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PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ESL/Immersion Department 6941 N Central Ave. Portland, Oregon 97203 503-916-6525.

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Presentation on theme: "PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ESL/Immersion Department 6941 N Central Ave. Portland, Oregon 97203 503-916-6525."— Presentation transcript:

1 PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ESL/Immersion Department 6941 N Central Ave. Portland, Oregon 97203 503-916-6525

2 How were schools selected? The selections were made by ODE In the past several audits, 50 PPS schools were audited This year only 24 schools are being audited 6 in Region One 12 in Region Two 6 in Region Three

3 When, How, Who? Each visit lasts between 2 to 3 hours Week of February 22 nd – 25 th An ODE auditor will visit your school along with a PPS ESL administrator and TOSA Sitton~Friday, February 25 th 8:30-11:30 a.m.

4 What does the schedule look like? Principal interview Review school’s master schedule Possible interviews with ELL Teachers, Case Manager, Support Staff, SPED, TAG, etc. ELD classroom observations Sheltered Instruction observations ELL student interview Debrief with principal

5 a sample schedule 8:30-9:00Principal and VP/Coordinator –Principal’s Office 9:00-9:30Observation-ELD- ESL Teacher Rooms A-2, C-13, G-5 9:30-10:00Teacher Interviews-Library Conf. 10:00-11:00Observations in Classrooms (Sheltered Instruction) Choose from any of the following: TeacherCourse# of ELL studentsRoom Name AMath16B-12 Name BLang Arts12C-49 Name CGeo 8D-213 Name DArt20A-228 Name EScience14C-122 11:00-11:30Student focus Group (Student Interviews)- Library Conf. Rm 11:30-12:00Debrief with Principal-Principal Office

6 What will they be looking for? Does the master schedule reflect: When Els receive English Language Development (ELD)? Do administrators and teachers of Els know the proficiently level of the students in the classrooms? Do administrators and teachers of Els know the duel identified students in their class?

7 What will they be looking for? Do teachers know who the monitored students are in their classroom? Do administrators and ESL teachers know the exit, promotion, and suspension of services process for Els? Are Home Language Surveys (HLS) given to EVERY family new to the district? Are the HLS in every CUM-File for new students?

8 What will they be looking for? Are teachers using the adopted curriculum and materials? Are students engaged (talking and using oral language) in the classroom? EA is not teaching ELD but is supporting ELD instruction. This needs to be reflected in the master schedule.

9 What more will they be looking for? The District’s Dual Obligation: How is ELD delivered? How are core content courses/classes made accessible to all Els? Instruction utilizes adopted curriculum materials.

10 Dual Obligation: Everyone’s Job  All school districts have a dual obligation in the law to serve English learners by: Developing students’ English proficiency English Language Development (ELD) Providing meaningful access to academic content instruction Sheltered Instruction ODE mandated all PPS teachers and administrators trained in sheltered instruction by 2012. ODE mandated measurement and reporting of sheltered instruction implementation.

11 Content Objectives (the what) Language Objectives (the how) Auditors will be looking to SEE if Objectives are Posted in EVERY c l a s s r o o m!

12 When will the results of the audit be known? ODE will hold an exit conference with the Superintendent’s team at the end of audit No individual schools, teachers, or administrators are named in the audit However, it only takes one school to initiate a finding

13 THANK YOU STAFF for all your hard work!

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