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The Middle East in the Modern World Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle East in the Modern World Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle East in the Modern World Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism

2 1896 the "Jewish Question” growing Anti-Semitism in Europe was pushing the establishment of a Jewish State Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism

3 1896 the "Jewish Question” growing Anti-Semitism in Europe was pushing the establishment of a Jewish State Zionist Organization "called for the establishment of a home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured under public law". Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism

4 Ottoman Empire loses control of region after WWI Mandate United Nations Mandate system Balfour Declaration Balfour Declaration 1917 - Supported creating a homeland for the Jews Allowed Jews to migrate to region during the Mandate Arab Palestinians saw British rule and Jewish settlement as Imperialism Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism

5 The Founding of Israel The Holocaust during WWII increase support for the founding of a Jewish homeland Hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees move to region 1948 - Israel officially formed Day after United Nations leave Israel is attacked by the Arabs …Israel wins.

6 Six Day War Six Day War – (1967) Arab nations attack Israel …Israel wins Israel takes land from Palestinians as a buffer zone Palestinian and Arab Resistance

7 PLO - Palestine Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat Dedicated to destruction of Israel, reclaiming the land, and creating an official Palestinian state (country) Because of past violence, Israel considers the PLO a terrorist group Palestinian Resistance

8 MUNICH OLYMPICS Because of past violence, Israel considers the PLO a terrorist group Palestinian Resistance

9 Yom Kippur War Yom Kippur War – (1973) Egypt and Syria attack Israeli controlled territories in the eve on Jewish Religious holiday Israel gained the upper hand, however… – The Soviet Union threatened to help the PLO – The US supported Israel and put its military on alert …Israel maintains control of land Palestinian and Arab Resistance

10 OPEC Reaction Furious that the United States had supported Israel, Arab members of OPEC organized an oil embargo against the United States Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)


12 UN votes on Palestinian Statehood palestinian-statehood-bid-ahead-un-vote/

13 Iran Iran and the Hostage Crisis Shah Pahlavi Shah Pahlavi – Helped to power by U.S. – Build industries – Gave oil contracts to Foreign companies – Women were educated – Recognized Israel Secret police terrorized opponents – Sharia hardliners

14 Iran Iran and the Hostage Crisis Iranian Revolution – 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini – Shah violated Islamic Law – Established Islamic Republic – Sharia Law – Secular courts – Women’s rights

15 9.11 September 11, 2001 19 Arab terrorists hijacked four airliners Two crashed into the World Trade Towers One crashed into the Pentagon The last plane crashed into a field Pennsylvania when passengers attack the terrorist – The plane was headed for the White House

16 9.11 September 11, 2001 About 3,000 died Over 300 New York City firefighters and 40 police officers who ran into the buildings to help evacuate citizens

17 Operation Iraqi Freedom Saddam Hussein defied UN weapons inspectors

18 Operation Iraqi Freedom Saddam Hussein defied UN weapons inspectors Many believed that Hussein was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and he threatened to use them if attacked.

19 Operation Iraqi Freedom Saddam Hussein defied UN weapons inspectors Many believed that Hussein was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and he threatened to use them if attacked. Oct 2002, the Democratic controlled Congress authorized Bush to use military against Iraq

20 Operation Iraqi Freedom Saddam Hussein defied UN weapons inspectors Many believed that Hussein was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and he threatened to use them if attacked. Oct 2002, the Democratic controlled Congress authorized Bush to use military against Iraq The US launched Operation Iraqi Freedom In March 2003

21 Hunting for the Terrorists Osama Bin Laden (Saudi Arabia) organized the attacks Bin Laden spent some time hiding in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban Regime and linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist group After the Taliban refused to hand Bin Laden over to the US, the US attacked Afghanistan

22 Hunting for the Terrorists Osama Bin Laden (Saudi Arabia) Bin Laden found in house about one mile from Pakistan military base. United States Navy SEALs of the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group killed Bin Laden and several others in night raid on May 2, 2011

23 Impact on American Life Life in America has changed forever Terrorist attacks are no longer seen as some distant issue, but in our own backyards Wave of anti-Muslim sentiments within the United States

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