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By Romeo Camu, Chris Greene, Andrew Marquez, and Jeff Tibbits AET/541 Dr. Rob Rupnow.

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Presentation on theme: "By Romeo Camu, Chris Greene, Andrew Marquez, and Jeff Tibbits AET/541 Dr. Rob Rupnow."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Romeo Camu, Chris Greene, Andrew Marquez, and Jeff Tibbits AET/541 Dr. Rob Rupnow

2  Learning Theories  Personalizing E-Learning  Facilitator Feedback and Communication  Building an Interactive Online Environment  Staying Current and Relevant  Online Communities  Summary

3  Learning theory for online course (ESL programs): Blended learning environment using Multimodiality learning theory.  Li’s 1998 EFL/ESLstudy “recommends that English classes include listening and speaking activities, as well as extensive reading and reading for meaning, and that grammar should be taught as a tool for language learning, rather than as an end in itself ” (Howard &Miller, p. 60).  Concerning multimodalit y Haythornthwaite & Andrews turn to the ideas of transformation and transduction.  Transformation is a key concept in a theory of meaning-making and refers to how users re-shape meaning. C  Central to a theory of learning. Learning transforms a person’s state of mind or knowledge from one stage to the next.  Transduction is the more specific term used to denote the modal shift from one set of resources to another. (Haythornthwaite & Andrews p. 50).  Multimodiality learning theory would allow the learning program flexibility to use multi-learning platforms for increase ESL skills and proficiency.

4  ESL Learners motivation will be both extrinsic and intrinsic  Both of these motivations affect the amount of time learners are willing to devote to learning (Stavredes, p. 59).  Extrinsic motivated learners are often associated with learner goals that focus on performance as a means to an end rather than on learning  Tend to be performance-oriented  When issues arise or the content is difficult, learners may have a harder time staying focused on their goal and overcoming adversities  Keep learner focused on the relevance of the content and how gaining skills and knowledge in the content area will change them personally, regardless of the career path they choose (Stavredes, p. 61).  Intrinsically motivated learners find relevance that is more personal in learning.  Need assistance focusing on:  the relevance of the content and  how gaining skills and knowledge in the content area will change them personally  These learners find relevance that is more personal in learning and relate to the achievement of  personal goals  building knowledge and skills or  for the sheer joy of learning.  Students understand that to meet personal and professional goals they will need to become more fluent and competent in the English language.  The master of the English language they have the more opportunities they will have.  The more opportunities that are available to them the diverse their life and options will become.  Developing course objectives that are:  competency based rather than behavioral based  provide relevance to the course activities in the real world  assist ESL learners develop intrinsic motivation

5  Establish communication to engage in activities and motivate learners.  Establish facilitator presence through interaction strategies  Instructor as Facilitator  Interactions to encourage Participation  Interactions to encourage knowledge construction and Critical Thinking  Monitor Progress  Communicate Feedback

6  To stay current, apply strategies for managing online teaching for ESL students  Set expectations for the course  Develop routine to streamline online teaching  To accomplish this, we need to:  Assure learners that we are available to assist anytime  Facilitator sets the tone to learner  Establish communication to engage and motivate students  Reflection  Feedback  Use of Socratic questioning techniques


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9  Act of lying, cheating, and stealing  Three types of plagiarism: Minimum – not citing the author or missing to put quotations on author’s words. Partial – substituting synonyms from author’s words to keep plagiarism tools from finding it Complete – copying the complete paper or post from another learner, previous course, or Internet  Why ESL students plagiarize? - lack of writing skills, not illegal in their country, think Internet is a public domain, & lack of time to do assignment

10  We need a new theory of learning to consider our new way of learning online.  We need to emphasize the importance of e- learning from social point of view than technological  We need to emphasize the importance of research in e-learning.  For ESL learners, apply the appropriate level of Bloom’s taxonomy and keep their English skills current and relevant to current trend. 

11  There should be a Webmaster to maintain this Website  Do regular update of any published content  Open Website to public & establish good relationship  Do research to improve e-learning for both students and teachers  Apply marketing strategies to attract ESL learners and ESL teachers

12  Facilitator’s in an ESL class create online communities by guiding, encouraging, and reinforcing behavior that meets objectives  Provide learners with structure (objectives) and platforms that allow for collaboration and participation  Facilitators influence learner behavior by providing Socratic questioning techniques and positive and ideally immediate feedback  Li et al, demonstrated in their article on student-faculty interaction that students prefer immediate e-mail feedback over virtual office hours  Other objectives :  Plan for humor in the online learning environment  Design the community so synchronous and asynchronous communication is available

13  Today we discussed  Learning theories  Personalizing the E-learning environment  Facilitator feedback and communication  Bloom’s taxonomy for ESL learners  Plagiarism/Staying current and relevant  Instructions/Strategies to ensure course’ long shelf-life  Creating online communities  Conclusion

14 Essberger, J. (2013). English Club. Retrieved from Haythornthwaite, C., & Andrews, R. (2011). E-learning theory & practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Lennon, S. (2012, March). Get Connected: Engaging in an ESL Literacy Online Community. Retrieved from http://www- Stavredes, T. (2011). Effective online teaching: Foundations and strategies for student success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Sun-Hee, A.(2003). A case study of a Korean learner. Asian EFL Journal. Retrieved from http://www. Li, L., Finley, J., Pitts, J., and Guo, R., Which is a better choice for student-faculty interaction: synchronous or asynchronous communication? Journal of Technology Research (2011). Adventures in TESOL. Retrieved from bloom%E2%80%99s-taxonomy-english-language-learners/

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