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The MPI Women’s Leadership Initiative LEADING THE WAY TO LEADING WOMEN …welcomes you !

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Presentation on theme: "The MPI Women’s Leadership Initiative LEADING THE WAY TO LEADING WOMEN …welcomes you !"— Presentation transcript:

1 The MPI Women’s Leadership Initiative LEADING THE WAY TO LEADING WOMEN …welcomes you !

2 What IS the WLI....anyway? In a Nutshell… The WLI helps women advance in an industry where they are the great majority – but the minority in leadership.

3 Okay – So How is This Done? Through... Research Advocacy Education Resources... for interested women, men, corporations or organizations.

4 Where Did the WLI Come From...???? High Level Women Asking:#1 75% Why aren’t more women in leadership in an industry with 75% or more women?and...

5 #2 How can we help change that?

6 The Women’s Leadership Initiative Women’s Leadership Initiative Was Born Was Born The Year Was 2001

7 Year One…2001-02 Established Under MPI Association 1 st Chair – Christine Duffy Woman VP Hired Funding Secured Baseline Research Done - MSU 1 st Conference Workshops Offered

8 Year Two…2002-03 Moved Under MPI Foundation Managing Director Replaces VP Grassroots Research – USA/Canada Logo Designed Web Site Launched 1 st Marketing Brochures Produced

9 Year Two…continued Chapter Implementation Launched (39) 1 st WLI Chapter Kit Developed “ WLI BookLine” Launched TMP Monthly Column Launched WEC Workshops Added First Chapter-initiated Education & Networking Offered

10 Year Two…continued Major Scholarship Fund Launched - Wyndham/United - $150,000 - “Virtual” Process Developed - Review Board Established

11 Year Three…2003-04 New Donors – Fund Over $225,000 1 st Awards - $44,000 Chapters Adopting WLI Increase (54) 1 st European Chapter Liaisons 1 ST PEC-Europe Workshops Offered 1 st European Research Study Done

12 Year Three…continued 1 st WLI Strategic Plan – Aligned MPI Major Committee Involvement Set 1 st WLI Platinum Workshop Offered 1 st Resource Workbook Developed Sponsor Commits - 2 More Years

13 Year Four…2004-05 Back Under MPI Association 1 st Women-centric Fundraiser Held 2 nd WLI Platinum Launched 1 st WLI Platinum in Europe Offered Summit Feasibility Study Completed

14 Year Four…and counting 1 st “MPI Programs Only” Scholarships 1 st Institutes Scholarships 1 st Man Awarded Scholarship $97,000 New Award Total Chapter Implementation Named #1 PRIORITY

15 Year Four…and counting Chapter Kit Expanded WLI WAY to GO! Kit User-Friendly Tips & Tools 1 st Time - Multi-use Templates Customer-of-one Support Monthly Liaison Newsletter Launched WLI Committee “Adopt a Chapter”

16 WLI WAY to GO! FOR Chapter MEMBERS: PARTNERSHIP = and PARTNERSHIP = HQ, WLI Chapter Liaison and Chapter Leaders - “Career Enhancement” Resources: - Regular WLI News via Chapter Liaison - Health & Work/Life Resources - Educational Opportunities and Scholarships

17 Moving Forward ! Leading Source Research Advocacy Education Resources... for women, men, corporations or organizations

18 WHAT That’s WHAT the WLI is…! WHYoh why Now…WHY (oh why…) does it matter to you?

19 Well…some of the reasons are… THE STATS …

20 MPI MEMBERS… Of 20,000 - 15,000 are Women (75%) Women Planners 7,630 39% MPI Women Suppliers 6,775 34% MPI Men Planners 1,401 (7%) Men Suppliers 3,532 (18%)

21 Women… Control $14 trillion of the wealth Have 84% of consumer purchasing power Spent more than men did on technology in 2003 Purchase 48% of all stock Make more than 81% of investment decisions Bring in at least 50% of all income In general, have a median wage of 79.7 cents for every dollar men earn

22 Women… Are 60% of all internet users Launch 50% more new businesses than men (twice the rate as men) Own 40% of all US businesses – 34% Canadian Increased annual sales of women- owned firms by 436% over last 12 years

23 Women… Who are of color - own 1.2 million firms – 20% of all privately-held women- owned firms in US Who are married with children are working at the rate of 75% Who are executives have children at the rate of 64%

24 Women… Are only 20% of all golfers – but buy 50% of golf product Are only 1.6% of all CEOs of 500 largest US companies Are only 5.2% of the top Fortune 500 high earners In general hold only 13.6% of board positions Who are of color comprise only 1.6% of corporate officers in Fortune 500 companies

25 Women… Use the internet for business more than men (61% vs. 55%) Spend 60% of all money spent online In general have $1.5 trillion in business spending power Are 50% of total business-travelers Increased as business travelers by 70% in last 10 years Use the internet while traveling at the rate of 93%

26 Women… Over the age of 55 comprise 53.2 % of the workforce Who are single mothers of children under 18 work at the rate of 71% Who are married with children under 18 work at the rate of 40% Corporate officers who are also of color have graduate degrees at the rate of 76.3% Corporate officers who are also white have graduate degrees at the rate of 80%

27 That’s All Folks…. YourQuestions?

28 Our Questions: 1) What did YOU not see that you want or need from the WLI? 2) How can WE help you?

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