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The Role of the Ecolabel in textiles 2011 Nicholas Paxevanos.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of the Ecolabel in textiles 2011 Nicholas Paxevanos."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of the Ecolabel in textiles 2011 Nicholas Paxevanos

2 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Topics Current situation Why the ecolabel Support SCP/SIP Benefits/success stories GPP Criteria Application process Common sense and responsibility

3 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 C urrent situation 91 Textile licences EU International Thailand India Malaysia Indonesia Other countries

4 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Why the Ecolabel Support The Ecolabel is moving ahead and it is an important instrument for… Supporting the SCP and SIP Action plans “Promoting sustainable products and reducing Environmental damage” Work on promoting the Ecolabel is carried out on both National level (Competent Bodies) and EU level  PR, Marketing, fairs, Brochures etc.  GPP

5 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Why the Ecolabel Benefits  Improve your company image  Differentiate your products  Competitive Advantage  Retain Customers loyalty  Access to marketing events/on-line catalogue  A tool for GPP Stay ahead of the competition – meet public sector environmental purchasing demands Expand your market – do business with public authorities across Europe Reduce the burden of responding to public tenders – use the Flower as an easy proof of environmental compliance Put your products on a short list  A Tool in other areas: CSR, Env. Management, LCA

6 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Why the Ecolabel GPP and the Ecolabel  Public Procurement accounts for 17% of EU wide (GDP) Gross Domestic Product equivalent to 2 trillion Euros  European Commission “Europe 2020 strategy” sustainable growth – reducing Co2 emissions. GPP an important instrument  GPP made easier for Public Purchasers No expert knowledge required Fully compatible with the principles of the international market Easy identification  Tools and resources GPP Training Toolkit Handbook on Green Public Procurement Leaflet on GPP and the EU Ecolabel

7 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Why the Ecolabel Retailer Trends The Retail sector represents about 11% of EUs GDP Individual chains: Want to be seen as Environmentally concerned The Retail Forum: Launched 2009 – support SCP/SIP Action plans - Includes the biggest chains Benefits for Retailers/Customers Easy to choose a product Environmental Health Quality Internationally : Wal-Mart, Levi Strauss, Esprit, H&M … are working together to find a common standard for sustainable clothing

8 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Example of GPP in Denmark GPP is flourishing in Denmark Public sector: There are 97 municipalities: 16% of GNP, 270 billion DKK Hospitals, municipalities, ministries, post, police, army etc. Set requirements for textile products: Technical, Quality, environmental, etc. Offer a Tender Award criteria %: Price = 50/60% Environment = 15% Elderly care has about 600,000 employees: All denim for these employees must adhere to Flower criteria Almost 80% of all cleaning products and services procured in Denmark are certified by an ISO type I Ecolabel. CO2 reduction of 43%. Cost reduction of 3% There is a network for GPP consisting of municipalities The Competent Body is active and offers consultancy services for GPP

9 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Case Examples Textiles: Private Sector High QualityConsumer Health Safe Environmental performance The process supply chain is controlled for Thong Thai Textile

10 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Examples: Textile companies Examples Private sector KRENHOLM The process supply chain is controlled for PENFABRIC

11 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 Textile Criteria Development of Textile Criteria Responsible CB Development process Criteria overview Fibres Chemicals and processes Fitness for use Waste Water Treatment The process supply chain is controlled for

12 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 The Application Process Manual/Documentation Application Costs Application process »Application Fee »Tests Licence »Anual Fee »Reductions Where to apply The process supply chain is controlled for

13 EU Ecolabel Workshop 2011 The Application Process Important steps to remember in the Application process 1.Make a flow chart 2.Inform and assess the suppliers 3.Determine what documentation should be sent to whom 4.Organise/file and complete the documentation 5.Fill out the application forms (Part A,B) and send them to the selected CB The process supply chain is controlled for

14 Thank you for the attention Bucharest 17.2.2011 Questions Comments Sense for your Company Responsibility to the Environment

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