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On a sheet of paper list reasons why it is dangerous to consume alcohol.

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Presentation on theme: "On a sheet of paper list reasons why it is dangerous to consume alcohol."— Presentation transcript:

1 On a sheet of paper list reasons why it is dangerous to consume alcohol.

2  33% of suicides  50% of homicides  62% of assaults  68% of manslaughter cases  41% of traffic fatalities  50% of all drowning  Domestic abuse, child abuse, neglect and work place injuries

3  _____________ – the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages Produced through fermentation of fruits, vegetables and grains  __________________ – the chemical action of yeast on sugars Water, flavoring and minerals are mixed with ethanol to produce beverages such as wine and beer

4  ______________ – a drug that slows the central nervous system  Effects motor skills Slows reaction time Impairs vision  Diminish clear thinking and judgment

5  Alcohol travels through the bloodstream to the ___________  ______________ metabolizes the alcohol in the bloodstream and makes it less active Metabolism – the process by which the body breaks down substances  Kidneys filter the neutralized particles and other waste products from the blood and produce urine

6  Alcohol causes serious damage to the liver.  Compare the healthy liver on the left with the liver damaged by alcohol abuse on the right.


8  ______________ – the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced  Affected by Body size ____________ Stomach contents

9  BAC – Blood Alcohol Concentration – the amount alcohol in a person’s blood expressed as a percentage


11 Short Term Effects Nervous SystemCardiovascular System Digestive SystemRespiratory System ____________ – becomes less able to control the body Memory – thought processes disorganized, memory and concentration dulled Judgment – altered and coordination impaired Heart – at low intake increases heart rate and blood pressure; at high intake decreases Blood Vessels – expand and body temperature lowers _____________– increase stomach acid causing nausea and vomiting Liver – toxic chemicals are released Kidneys – increase urine output Lungs – fill with carbon dioxide _______________– depress nerves that cause involuntary reactions such as breathing, breathing slows

12  Alcohol ________ – the excessive use of alcohol 25% of all youth is exposed to alcohol abuse  Binge Drinking – drinking ____ or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting Can be fatal Can cause alcohol poisoning

13  Drug Interactions  DWI  Alcohol Poisoning  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome  Long term damage to major body systems and organs  Alcoholism

14  Alcohol and drugs do not mix A factor in ¼ of all emergency room admissions  ________________ Effect – medication has a greater or different effect than intended  Typical Interactions: Slows absorption increasing the time the drug is in the body Medication may be broken down faster, decreasing its effectiveness Increase effects of some drugs

15  DWI – Driving while intoxicated  DUI – Driving under the influence.02 – Driver shows signs of intoxication.08 – Maximum BAC for a driver  Consequences of a DWI Harm to driver and others Restricted driving privileges Loss of license Arrest or jail time Higher insurance rates Fines

16  Alcohol Poisoning – a severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose  Effects of Alcohol Poisoning Mental confusion, stupor, coma, passing out Slow respiration – 10 seconds between breaths Irregular heartbeat Hypothermia and low body temperature Severe dehydration and vomiting  Call 911 if someone has alcohol poisoning

17  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – a group of alcohol related birth defects that include physical and mental problems  Effects of FAS Deformities of head, hands and feet Heart, liver and kidney defects Learning difficulties  No safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant

18 Long Term Effects Nervous SystemCardiovascular System Digestive System Brain – addiction, loss of brain functions, brain damage __________ – damage to heart muscles, enlarged heart, high blood pressure Liver – fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis Stomach – ulcers and cancer Pancreas - blockage

19  ______________ – a disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol  Alcoholic – an addict who is dependent on alcohol Influenced by genetic and environmental factors  Symptoms: Craving – strong need to drink Loss of control – cannot limit Physical dependence – withdrawal symptoms Tolerance – need more to feel the same effects

20 1. _________ – a person drinks and becomes intoxicated regularly 2. _________________ – Physical need for alcohol; alcohol is the central focus 3. _____________ – alcohol is the most important thing in person’s life

21 1. Admission – person admits to having a problem and asks for help 2. Detoxification – a process in which the body adjusts to functioning without alcohol 3. ______________ – gets help to learn to live without alcohol 4. Recovery – the process of learning to live an alcohol free life  __________ – living without alcohol

22  Create a peer pressure scenario involving alcohol  Write and perform a skit that demonstrates how someone could handle this peer pressure situation responsibly  Everyone must participate  Skit must have 3 vocabulary words in it

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