agreed by principle parties*; thence to the formal stage of registration. A draft is with solicitors in readiness. *BPC and BCP (EYE Committee representatives) 11

12 The Business Case We have produced a draft income and expenditure statement based on best estimates from existing knowledge: – Building cost £800 - £1m to include fitting and fixtures – Income sources from local authorities and facility rental and sales – best practice data sought from other existing similar facilities 12

13 Annual Expenditure / Income ExpenditureIncome RRI 2.8Subs etc 2.4 Utilities 6.5WSCC Educ 12.4 Cleaning 5.5 Hire 4.2 Maintenance 4.0 Resources 1.8 SUB TOTAL 20.6 19.0 Staff 24.0Workshops 15.0 Contingency 4.4 Grants 15.0 TOTAL 49.0 49.0 13

14 Funding Challenges It is anticipated that the facility as envisaged will cost between £800 - £1m The first requirement was to gain £20k funding to enable the project to proceed to planning application. The stages will include: – Building design and drawings to ‘Regulation’ standard – Planning consent – Building construction costs – Revenue funding 14

15 Fiscal Sustainability The project is not predicated on the need for any precept support from BPC The BPC may unilaterally decide to support with funds or in the future contribute revenue as a facility user Capital funding will be sought from a variety of sources (see briefing packs) Running costs will be met through a combination of local authority funding and commercial revenues from users The project shall embrace voluntary support schemes available through police, church, local authority and other community schemes The project may benefit from S106 funds at the discretion of the local authorities but the project is not dependent on planning gain monies 15

16 Summary Originally a BCP initiative Overwhelming local community support No burden on BPC time or precept Joint community project with FoG Multi-use facility Sustainable fiscally and operationally 16

17 The Decision is in Your Hands 17

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