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WWI Essential Questions: How did a regional conflict become a world war? Why did this war make people want to avoid war? How can you get people to support.

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2 WWI Essential Questions: How did a regional conflict become a world war? Why did this war make people want to avoid war? How can you get people to support war & why will some continue to oppose war? Did WWI solve the problems that the great powers wanted to? *

3 Chain of events Archduke of the Austria- Hungarian Empire (Franz Ferdinand) is assassinated on June 28,1914 After the assassination: Aust-Hung declared war on….Serbia July 14, 1914 Serbia was a close ally of Russia so Russia started to mobilize Germany was allied with Austr-Hung so it declared war on Russia & then France via Belgium

4 Alliance System Triple Entente- France, Britain & Russia Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy (also known as the Central Powers Italy switches sides in 1915 Bolshevik Rev in 1917…Russia out

5 Trench Warfare Brutal fighting…. 900,000 dead by the end of 1914 (and the war started in August) Chemical weapons (ie. Mustard Gas)

6 US role in War President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed “neutrality” 1916 campaign slogan “He Kept us Out of War” But insisted on allowing ships to sail through the war zone

7 Series of events that brought the US into the war Lusitania in 1915 Sussex in 1916

8 Zimmerman Telegram Telegram sent from Germany to Mexico Promises to give Mexico back territory it lost in Mexican-Am War if it sides with Germany Decoded by the British Congress declares war on Germany on April 2, 1917


10 Propaganda Simplistic, repetitive images intended to get a reaction out people Creel Committee

11 Anti-German Propaganda

12 Pro-American Propaganda

13 Language Game German Shepards were renamed “Alstasians” Sauerkraut was renamed “liberty cabbage” German composers outlawed Illegal to speak German in public Prohibition

14 Espionage & Sedition Acts Espionage Act- punished anyone found guilty of helping the enemy, hindering recruitment, or inciting revolt. Sedition Act- prohibited any speech that was “disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive” of the government, flag, Constitution or armed forces.”

15 Anti-War Movement Massive anti-war movement developed in US Mainly leftists and radicals They thought war was not for democracy (Britain was an Imperial Monarchy) but was an imperial war

16 Schenk v US -see hand out Mailed leaflets that spoke against the draft Arrested for violating the Espionage Act Appealed---went to US Supreme Court Should speech rights be limited during a time of war?

17 Aftermath of War Armistice --Nov 11, 1918 Versailles Treaty--Germany has to pay $$ to winners and loses its colonies…humiliates Germany Italy never got the territories that it was promised by the allies

18 Europe Before WWI

19 Europe After the War

20 Legacies of War Makes war look bad--people made $ off of war, many people died (about 20 million people), not clear what was gained Leads to Red Scare/ rise of civil liberties groups Prohibition (see doc) Woman’s Suffrage (doc & Iron jawed angels) 1920s…more isolationist, conservative,

21 Bolshevik Revolution 1917 Russia pulled out of war in October Red Flag of Bolshevism

22 Red Scare-Fear of Radicalism

23 Fear of foreigners

24 Long Term Wilson campaigned for League of Nations (pre-cursor to UN) Research L of N--what is it? Paraphrase 3 covenants, especially Article 10 Find a map with post WWI borders..modify your map

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