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Community Based Environmental Education for Sustainable Development 9th AICE International Congress of the Educating Cities LYON, September, 14-16 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Based Environmental Education for Sustainable Development 9th AICE International Congress of the Educating Cities LYON, September, 14-16 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Based Environmental Education for Sustainable Development 9th AICE International Congress of the Educating Cities LYON, September, 14-16 2006 Nada PAVŠER Slovenija, Ljubljana

2 Sustainable Development (SD) through local actions imparting training, organizing capital through share-savings harnessing local resources through participative planning enriching entrepreneurial skills by implementing different Income

3 social security natural resource management establishing social justice in the community education, people’s participation local level planning

4 People’s need and environmental issues will addressed three pillars of SD; environment and natural resource management social development and economic development.

5 The Comprehensive City Development Programme (CCDP). State of the environment criticaly polluted environment: air, water, soil, illegal landfils in 80’s and in the begining of 90’s, monitoring of the pollution of air, water, soil in the begining of 90’s, reporting about the state of the environment, yearly

6 The concept of CCDP is that every will have to take up the responsibility of creating a package program for an integrated and total development. The specific objectives of CCDP are: To develop the city through the broad-based cooperative institution—the (CCDCS)—involving the people of all professions; To develop common city facilities and make available various social, economic and environmental services at the city level;

7 Basis Rio declaration (1992) Environment protection act (1993) Alpine convention (1995) Aarhus convention (1998) Johanesburg declaration (2002) Environment protection act (2004) Towards the local sustainability - European Common Indicators

8 Implementation of LA 21 – EPP for Ljublana Towards A Local Sustainability Profile – Common European Indicators, providing the possibilites for cities from member states for evaluating the implementation results of LA 21 with the same methods

9 Local agenda 21 – EPP for Ljubljana Preparation phase of the document public thematic workshops, NGO, ministries, universities, professional institutions, citizens Adoption of LA 21 at the City council – obligation for the city government Implementation phase of LA 21 sectoral strategies harmonized with municipal budget, environmental local ordinances,

10 Evaluation of the implementation Results analysis of the pollution trends, common indicators, yearly environmental reports, public and NGO involvment – critical review

11 Environmental education and information Public environmental education and information since 1999: leaflets, press conferences, public monitor in city centre, web sites - environmental data, through projects: Eco-Schools - youth, Ecoprofit - companies, Environmental NGO involvement and financial support for their projects from municipal budget since 1999

12 Environmental Education EE has defined as, a process in which individuals gain awareness of their environment and acquire and exchange the knowledge, values, skills, experiences and also the determination which will enable them to act individually and collectively to solve present and future environmental problems.

13 International Eco-Schools Nada Pavser FEE – Foundation for Environmental Education And International Eco-Schools A programme for Environmental Education for Sustainable Development in Schools and their Communities

14 International Eco-Schools FEE – an international umbrella organisation Founded 1981 Umbrella non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation Mission is to provide incentives and tools to wide ranging stakeholders for practical steps to improving environment mainly through environmental education for sustainable development Members are national NGOs specializing in environmental education and management Presently Members represent 35 countries from EU, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, Caribbean, with interest from other regions Information on FEE and Members:

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