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Web Technical Standards Committee June 16 2010. Web Video WebM/VP8 and h.264 Emerging HTML5 video standards are polarizing browser vendors. This committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Technical Standards Committee June 16 2010. Web Video WebM/VP8 and h.264 Emerging HTML5 video standards are polarizing browser vendors. This committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Technical Standards Committee June 16 2010

2 Web Video WebM/VP8 and h.264 Emerging HTML5 video standards are polarizing browser vendors. This committee is of the opinion that the use of both YouTube and iTunesU is not a concern as this new standard emerges. Risks are primarily associated with users of open source browsers like Firefox and Opera and their handling of the patent encumbered h.264 video codec.

3 ODI - STUDENT CALENDARING The committee has been looking for data that would benefit from being included in or becoming a starting point of a open data intuitive on campus. There is a student demand for a university hosted calendaring system that would allow interoperability with mobile devices. It is this committees recommendation that this system be open standards based.

4 ODI - STUDENT CALENDARING The concept model is a collection of iCal files stored on a webserver supporting WebDAV. Calendars could contain course calendars, class schedules, clubs, meetings and personal calendars. Should be based on open standards like iCal + WebDAV = CalDAV Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning to ensure data portability. Calendar data could be integrated into a portal/module for ease of use, however, data and the application should be separate systems. The importance of meta-data cannot be understated. It’s used to describe the definition, structure and administration of data files. (eg. Windows registry, meta tags, Exif)

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