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Gary Nolan Managing Director Stagecoach East Midlands The Role of Transport in Beating the Recession- Access to Employment and Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Gary Nolan Managing Director Stagecoach East Midlands The Role of Transport in Beating the Recession- Access to Employment and Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gary Nolan Managing Director Stagecoach East Midlands The Role of Transport in Beating the Recession- Access to Employment and Training

2 Runs 530 buses, and employs 1457 people Head office in Lincoln at Deacon Road 8 depots in Lincoln, Grimsby, Hull, Mansfield, Worksop, Scunthorpe, Gainsborough and Skegness. In Newark we share with another Operator. Rural, Urban, City and Interurban Operations We carry 53.7 million passengers a year over 22.6 million miles Our annual turnover is over £58.6million

3 Access to Employment and Training - The Key Ingredients Network Frequency Partnership Integration and Connection Information Funding

4 Where have all the Works Services Gone? Bus Services were vital for many as the mode to travel to work Car ownership and usage has increased Employment is more scattered Bus usage has declined Networks have been concentrated

5 It’s not so much the recession. Society is to blame? Our lives have changed significantly over the last 20 years Higher car ownership, particularly women The introduction of IT has seen more working from home Employment legislation provides more leave and holidays Local jobs are more scarce

6 Network – Getting About! Before Major Industries Large Employers Concentrated workplaces Regular shift patterns

7 Network – Getting About! Now Small enterprises Smaller workforces Scattered locations Flexible working Longer commutes

8 Frequency As employment becomes scattered our task in serving them is harder. Flexible working times increase the demands on our timetables and customer needs. “I want a bus to suit my times” As commutes get longer, services are less frequent

9 Working With Our Partners Local Authorities and Bus Operators have a common aim – improve access to employment Some successes with improved links to employment Access for all not just workers Not “slash and burn”. We need a network when the recession ends

10 Airport Lynx Introduced May 2007 with new Low floor buses Integrated into our existing network Nottinghamshire County Council subsidy and capital funding put to good use Aimed at providing links to employment at Airport and adjacent Business Park

11 Integration and Connectivity Most people are not aware of our services let alone our network We offer Travel plan service with bespoke timetable and show connections at our Travel Shop in Worksop Need to raise awareness and have employer buy-in Avoids unnecessary duplication Good Interchange points – e.g. Retford

12 Information Most people don’t know what we run Is this our fault? Jointly we produce: Good Quality Leaflets and maps Excellent Roadside stop publicity TraveLine phone, web and SMS InfoPoints at key locations Joint promotion of services and those of other operators

13 Funding Most of our services operate on a commercial basis We rely on our Partners to support services which are socially necessary but not viable We work together to make these sustainable Local Authorities are generally Capital Rich and Revenue Poor – Service support is key to improve our networks to serve all employment areas at most times of the day

14 Ways To Work – Discounted Fares Travel costs are sometimes seen as a barrier to using bus services Stagecoach have agreed through the STAR Alliance to offer further discounts on our Network tickets to client employers. Current prices are £5 day and £17 weekly. Offer prices are £3 day and £11 weekly

15 The Future Utilise better what already exists Focussed subsidies from the various streams – Community Transport, local bus etc to provide better non commercial network Workplace charging with proceeds towards improved bus services Improved marketing of links and connections Continued good Partnership working

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