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The BIG 5 in ESL (What English Learners Need) A Synthesis of the Syntheses of Research-Based Recommendations John Wolfe, MPS Multilingual Department

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Presentation on theme: "The BIG 5 in ESL (What English Learners Need) A Synthesis of the Syntheses of Research-Based Recommendations John Wolfe, MPS Multilingual Department"— Presentation transcript:

1 The BIG 5 in ESL (What English Learners Need) A Synthesis of the Syntheses of Research-Based Recommendations John Wolfe, MPS Multilingual Department Rita Platt, St. Croix Falls SD

2 An invitation to a conversation! Conversational Collaborative Continuing

3 Para los despapelados … sin handouts http://www.mplsesl. http://www.mplsesl.

4 The Wiki

5 Questions to be Answered What are the “Big 5”? Why are they the “Big 5”? What are some easy-to-use resources to help with implementation of the “Big 5”?

6 The Big 5 Assessment Data Achievement Focus Systematic/Common Approach Standards-Based Instruction English Language Development (ELD) A Sampler!

7 Why These 5? Synthesized the syntheses—based on our understanding of the research Focused on Ed Source Research We made some hard choices! An invitation to a conversation!

8 The Research Base Ed Source Similar ELs (Hakuta) What Works Clearinghouse (US DOE) Saunders & Dutro Hattie

9 Ed Source (Hakuta)

10 Domain (#) Predicted variation in EL–APIPredicted variation in schoolwide API* Using assessment data20.416.7 Availability of resources (with “teachers” seen as the #1 resource) 17.916.9 Coherent standards-based instruction17.317.6 Prioritizing student achievement14.716.3 High expectations for student behavior10.312.3 Involving and supporting parents10.19.9 Teacher collaboration9.411.0 School Sample (N) 237 (high EL) 257 (original sample)

11 What Works Clearinghouse

12 Dutro

13 Saunders

14 Gold


16 John Hattie Hattie’s 4 Keys (LICENse) Teacher must know 1. L earning I ntention, 2. C riteria for success, 3. E ach students’ towards the goal, 4. Where to Go N ext

17 1.Assessment Data (Teachers: Know your impact! Students: Manage your data!) 2.Achievement Focus (Success is possible! Eyes on the prize!) 3.Systematic/Common Approach (Do what works! Do it together!) 4.Standards-Based Instruction (Do what is important! You can’t do everything!) 5.English Language Development Separately (We have to teach English!) Tell us what you want!

18 Assessment Data DIBELS/IDEL/Easy CBM (Reading) WIDA Progress Monitoring Tools (Speaking & Listening: Can Do Descriptors) Goal Setting (Class/Student Level) Teachers: Know your IMPACT! Students: Manage your own learning! (Hattie—Visible Learning For Teachers)

19 Assessment Data Reading CBM It is a “dipstick” It is QUICK & EASY It is free (DIBELS/IDEL/Easy CBM Reading correlates with language development It’s nationally normed It can help us learn to look at data productively It focuses attention on growth It is INCREDIBLY motivating ! Why CBM?

20 WIDA Tools Can be used as an ELD progress-monitoring tool Statewide annual assessment of speaking and listening It helps students “see” their learning WIKI: WIDA Tools Galore! Can Do!

21 Goal Setting Success doesn’t just happen….you MAKE it happen! Students: Manage your own learning! Teachers: Know your IMPACT! Goals for school, class, student!

22 Achievement Focus SMART Goals Student/Classroom/School (Start SMALL!) Data Wall Begin to Establish Expectations & Norms: Have the conversation—What is acceptable achievement for our school? Success is Possible! Eyes on the Prize! (Ed Source/Hakuta)

23 SMART Goals Motivational All Small Success Breeds Success!


25 Data Walls To be effective goals must be front & center!

26 What do we expect? What is “good enough”? What is “normal”? How do we move forward? What do we need? Establish norms & expectations

27 Systematic/Common Approach Marzano Academic Vocabulary/Tennessee Vocabulary Lists Kinsella Structured Interaction Do What Works! Do it TOGETHER! (What Works Clearinghouse & Reeves 90% Implementation)

28 Marzano: Systematic Academic Vocabulary Instruction

29 Kinsella: Structured Interaction 90 Minutes Per Week

30 MPS SD’s own Available on Amazon

31 Standards-Based Instruction Embrace the Common Core Embrace the MN Content Standards Only Do What’s MOST Important! You Can’t Do it All! (Ed Source/Hakuta & Dutro)

32 Common Core Standards

33 Minnesota State Standards

34 English Language Development 30 minutes a day, Through Level 5 Grammar Matrix (Focus on Form) + Speaking & Listening Corrective Feedback Strategies Can Do Descriptors & Kid Friendly Can dos We have to teach English! High school foreign language classes got something right! (Saunders, Dutro, & Ed Source)

35 Dutro

36 Student-Friendly Can Do Descriptors

37 Corrective Feedback


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