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Advertising FIRST : Politicians and Media Patricia DePra, FIRST Regional Director – Western PA November 20, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising FIRST : Politicians and Media Patricia DePra, FIRST Regional Director – Western PA November 20, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising FIRST : Politicians and Media Patricia DePra, FIRST Regional Director – Western PA November 20, 2010

2 Advertising FIRST: Politicians  Why? – the cause  What? – the message  When? – how early is early  How? – email, call, letter, in-person  Who? – levels, aides, schedulers  A note about lobbying and FIRST

3 Contacting Politicians  Why do politicians want to hear from you?  To learn about what’s happening in their areas  To learn more about what issues are important to voters *

4 Contacting Politicians  Why?  To raise awareness of FIRST and the impact of FIRST programs on students  “to invite them to attend FIRST events because ‘the best way is to show them, not tell them.’” – Dean’s homework, 2007*  To increase support of FIRST, and to increase the number of students that have access to FIRST  To influence legislation (this is lobbying – more on this later) *

5 Advertising FIRST: Politicians  What? – to ask for:  Invite to FIRST events  Request a Meeting  If you get an aide or an assistant – they are he eyes and ears of your legislator –

6 Advertising FIRST: Politicians  What? – the message  How FIRST is unique  Positive impact of FIRST in your school, in your community  Challenges overcome, what team members have learned  Be positive – For example, talk about what more the program could do with more support  Be as specific as possible – tell your stories

7 Advertising FIRST: Politicians  When? – how early is early  Schedules are set far in advance  Invitations to regional events should go out in mid-January at the latest, with follow-up reminders  mid-January = mid-build season; plan & write them now

8 Advertising FIRST: Politicians  How? – email, call, fax, in-person  State legislators also have district offices – call them first  Who writes letters (emails!)? – they make a difference (yes letter are read!)

9 Advertising FIRST: Politicians  Who? – levels, aides, schedulers  Find elected officials in your region – constituency  Internet resources for finding officials  Check with your team members – who do they know? Who do their parents know?  Schedulers: they do the obvious…

10 About lobbying  Lobbying by Board Members, Management staff, field personnel members and local committee members on behalf of FIRST and STEM education is encouraged.  FIRST is required by US Federal and State laws to monitor and report lobbying efforts carried out on its behalf.  Lobbying at the State and local level requires compliance with regulations unique to each locale.

11 More about lobbying  anning+guide

12 More about lobbying, cont.

13 Even more about lobbying

14 Political Campaign Activities – not allowed at FIRST events, websites, etc.  Political Campaign Activities carried out on behalf of FIRST or using its resources could result in the loss of its Not-for-Profit status and are not allowed.  This includes any activity that supports or opposes any candidate for any office, and includes links on websites to any such material, any biased or partisan comments on any FIRST website, handing out leaflets at FIRST events…  If in doubt, call me or FIRST

15 Advertising FIRST: Media  Why? – the cause (same as above)  What? – the message  When? – how early is early  How? – email, call, in-person; press releases; inverted pyramids  Who? – tap into your organization’s resources

16 Advertising FIRST: Media  How? – email, call, in-person; press releases  Always follow an email or faxed press release with a phone call  Invite reporters to visit your team; prepare the team  Press releases: inverted pyramid; contact your friendly RD

17 Advertising FIRST: Media  Who?  Tap into your organization’s resources  Also - Look at smaller, local publications  Longer lead times; more in-depth articles Free-lance reporters Who writes similar articles?

18 Advertising FIRST: Media  Why didn’t we get media coverage?  lots of reasons – but be prepared and do the up-front work to increase your chances -

19 Potential Sources of Publicity beyond the media  Team Website  Blog  Vlog, YouTube  Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter  Publicizing through alumni  Economic development councils  Chamber of Commerce  Demonstrations  Attending off-season events  Volunteering

20 Community Events Chamber of Commerce Neighborhood Festivals School Events Consider inviting your Regional Director who can provide FIRST brochures/displays, (or provide them with brochures if they like), a monitor / slide show, and be available to answer questions about FIRST. Note: My roles at things like this are to help with team promotion first and regional promotion second (i.e. I stand back and let the students and mentors promote the team, and will talk about FIRST when asked).

21 The FIRST Logo/Brand/ID  Why is this important?  Help protect the FIRST Corporate ID  FIRST is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization  Branding  Check the proper use of the logo

22 Questions?

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