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1. 2 Definition of Homeless No Resources to Obtain Housing !!! Chronic Homeless Chronic Homeless –Most Restrictive Permanent Housing Permanent Housing.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Definition of Homeless No Resources to Obtain Housing !!! Chronic Homeless Chronic Homeless –Most Restrictive Permanent Housing Permanent Housing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Definition of Homeless No Resources to Obtain Housing !!! Chronic Homeless Chronic Homeless –Most Restrictive Permanent Housing Permanent Housing –Medium Restrictive Transitional and Supportive Services Only (with no housing units) Transitional and Supportive Services Only (with no housing units) –Broadest definition

3 3 Chronic Homeless Singles Youth, Men and women Families with children Youth with children Veterans, Elderly, culturally specific groups Dually or multiple diagnosed individuals with disabilities Victims of domestic violence residing in shelters Who is Served under the SHP Homeless Programs?

4 4 Who Is Disabled ? Physically disabled Chronically or severely mentally ill HIV positive Chronic substance abusers drugs/alcohol as primary diagnosis Developmentally Disabled Multiple diagnosed Obtain professional Determination (i.e. MD, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Licensed Social Workers, Minnesota Rule 25, etc.) for permanent housing projects Must be incapable of living independently without the assistance of the this program under the McKinney Act

5 5Definitions Chronic Homeless single unaccompanied severely disabled persons homeless 1 or more years of homelessness or 4 episodes of homelessness in 3 years Chronic Homeless single unaccompanied severely disabled persons homeless 1 or more years of homelessness or 4 episodes of homelessness in 3 years

6 6 Samaritan Initiative under SHP 2 or 3 Year Grants for new grants   HUD has offered COCs added funding since 2005 if the No.1 project listed was a new Samaritan Initiative project for the chronically homeless   Grants project numbers that end in 1 that is MN46B713001 are often Samaritan Initiative grants   Other grantees have dedicated some units to assist the chronic homeless -check your grant agreement! .  SHP funds in Minnesota were used for Leasing of buildings, capital or scattered site units (rental assistance) and up to 20% of grant funds for support services or capital projects.

7 7 Eligible Participants for SHP Housing for the Chronic Homeless 1) No Resources to Obtain Housing !!! 2) Coming from the street –places unfit for human habitation, cars, camp grounds, etc. 3) Coming from shelters –Youth, general population, victims of domestic abuse, singles –generally 30 days or less for maximum stays Participant must be disabled and homeless for 12 months or 4 episodes of being homeless in 3 years List 4 episodes in a period not to exceed 36 months i.e. on the streets or in a shelter

8 8 Eligible Participant for all other Permanent SHP Housing for (Renewal and New Grants) 1) Comes from the street –places unfit for human habitation, cars, campgrounds, etc. 2) Comes from shelters –Youth, general population, victims of domestic abuse, family shelters, singles, (generally 30 days of less for maximum stays) 3) Coming from Transitional housing –And documented as coming originally from the streets or a shelter originally 4) Coming from a jail or treatment facilities with a stay of less than 30 days And documented as coming originally from the streets or a shelter originally 1)Stay tuned some discussion of extending maximum time in a treatment center  One participant per household must be disabled  No Resources to Obtain Housing !!!

9 9 For funded permanent housing (New and Renewal grants), New participants must come from streets, shelters and transitional housing for the homeless only New participants must come from streets, shelters and transitional housing for the homeless only Those who come from short term treatment facilities or jail and were in a shelter or places unfit for human habitation may also be served Those who come from short term treatment facilities or jail and were in a shelter or places unfit for human habitation may also be served – Evicted persons, those doubled up, those who lost housing while in treatment and persons from programs that require discharge planning that addresses housing are not eligible for permanent housing.

10 10 You Cannot serve with post FY 2005 funded Permanent Housing new & renewal grants –Persons evicted from their homes* –Persons who lost their housing while in treatment or institutionalized* –Fleeing directly from domestic abuse* »(may provide permanent housing those in shelters for victims of domestic abuse if a member of the household is disabled ) –Persons from State programs that require discharge planning –Persons who came from transitional housing, but did not come from the streets or a shelter before entering transitional housing. * May only be served by SHP Transitional Housing and SHP Support Services Only project without housing

11 11 Additional populations that can be served with transitional housing or support services only grants (no housing attached to program –Persons evicted from their homes* –Persons who lost their housing while in treatment or institutionalized* –Fleeing directly from domestic abuse* »(may serve with permanent housing those in shelters for victims of domestic abuse if a member of the household is disabled ) –Persons who came from transitional housing, but did not come from the streets or a shelter before entering transitional housing.

12 12 Who Is Not Homeless under any year or component Paying more than 30% of income Living in overcrowded conditions In substandard housing Living with roommates or relatives SHP funds to keep people in their existing home In a program or institution in which a discharge plan that must address housing

13 13 Who Is Not Homeless Leaving directly from prison –some exceptions if short term stays of less than 30 days and was homeless immediately before going to jail, Wards of the state or in foster care Any licensed housing institution under Minnesota 16(a) Section 245 that requires an appropriate discharge plan

14 14 Be Proactive! Recruit only from Eligible Sources of Homeless Persons! Contact local shelters and street out reach workers that serve your target populations Contact local shelters and street out reach workers that serve your target populations –Have memorandum of understandings with these organizations –Educate shelter and street outreach workers about your program –Educate staff! Have a written procedures manual with checklists –Consult HUD staff and resources –Have 2 or more employees review eligibility documentation prior to accepting a new household

15 15 Be Proactive! Recruit only from Eligible Sources of Homeless Persons! Inform COC partners and other supportive housing providers about your program and when you have openings, Inform COC partners and other supportive housing providers about your program and when you have openings, Contact hospitals, police units, campgrounds, community action agencies, county human services offices Contact hospitals, police units, campgrounds, community action agencies, county human services offices

16 Chronic Homeless 16 Recruit from places unfit for human habitation and emergency shelters Recruit from places unfit for human habitation and emergency shelters Enroll in your program Enroll in your program Provide a housing unit or a rental assistance slot Provide a housing unit or a rental assistance slot Allow to go to treatment up to 90 days Allow to go to treatment up to 90 days –Client then moves into unit

17 Documentation Consult “Section B of the Supportive Housing Program Deskguide of 2008” and “Defining Chronic Homelessness: A Technical Guide for HUD Programs -Both Found at HUDHRE.INFO Consult “Section B of the Supportive Housing Program Deskguide of 2008” and “Defining Chronic Homelessness: A Technical Guide for HUD Programs -Both Found at HUDHRE.INFO To the fullest extend possible third party verification ! To the fullest extend possible third party verification ! Write up a convincing case for 3 rd party Write up a convincing case for 3 rd party Used Model documents provide today Used Model documents provide today Know the type of Shelter and limits on stay at the shelter Know the type of Shelter and limits on stay at the shelter 17

18 Documentation –Chronic Homeless document 4 episodes in the last 36 months »Ask if the shelter has recorded multiple stays »Does the shelter or out reach worker has electronic or other records of multiple stays »Use HMIS if allowed »Show where client was the day before entering your program –Case notes attached why you believe the house hold is homeless based on observations »Verification of story »Met client on the street or in a shelter »Noted information provided by third parties such as street out reach worker – 18

19 19 Reminders We do not require a criminal background check including sex offenders We do not require a criminal background check including sex offenders We do not require a landlord or credit back ground check We do not require a landlord or credit back ground check Participants must be legal residents of the United States to be served in permanent housing programs Participants must be legal residents of the United States to be served in permanent housing programs

20 20 Pop Quiz Jerry is on SSI, just became homeless and lives under a bridge. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? Jerry is on SSI, just became homeless and lives under a bridge. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? A Transitional housing project A Transitional housing project BPermanent housing project BPermanent housing project CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless D A and B only D A and B only EAll of the above EAll of the above

21 21 Pop Quiz Jill has become homeless again, many outreach workers know her from her numerous nights on the street and shelter stays. She appears to have some severe and significant emotional behavioral problems. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? Jill has become homeless again, many outreach workers know her from her numerous nights on the street and shelter stays. She appears to have some severe and significant emotional behavioral problems. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? A Transitional housing project A Transitional housing project BPermanent housing project BPermanent housing project CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless EAll of the above EAll of the above

22 22 Pop Quiz Jake has become homeless again, many outreach workers know him from his numerous nights on the street and shelter stays. He has been determined not to have any disabilities, no chemical addictions or any emotional behavioral problems. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? Jake has become homeless again, many outreach workers know him from his numerous nights on the street and shelter stays. He has been determined not to have any disabilities, no chemical addictions or any emotional behavioral problems. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? A Transitional housing project A Transitional housing project BPermanent housing project BPermanent housing project CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless EAll of the above EAll of the above

23 23 Pop Quiz Jim and Jan and their three children just became homeless and moved to a shelter. None of the five members of the household has a disability. Which type of SHP grant is this family eligible as a participant? Jim and Jan and their three children just became homeless and moved to a shelter. None of the five members of the household has a disability. Which type of SHP grant is this family eligible as a participant? A Transitional housing project A Transitional housing project BPermanent housing project BPermanent housing project CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless D A and B only D A and B only EAll of the above EAll of the above

24 24 Pop Quiz Jim and Jan and their three children while living in the shelter found out one child has a significant and severe disabling condition that will affect the child for his life time. Further, it was discovered that this was the fifth time in two years the family was homeless. Which type of SHP grant is family eligible as a participant? Jim and Jan and their three children while living in the shelter found out one child has a significant and severe disabling condition that will affect the child for his life time. Further, it was discovered that this was the fifth time in two years the family was homeless. Which type of SHP grant is family eligible as a participant? A Transitional housing project A Transitional housing project BPermanent housing project BPermanent housing project CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless D A and B only D A and B only EAll of the above EAll of the above

25 25 Pop Quiz Justin is leaving a 75 day treatment program for chemical addictions. He came from his apartment which he had leased for the last three years into treatment. While he was in treatment, he lost his apartment. The treatment center can legally discharge him to the street. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? Justin is leaving a 75 day treatment program for chemical addictions. He came from his apartment which he had leased for the last three years into treatment. While he was in treatment, he lost his apartment. The treatment center can legally discharge him to the street. Which type of SHP grant is he eligible as a participant? – A Transitional housing project A Transitional housing project BPermanent housing project BPermanent housing project CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless D A and B only D A and B only EAll of the above EAll of the above

26 26 Pop Quiz Jenny has become homeless again for the third time in four years. She spent a total of 23 months in two transitional housing projects in the last three years. She appears to have no significant disabilities. Which type of SHP grant is she eligible as a participant? Jenny has become homeless again for the third time in four years. She spent a total of 23 months in two transitional housing projects in the last three years. She appears to have no significant disabilities. Which type of SHP grant is she eligible as a participant? A Transitional housing project for generally up to 24 months A Transitional housing project for generally up to 24 months BPermanent housing project BPermanent housing project CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless CSamaritan Initiative for the Chronic Homeless DTransitional housing but for only one month because she has already stayed for 23 months in other transitional housing projects. DTransitional housing but for only one month because she has already stayed for 23 months in other transitional housing projects. EAll of the above EAll of the above

27 27 When in doubt about participant eligibility who or what should you consult? Your HUD Grant AgreementT F Your HUD Grant AgreementT F The SHP regulations attached to the agreement T F The SHP regulations attached to the agreement T F The Supportive Housing Deskguide from 2008 Section B EligibilityT F The Supportive Housing Deskguide from 2008 Section B EligibilityT F Your friendly HUD RepresentativeT F Your friendly HUD RepresentativeT F The ad announcing the grant funds (NOFA)T F The ad announcing the grant funds (NOFA)T F Some other funder agencyT F Some other funder agencyT F A checklist developed by someone 10 years ago in your agency working using some other funding that you do not fully understand T F A checklist developed by someone 10 years ago in your agency working using some other funding that you do not fully understand T F

28 28 Pop Quiz Types of homelessness recognized under McKinney Vento Living on a friend or relative’s couch T F Living on a friend or relative’s couch T F In a car that worksT F In a car that worksT F Camping indefinitely in the summertime without a fixed residenceT F Camping indefinitely in the summertime without a fixed residenceT F In a two season structureT F In a two season structureT F In a shelter for victims of domestic violence T F In a shelter for victims of domestic violence T F In a treatment facility for less than 30 days and just before that was on the streets or a shelter T F In a treatment facility for less than 30 days and just before that was on the streets or a shelter T F In a motel with a voucher for paid by a third party for homeless householdsT F In a motel with a voucher for paid by a third party for homeless householdsT F Evicted and moving to SHP permanent housingT F Evicted and moving to SHP permanent housingT F In a long term treatment facility staying more than 30 days and was not previously in a shelter or on the street going to permanent housingT F In a long term treatment facility staying more than 30 days and was not previously in a shelter or on the street going to permanent housingT F Paying more than 30% for rentT F Paying more than 30% for rentT F

29 29 Documenting Homelessness Quiz Signed statement on letterhead from a shelter verifying dates of client stay sent via fax or email T F Signed statement on letterhead from a shelter verifying dates of client stay sent via fax or email T F Written statement by a street outreach worker who observed a camp where a new client was staying T F Written statement by a street outreach worker who observed a camp where a new client was staying T F Simple statement from an advocate that a person was homeless with no explanationT F Simple statement from an advocate that a person was homeless with no explanationT F HMIS print out citing ten stays at a shelter including where the client currently staysT F HMIS print out citing ten stays at a shelter including where the client currently staysT F Self certification by new client he was living on the street for which no credible third party statement can be obtained T F Self certification by new client he was living on the street for which no credible third party statement can be obtained T F

30 30 Documenting Homelessness Quiz Statement on letterhead from a transitional housing project confirming the current stay along with documentation from an emergency shelter confirming the client’s stay at the shelter immediately before entering the transitional housing program T F Statement on letterhead from a transitional housing project confirming the current stay along with documentation from an emergency shelter confirming the client’s stay at the shelter immediately before entering the transitional housing program T F A check on a check box form some other funder’s checklist using their definitions of homeless T F A check on a check box form some other funder’s checklist using their definitions of homeless T F Observations by your agency’s staff based on their visit to an emergency shelter, camp, or examination of a new clients experience T F Observations by your agency’s staff based on their visit to an emergency shelter, camp, or examination of a new clients experience T F

31 31 Minnesota Contacts Email Addresses Program Representatives Please note there is a dot or period between names or initials

32 32 Minnesota Contacts (612) 370-3000 Program Representatives Debra Healyext. 2215 Sara Bergen ext. 2103 Joe Geary ext. 2157 Mary Burbankext. 2102 Program Manager Tom Koon ext. 2108

33 33 The End

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