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Health Problems. Osteoporosis Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Problems. Osteoporosis Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Problems

2 Osteoporosis Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Fragile bones that break easily Lack of calcium and Vitamin D Cheese Broccoli Orange juice Cereals Any age group

3 Anemia Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Not enough red blood cells Lack of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron Meats Spinach Born with it or may develop it at any time

4 Heart Disease Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Clogging of arteries and veins causing heart problem FatAvoid: Eggs Meat Foods high in fat Increases with age

5 Cancer Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs A group of many related diseases that begin in the cells Diet Alcohol Tobacco UV radiation Avoid: Foods high in fat Fast food Can affect any age group

6 Diabetes Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Blood sugar too high (or low) SugarAvoid: Chocolate Cookies Candy Any age

7 Obesity Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Overweight Excess body fat Imbalance between energy intake and energy output Excess calories and food intake Usually ages 2 and up

8 Scurvy Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Deficiency disease Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Oranges Tomatoes Spinach Cabbage 6-18 months of age

9 Rickets Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Weak bones Vitamin D Calcium Phosphorus Milk products Green veggies Salmon Liver Egg yolk 6-24 months of age

10 Night Blindness Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs Inability to see under low levels of illumination Lack of Vitamin A Green, orange and yellow veggies Liver Egg yolk Dairy products Any age

11 Hypertension Description of disease Nutrient responsible for the problem Food sources of Nutrient Stage in life cycle this disease occurs High blood pressure Fat Lack of all vitamins Avoid: Fast foods Processed foods Young adults and up

12 More info on diabetes:

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