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PEP Project Promoting European Projects among NGOs and citizens – PEP Project Regional seminar, Zvolen (Slovakia) 3 rd May 2007 Združenie žien Slovenska.

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Presentation on theme: "PEP Project Promoting European Projects among NGOs and citizens – PEP Project Regional seminar, Zvolen (Slovakia) 3 rd May 2007 Združenie žien Slovenska."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEP Project Promoting European Projects among NGOs and citizens – PEP Project Regional seminar, Zvolen (Slovakia) 3 rd May 2007 Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union.

2 PEP Project To contribute to the efforts of the European Union to eradicate social exclusion and to promote interculturality among the citizens and NGOs, both active in social field. Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Motivation

3 PEP Project - Sensitizing about social inclusion and interculturality, - Promoting European projects, in both cases promoting an active European citizenship Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Actions

4 PEP Project - Non-profit organizations, - citizens Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Target groups

5 PEP Project - Encourage the participation of non-profit organisations in European projects, - Promote the building of contacts and networks among organisations for potential future cooperation, - Reveal the existing diversity in Europe and the challenges that is particular field of presents Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Objectives

6 PEP Project - Regional seminars, - Cross-national conference, - Communication campaign Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Tasks

7 PEP Project At a regional level: - To make contacts among the institutions participating in the local seminars with a view to a future cooperation, - To inform organisations about the importance of participating in European projects dealing with social inclusion, - To create a database of NGOs and citizens to facilitate the search for regional and European partners for European projects, - To inform about European call for proposals Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Expected outcomes

8 PEP Project At a European level: - Commitment of several institutions to work together in other projects, - To promote a better understanding of the European reality as regards multiculturality and social inclusion through the exchange of experiences, - Final publication based on the project results. Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Expected outcomes

9 PEP Project - Dissemination through the webs of the partners and through portals aimed at non-profit organisations, - Regional seminars, - Website of the projects, - Information in the media (TV, press etc.), - Bulletin delivered via e-mail in the local language and in English, - Dissemination through leaflets and mailing Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Dissemination campaign

10 PEP Project - Questionnaires for participants in order to assess the results of the project (knowledge gained, new contacts, participation in other projects), - The web will hold an area for suggestions, - Indicators: number of participants, number of represented institutions, number of contacts made, number of networks created Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Evaluation of the results

11 PEP Project 1. Coordinator: Fundación AFIES, Spain 2. Dacorum CVS – Community Action Dacorum, United Kingdom 3. Fundación ESCULAPIO, Spain 4. Fondaziozzjoni Temi Zamitt, Malta 5. CO.GE.S, Italy 6. Združenie žien Slovenska, Slovak Republic Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Partners

12 PEP Project Združenie žien Slovenska Office in Bratislava: Šafárikovo námestie 4, 811 02 Bratislava Tel.: +421 2 52 63 63 53 Office in Zvolen: Švermova 39, 960 01 Zvolen Tel./fax: +421 45 53 26 990, Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union. Contact details

13 PEP Project THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Združenie žien Slovenska Project is co-financed by European Union.

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