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Conflict in the Middle East

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1 Conflict in the Middle East
Chapter 18, Section 4 Conflict in the Middle East

2 Palestinians, Jews, and Arabs
ALL THREE GROUPS LAY CLAIM TO A PREVIOUS RESIDENCE IN THE REGION OF THE MIDDLE EAST: Jews- claim to Israel goes back 3,000 years Palestinians- claim the land is theirs since A.D. 135 when the Jews were driven out by the Romans Arabs- claim the land is theirs because they conquered it in the 7th century A.D. (600s)

3 British Mandate & the Balfour Declaration
British Mandate- the League of Nations gave territory in the Middle East to Britain after WWI Balfour Declaration British foreign secretary wrote letter to Zionists (Jews) Promoted the creation of a Jewish homeland. Jewish nation not created at time -Palestinians & Jewish hostilities increased

4 May 14, 1948- Israel Becomes a Nation
In reaction to the Holocaust, the United States & many European nations the country of Israel being created in the Middle East After WWII- UN vote for a Palestinian nation & an Israeli nation- Partition (dividing) of Palestine All Islamic countries voted against it & Palestinians rejected it

5 Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism
In the 1990s, Ayatollah Khomeini, the religious leader of Iran, spoke out against the U.S. and other Western nations He said the U.S. was greedy, evil and an imperialist nation who sought control of the Middle Eastern nations because of their oil He thought that the only true, righteous nations were those that practiced Islam and the U.S. and European nations were enemies of Islam He acquires followers from many Arab speaking countries including Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan


7 The Countries that Hate the United States the Most –March 2013
#1 Pakistan** #2 Palestine** #3 Algeria (Africa)* #4 Lebanon** #5 Egypt** #6 Iran** #7 Iraq** #8 Yemen* #9 tie: Greece & Serbia* (Eastern Europe)

8 Major Cause of Hatred: ISRAEL
MAJOR PROBLEM ISRAEL FACES IN THE MIDDLE EAST- Israel has small population and differs from nations surrounding them in religious & political beliefs Most nations do not recognize Israel as a nation because it is not Muslim- run country and was formed by Western countries (Europe & U.S.)

9 First Arab-Israeli War
May 15, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, & Saudi Arabia invaded Israel Israel wins first Arab-Israeli war within months with support from US

10 Suez Crisis Suez Crisis began when Egyptian president Nasser seized control of Suez Canal Israeli army, with air support from Britain & France defeated Egypt quickly US & USSR forced Israel & allies to leave Egypt left in charge of canal

11 Six-Day War Six-Day War Egypt & Arab allies supported by Soviet tanks & planes wanted war with Israel- because Israel existed Egypt moved too close to Israel in Gulf of Aqaba Israel attacked by air and ground & won in only 6 days Israel controlled- Jerusalem, Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights & the West Bank Main Cause of Six-Day War? Creation of Israel in 1948 creates ongoing tension between Israel and Arab states


13 Yom Kippur War 1973 War- Yom Kippur-holiest of Jewish Holidays
Egyptian pres. Anwar Sadat & Arab allies plan attack Israel surprised, received heavy casualties, lost some territory from 1967 Israel prime minister Golda Meir counterattacked & regained some of the territory

14 Palestinian Struggle for Independence
Palestinians struggled for recognition UN had set up Palestinian lands but Israel seized much of it in various wars (West Bank & Gaza Strip) Israel insisted it was vital to national security

15 The Rise of the PLO PLO- Palestinian Liberation Organization
Yasir Arafat chairman of PLO In the 70s & 80s PLO military terrorized Israel Israel answered back by bombing Palestinian towns Intifada- Arab for “uprising” Protests, boycotts, and attacks on Israeli soldiers

16 Camp David Accords It was: 1977 peace agreement between Israel & Egypt
Attendees: US President Jimmy Carter assisted Menachem Begin- Israeli Prime Minister Anwar Sadat- Egyptian President

17 Conditions of the Camp David Accords:
Israel will leave Sinai Peninsula Egypt 1st Islamic nation to recognize Israel as a nation Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat shocked the world by offering peace to Israel (if they meet certain conditions) Other Arab nations angered and shocked because Sadat made peace with Israel Sadat assassinated 1981

18 Hosni Mubarak Egyptian president after Sadat was assassinated in 1981
Kept peace with Israel

19 Oslo Peace Accords a.k.a. Declaration of Principles
Secret peace talks between Israel & Palestine in Oslo, Norway Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin & PLO leader Yasir Arafat sign peace agreement in Washington, DC (US President- Bill Clinton)

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