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Principal Meridians The Basics first!. Introduction to PM 3 sets of 4 meridians that are related to each other. Energy circulates in a loop. When Qi gets.

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Presentation on theme: "Principal Meridians The Basics first!. Introduction to PM 3 sets of 4 meridians that are related to each other. Energy circulates in a loop. When Qi gets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principal Meridians The Basics first!

2 Introduction to PM 3 sets of 4 meridians that are related to each other. Energy circulates in a loop. When Qi gets disrupted: YOU’ve got a problem: Fatigue, pain, swelling. The answer is: Make it flow well again. 2 upper extremity meridians ( one yin one yang ) coupled with 2 lower extremity meridians ( one yin and one yang ).

3 Command Points Command Points: Between hand and elbow and between toes and knees. MOST IMPORTANT POINTS TO MOVE ENERGY NON COMMAND POINTS: Local and augmentation of therapy.

4 Shao Yin – Tai Yang

5 Shao Yin Tai Yang Use it for: Increase Energy Tai Yang SI and BL Represents the very back of the Yang. Should be used for central Back Pain, neck pain. Knee pain. Shao Yin: Stimulate for energy and support of KI. Shao Yin Heart: Dispel anxiety, insomnia.


7 Shao Yin – Tai Yang N  N+1 For Back Pain HT3 or HT7 KI3 SI3 BL40 BL60

8 Jue Yin – Shao Yang

9 Shao Yang: GB Represents the side of the body: Example: shoulder pain, hip pain, lateral headache, etc. Jue Yin: LR related problems, wind problems, headaches, anger.


11 Jue Yin – Shao Yang MH6 LR2 or LR3 TH5 GB34 GB40

12 Tai Yin- Yang Ming

13 Tai Yin – Yang Ming Yang Ming is the most anterior Yang… for anterior pain! Most important role is with digestion! You have: SP, LI, ST Lung is used for lung and phlegm problems.


15 Tai Yin- Yang Ming LU7 SP9 SP6 LI4 ST36

16 So, making a summary 3 Principal Meridian circuits: Shao Yin Tai Yang: Back pain, energy, anxiety issues. Jue Yin Shao Yang: Lateral Pains ( head, shoulder, elbow, hip ), anger, muscle spasm. Tai Yin Yang Ming: Abdominal problems and respiratory. Anterior issues.

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